SinterCast Results April-June 2014

                   Series production remains at record levels

Second Quarter 2014
  * Revenue for Period: SEK 10.9 million (SEK 11.8 million)
  * Operating Result: SEK 0.7 million (SEK 1.4 million)
  * Earnings per Share: SEK 0.3 per share (SEK 0.2 per share)
  * Cashflow from Operations: SEK 3.0 million (SEK 5.3 million)
  * Series production consolidated at record level of 1.70 million Engine
  * Ford petrol engine ready for ramp-up in advance of showroom sales before
  * Increased development in passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle and
    industrial power sectors

2014 Year-to-Date
  * Revenue: SEK 25.5 million (SEK 23.5 million)
  * Operating Result: SEK 3.6 million (SEK 2.9 million)
  * Earnings per Share: SEK 0.7 per share (SEK 0.5 per share)
  * Cashflow from Operations: SEK 0.9 million (SEK 5.5 million)
  * Installed Base: 23 fully automated systems and 16 mini-systems in Europe,
    Asia and the Americas

Series Production*

See PDF for graph

Series production remained at the record level of 1.70 million Engine
Equivalents for the second consecutive quarter. The outlook for series
production remains positive as commercial vehicle and pick-up opportunities
continue to grow and as the overall market awareness of CGI continues to

* Annualised average production of Engine Equivalents during the quarter (1
Engine Equivalent = 50 kg)

CEO Comments

Series production strong and stable
Annualised  series  production  was  1.70 million  Engine Equivalents during the
quarter,  consolidating the record production  achieved during the first quarter
of 2014.  Production in June totalled 1.80 million Engine Equivalents, equalling
the record production of 1.80 million Engine Equivalents set in October 2013.

Series  production benefitted from continued strong  production of the Ford 6.7
litre  V8 engine used in Super Duty  pick-up applications and from the VM Motori
3.0 litre   V6   engine  used  in  Ram,  Jeep,  Chrysler,  Lancia  and  Maserati
applications.   Production  also  benefitted  from  commercial  vehicle engines,
following  the introduction of Euro 6 emissions legislation on 1 January 2014.
The strong production volume helped buoy the result and to balance the fact that
no  new  installation  commitments  were  secured  during  the  second quarter.
Installation  discussions  are  ongoing  and  new  installation  commitments are
targeted during the second half of the year.

The outlook for series production remains positive, including the ramp-up of the
Ford  2.7 litre V6 petrol engine in advance of the announced start of model year
2015 F150  pick-up sales  before year-end.   Ford has  announced that the weight
saving  in the new F150 will be more  than 318 kg and SinterCast is pleased that
the   weight  reduction  provided  by  the  downsized  CGI  cylinder  block  has
contributed   to  this  achievement.   Ford  has  also  recently  announced  the
application  of the SinterCast-CGI  petrol engine to  the Edge crossover vehicle
and other vehicle applications are expected.

Increased market development
The  market development of CGI increased noticeably during the first half of the
year  and  several  programmes  in  the  development pipeline have made positive
strides  toward series production.   As a result  of the increased confidence in
some  of these programmes, an additional  SEK 4.8 million of the carried forward
tax  losses have been activated, resulting in  an increase of SEK 1.0 million in
the  deferred tax asset.  The  increasing awareness in CGI  is also evident from
the  number  of  new  contacts  received  from  OEMs  in  the passenger vehicle,
commercial vehicle and industrial power sectors, to discuss new CGI applications
for  both diesel and petrol  engines.  While many of  these enquiries are at the
early  stages, the increased interest  provides medium-term and long-term growth
opportunities, and underlines the strength of the core CGI market.

SinterCast  continues  to  provide  technical  support  for  product development
programmes  for  passenger  vehicle,  commercial  vehicle  and  industrial power
applications  in  Europe,  Asia  and  the  Americas.   It  is estimated that the
programmes  currently  in  series  production  have  the  potential  to  provide
approximately 2.5 million Engine Equivalents at mature volumes. A similar number
of  Engine Equivalents may  be realised from  the current development pipeline.
However, the Board of Directors has decided to refrain from quantitative forward
looking statements regarding the total near-term addressable market.

Ductile Iron technology
The  recent development of  the ductile iron  technology has benefitted from the
recent  recruitment of  two new  engineers and  trials resumed during the second
quarter  to validate  the initial  correlations.  Metallurgical  development and
application programming are underway, with the intention to conduct field trials
during  the second half of the year.   The SinterCast ductile iron technology is
expected  to  provide  additional  benefit  to  customers  by reducing magnesium
consumption,  improving mould yield and reducing casting defects in the foundry,
and by improving machinability.

Financial Summary

The revenue for the SinterCast Group relates primarily to income from equipment,
series production and engineering service.

 Revenue Breakdown                  April-June                     January-June

 (Amounts in SEK million if not    2014   2013   2014                      2013
 otherwise stated)
 Number of Sampling Cups shipped 29,000 33,200 66,100                    62,100

 Equipment (1)                      0.1    0.4    2.6                       2.7

 Series Production (2)             10.4   10.7   22.0                      19.7

 Engineering Service( 3)            0.3    0.6    0.8                       0.9

 Other                              0.1    0.1    0.1                       0.2
 Total                             10.9   11.8   25.5                      23.5

 Notes: 1. Includes revenue from system sales and leases and sales of
           spare parts

        2. Includes revenue from production fees, consumables and
           software licence fees

        3. Includes revenue from technical support, on-site trials and
           sales of test pieces

The April-June 2014 revenue amounted to SEK 10.9 million (SEK 11.8 million). The
Production  Fee revenue increased  due to the  higher series production level of
approximately   1.70 million   (1.65  million)  annualised  Engine  Equivalents.
However,  the total  revenue from  series production  decreased slightly  to SEK
10.4 million  (SEK 10.7 million), due  to the lower  shipment of 29,000 (33,200)
Sampling  Cups.  Engineering  Service  amounted  to  SEK  0.3 million  (SEK 0.6

The  January-June 2014 revenue amounted to  SEK 25.5 million (SEK 23.5 million).
The  revenue from  Series Production  increased to  SEK 22.0 million  (SEK 19.7
million) due to a 12% increase in series production revenue and a 6% increase in
Sampling  Cup shipments. Equipment revenue amounted to SEK 2.6 million (SEK 2.7
million),  following  the  shipment  of  a  complete  System 3000 Plus to one of
China's largest automotive component conglomerates. Engineering Service amounted
to  SEK  0.8 million  (SEK  0.9 million)  following  support provided to various
customers  globally and  the sale  of test  pieces. The  revenue from the leased
installations is accrued over the lease period.

The  business  activities  of  SinterCast  are  best  reflected by the Operating
Result.  This is because the "Result for the period after tax" and the "Earnings
per  Share"  are  influenced  by  the  financial  income  and  costs  and by the
revaluation of tax assets.

 Results Summary                                  April-June January- June

 (Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated) 2014  2013 2014     2013
 Operating Result                                  0.7   1.4  3.6      2.9

 Result for the period after tax                   1.9   1.2  5.1      3.6

 Earnings per Share (SEK)                          0.3   0.2  0.7      0.5

                                                                  The  April-
June  2014 Operating  Result  of  SEK  0.7 million  (SEK 1.4 million)
decreased  by SEK 0.7 million,  as a result  of lower gross  results of SEK 0.5
million  derived from  lower revenue,  higher operational  expenses of  SEK 0.1
million and lower other operating income and costs of SEK 0.1 million.
The  Result  for  the  period  after  tax  amounted to SEK 1.9 million (SEK 1.2
million),  primarily related to the decrease in the Operating Result of SEK 0.7
million,  the increased financial  net of SEK  0.3 million and the increased tax
income of SEK 1.1 million, primarily due to the deferred tax adjustment.

The  January-June 2014 Operating  Result of  SEK 3.6 million  (SEK 2.9 million),
increased  as  a  result  of  higher  gross results of SEK 1.0 million primarily
derived  from higher revenue,  combined with higher  operational expenses of SEK
0.4 million and increased operating income (exchange gains) of SEK 0.1 million.

The  Result  for  the  period  after  tax  amounted to SEK 5.1 million (SEK 3.6
million),  primarily  related  to  the  increased  operating  result of SEK 0.7
million,  a SEK  0.5 million increase  in the  financial net (primarily exchange
gains),  and increased tax income amounting to SEK 0.3 million, primarily due to
the deferred tax adjustment.

Deferred Tax Asset
Tax  amounted to SEK 0.9 million (SEK 0.6 million) during the January-June 2014
period.   The difference is primarily explained  by the increase of the deferred
tax asset during the quarter by SEK 1.0 million (SEK 0.8 million). The estimated
future  taxable profit  and deferred  tax asset  calculation is reassessed every
quarter.   As   of   30 June  2014, SEK  133.3 million  (SEK  128.5 million)  of
SinterCast's total carried-forward tax losses have been used as the basis of the
updated  calculation,  resulting  in  SEK  29.3 million (SEK 28.3 million) being
capitalised as a deferred tax asset.

Cashflow, Liquidity and Investments

 Cashflow Summary                                      April-June January- June

 (Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)      2014  2013 2014     2013
 Cashflow  from operations,  before change  in working  0.8   1.6  4.0      3.5

 Change in working capital                              2.2   3.7 -3.1      2.0
 Cashflow  from  operations,  after  change in working  3.0   5.3  0.9      5.5

 Cashflow from investing activities                    -0.2  -0.3 -0.3     -0.3
 Cashflow from financing activities                    -8.5  -7.0 -8.5     -7.0
 Cashflow total                                        -5.7  -2.0 -7.9     -1.8

 Liquidity                                             39.9  33.6 39.9     33.6

 The April-June 2014 cashflow from operations, before changes in working
was SEK 0.8 million (SEK 1.6 million). The decreased cashflow of SEK 0.8 million
is  primarily  explained  by  the  lower  operating  result.  The  cashflow from
operations  after  changes  in  working  capital  amounted  to SEK 3.0 (SEK 5.3
million),  primarily related  to, compared  to the  same period last year, lower
cashflow  from operations before changes in  working capital (SEK -0.8 million),
increased  cashflow from receivables (SEK  0.3 million), decreased cashflow from
stock  (SEK -0.6 million) and decreased cashflow from operating liabilities (SEK
-1.2  million).  Following  the  dividend  payment  of SEK 8.5 million (SEK 7.0
million),  and after investments of SEK 0.2 million (SEK 0.3 million), the total
cashflow result amounted to SEK -5.7 million (SEK -2.0 million).

The January-June 2014 cashflow from operations before changes in working capital
was  SEK  4.0 million  (SEK  3.5 million).  The  increased cashflow is primarily
explained  by  higher  operating  results  of  SEK  0.7 million.  Cashflow  from
operations  after  changes  in  working  capital  was  SEK 0.9 million (SEK 5.5
million), primarily related to, compared to the same period last year, increased
cashflow  from operations before changes in  working capital of SEK 0.5 million,
decreased  cashflow from receivables (SEK -0.7 million), decreased cashflow from
stock  (SEK -1.0 million) and decreased cashflow from operating liabilities (SEK
-3.4  million). Following the dividend of SEK 8.5 million (SEK 7.0 million), the
total  cashflow result for the  period was SEK -7.9  million (SEK -1.8 million),
resulting  in SEK 39.9 million (SEK 33.6 million) in liquidity on 30 June 2014.
Investments amounted to SEK 0.3 million (SEK 0.3 million) during the period.

Risks and Uncertainty Factors
The main uncertainty factor for SinterCast continues to be the timing of the CGI
market  ramp-up. This primarily depends on OEM decisions for new CGI engines and
other  components, the global economy for  new vehicle sales, and the individual
sales success of vehicles equipped with SinterCast-CGI components.

The  global economy has  developed differently in  Europe, Asia and the Americas
over  the  last  few  years.  The  Asian  and  European economies continue to be
uncertain  and this may impact passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle sales in
these  regions.  However  consumer  confidence  has  recently increased in North
America and SinterCast has benefitted from increased vehicle sales. SinterCast's
geographical diversification helps to mitigate changing macroeconomic conditions
in the different regions.

