4 Successful Practices of Local Businesses on Social Media from Phoenix Reputation Management

Phoenix reputation management firm Reputation Maxx reveals some of the top practices of wildly successful local businesses on Facebook.

PHOENIX, Ariz., Aug. 21, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Having a Facebook fan page is not an option in today's digital marketplace – it is an absolute necessity. On average, more than half of the people who use Facebook this leading social media site multiple times a day. Businesses regularly convert on leads, customers and product users that they come in contact with through their fan pages. The internet reputation experts at Reputation Maxx know that many businesses struggle with running a successful Facebook page, and are revealing these four secrets that successful fan pages already know:

1. Thank those who are the business' best customers.

When a customer or client takes the time out of their day to write a great review of a business on Facebook, they should be rewarded and recognized for their kind words. At the very least, the reputation experts at Reputation Maxx suggest thanking them for their review with a comment on the same thread. For a comment that goes above-and-beyond, or that tells a great story, businesses should think about reposting the whole review for all of their followers to see. Not only does this make the person who posted the comments feel special (and they are likely to share the post with their friends and family), but it also shows other followers that the business takes the time out of their day to read what people have to say about them.

2. Share exclusive offers.

One of the best ways to increase engagement on social media profiles is to reveal a "secret" code that is only available for followers of that particular social media outlet to use. For example, Barney's Pet Food Store can share the discount code "CHOWHOUND" with its Facebook followers, which they can use for 20% off of their total purchase. They could then go onto their other social media profiles and tease the fact that their Facebook fans received an exclusive discount code. This will encourage others to go to their fan page and follow it, share the marketing and branding experts at Reputation Maxx.

3. Visuals, visuals and more visuals.

The past several updates that Facebook has made to its algorithms for what shows up in a person's news feed have all been extremely receptive to visual posts. Whether it is photos or videos, more people see these posts even without promoting the post through Facebook advertising. Plus, it makes the page more visually appealing when users scroll through what the page has done in the past.

4. Enlist the help of a professional.

Building, maintaining and regularly engaging a large social media following can be exhausting. It takes hours of thought, time and preparation in order to properly and effectively reach out to followers and other potential customers in a target market. For those businesses who simply do not have the time or the knowledge to do so, turning to a professional social media manager may be the answer, such as internet reputation management firm Reputation Maxx. These social media experts stay up-to-date on the latest developments, understand the types of posts that reach the greatest amount of people, and can help businesses to grow and flourish online.

Reputation Maxx is a part of a fine family of companies including JW Maxx Solutions in Phoenix, and Enterate Ahora and Prensa Ahora in Mexico. For more information about these and the many other services that Reputation Maxx provides, visit https://reputationmaxx.com/.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/PhoenixReputation/ReputationMaxx/prweb12110903.htm


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