Source: Arctic Paper AB

Contents of the draft resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting dated September 16, 2014.

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. („Company”) submits the contents of
the draft resolutions, which will be subject to discussion of the Extraordinary
Shareholders Meeting dated September 16, 2014.
For additional information, please contact:

Wolfgang Lübbert, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper, tel.
+49 405 148 5310

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Minister of Finance directive of
February 19, 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of
securities, and on conditions of equivalence of information required to be
provided under non-Member State law, §38, clause 1, item 3, and was submitted
for publication on 20 August 2014 at 1:30 pm CET, in reference to Arctic Paper’s
current report no. 17/2014 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange