Source: NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB

NeuroVive: Interim Report 1 Jan. 2014 to 30 Jun. 2014

NeuroVive’s research wins award at international research symposium
Second Quarter (1 Apr. 2014 – 30 Jun. 2014)

  · Net revenues were SEK 0 (5,335,000) and other operating income was SEK
1,128,000 (704,000).
  · Loss before tax was SEK -13,690,000 (-1,467,000).
  · Earnings per share* were SEK -0.69 (-0.15).
  · Diluted earnings per share** were SEK -0.69 (-0.15).

Six months (1 Jan. 2014 – 30 Jun. 2014)

  · Net revenues were SEK 0 (5,335,000) and other operating income was SEK
1,171,000 (863,000).
  · Loss before tax was SEK -23,567,000 (-6,206,000).
  · Earnings per share* were SEK -0.93 (-0.39).
  · Diluted earnings per share** were SEK-0.93 (-0.39).

* Profit/loss for the period divided by the average number of shares before
dilution at the end of the period.
**Profit/loss for the period divided by the average number of shares after
dilution at the end of the period.

Business highlights in the second quarter of 2014

  · NeuroVive signs new agreement with Hospices Civils de Lyon. NeuroVive is
extending its collaboration with Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) and Professor
Ovize, which broadens the scope of NeuroVive’s cardiovascular business area and
creates the right conditions for the company to retain its leading position in
mitochondrial medicine. The new collaboration agreement, designated OPeRA (Organ
Protection & Replacement Institute), includes pre-clinical research and
development programs as well as clinical phase II programs, providing NeuroVive
with access to medical technology and patient groups for the evaluation of its
drug candidates.

  · NeuroVive’s research into energy regulation wins award at the international
research symposium Mitochondrial Medicine 2014 held in Pittsburgh, USA, on 4-7
June. NeuroVive presented research containing underlying scientific data on its
energy regulators (NVP015). The paper was selected for oral presentation and won
second prize.

Read the interim report attached below

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is obligated to publish the information
contained in this press release in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market
Act. This information was provided to the media for publication at 8:30 CEST on
August 20, 2014.
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is a leading mitochondrial medicine company.
The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap, under the ticker
symbol NVP. The share is also traded on the OTC market in the US, under the
ticker symbol NEVPFUS