SinterCast  enjoys global  brand recognition  and respect  as the CGI technology
leader  and is welcomed by  the industry as a  reliable and trustworthy partner.
However,  virtually every company  encounters competition, and  SinterCast is no
exception.   SinterCast  judges  that  its  technology  and engineering know-how
provides  the most reliable and cost-effective solution for series production of
high quality CGI.

New powertrain technologies, such as vehicle electrification (hybrid and plug-in
vehicles)  and  fuel  cells  attract  significant  media attention; however, the
development and implementation of these technologies remain a long-term prospect
and  SinterCast does not expect these  technologies to have a significant effect
on the Company's competitive position for the foreseeable future.

For  full risk and uncertainty factor information, please see note 26 on p.46 in
SinterCast's Annual Report 2013

With  successful high volume CGI production in foundries located in Europe, Asia
and  the  Americas,  SinterCast  has  established  a  global  organisation  with
employees  and offices in  Sweden, the United  Kingdom, the United States, China
and  Korea. As of 30 June 2014, the  Group had 18 (18) employees.  Three (three)
of  the employees are female. A new  Senior Research Engineer joined the Company
during  the  period.  The  Company  is  well positioned to support global market
activities and to drive SinterCast's future growth.

Parent Company
SinterCast  AB (publ) is  the Parent Company  of the SinterCast  Group, with its
registered  office located in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Parent Company has 13 (12)
employees.  The majority  of the  operations are  managed by  the Parent Company
while  local operations in the UK, USA, Korea and China are managed by the local
companies.   The information given  for the Group  in this report corresponds in
all material respects to the Parent Company.
Accounting Principles
The  information provided on behalf of the Group in this interim report has been
prepared  in accordance  with Sweden's  Annual Accounts  Act and  IAS 34 Interim
Financial  Reporting. The reporting for the  Parent Company has been prepared in
accordance  with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2. The accounting policies
that  have been applied  for the Group  and the Parent  Company are in agreement
with  the accounting policies used in preparation of the Company's latest annual

No  material transactions have  taken place between  SinterCast and the Board or
the Management during the period.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
There  have been no significant  events since the balance  sheet date of 30 June
2014 that could materially change these financial statements.

The Interim Report July-September 2014 will be published on 5 November 2014
The Interim Report October-December 2014 and Full Year Results 2014 will be
published on 11 February 2015
The Interim Report January-March 2015 will be published on 29 April 2015
The Interim Report April-June 2015 will be published on 29 July 2015

Beginning with the July-September 2014 report, all Interim Reports will be
published at 08:00 CET

This report has not been reviewed by the Company's Auditors.

The Board of Directors and the CEO certify that the half-yearly financial report
provides a true and fair overview of the operations, outlook, financial position
and results of the Company and the Group, and describes the material risks and
uncertainties that the Company and the companies in the Group face.

Stockholm 20 August 2014

 Hans-Erik Andersson          Aage Figenschou               Robert Dover
 Chairman of the Board        Vice Chairman of the          Member of the Board

 Laurence Vine-Chatterton     Carina Andersson              Jason Singer
 Member of the Board          Member of the Board           Member of the Board

 Steve Dawson
 President & CEO
 Member of the Board

 For further information please contact:

 Dr. Steve Dawson

 President & CEO

 SinterCast AB (publ)

 Office:  +46 8 660 7750

 Mobile:  +44 771 002 6342



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  size, weight, noise  and emissions. The  SinterCast technology, with 39
installations  in 12 countries, is  primarily used for  the production of petrol
and diesel engine cylinder blocks and exhaust components for passenger vehicles,
medium-duty  and heavy-duty cylinder  blocks and heads  for commercial vehicles,
and industrial power engine components for marine, rail, off-road and stationary
engine  applications. SinterCast's series production  components range from 2 kg
to  9 tonnes,  all  using  the  same  proven  process  control  technology.  The
SinterCast  share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the Stockholm NASDAQ OMX
stock    exchange    (Stockholmsbörsen:    SINT).    For    more    information:




Press Release PDF.pdf