SYSTRAN :SYSTRAN partners with TAUS to offer post-editing course and Dynamic Quality Framework

PARIS and AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands, Aug. 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SYSTRAN has partnered with TAUS in promoting the online post-editing course and the use of the Dynamic Quality Framework among its customers and users worldwide.

Since December, 2013, SYSTRAN has been running a Progressive Testing Program designed for LSPs who wish to test drive the Hybrid MT technology at their own pace. In June 2014, TAUS has launched an online post-editing course aimed at translators and linguists who want to learn the best practices and skills and become more efficient and proficient in the activity of post-editing machine translation output. The purpose of this partnership is to combine the two initiatives in a fully-featured training and testing proposal to the translation industry.

"At SYSTRAN we see a big demand for educational support and shared best practices among our users and customers", says Denis Martin, Business Development Manager at SYSTRAN. "Many translators, agencies and companies miss out on the great opportunities that machine translation can bring them due to a lack of MT-specific knowledge and skills. Getting reliable productivity figures can also prove a tremendous challenge. The TAUS post-editing course is a great start for anyone who is new to MT, and the TAUS resources and tools, in particular the Dynamic Quality Framework, provide efficient ways to quantify precisely the gains generated by SYSTRAN's Hybrid technology. So why reinvent the wheel?"

"There is a massive adoption of MT post-editing as a new service in the global translation industry", says Jaap van der Meer, director of TAUS. "What is missing is a common reference to skills and best practices to do this work well. Members asked TAUS to provide a course that would integrate with the DQF tools and the post-editing best practices developed by TAUS members in the previous years. We are very happy to work with TAUS members like SYSTRAN to distribute these tools and resources faster and get many more users up to speed with machine translation."

The post-editing course consists of a generic module covering the general skills and practices and a language-specific module addressing the particular errors by different target languages. The course contains 6 modules and can be completed in a week (approx. 1 hour per module, the evaluation and the post-editing assignments excluded). Upon successful completion of the course students obtain the TAUS Post-Editing Certificate and a stamp to add to their email signature and/or web site.

The TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework (DQF) was developed by TAUS and its members over the last four years as a common framework for evaluating translation quality. DQF consists of a knowledge base, a content profiler, best practices and online tools for quality evaluation. Users can measure post-editing productivity, run error typology, adequacy and fluency and MT ranking or comparison evaluations. DQF will generate nice graphical reports and helps users to track quality. Many companies already use the DQF resources.


SYSTRAN is the market historic provider of language translation software products and solutions for the desktop, enterprise and Internet.

Use of SYSTRAN products and solutions enhance multilingual communication and increase user productivity. SYSTRAN delivers real-time language solutions for search, content management, online customer support, intra or intercompany collaboration and eCommerce.

With the ability to facilitate communication in 60+ language combinations and in 20 vertical domains, SYSTRAN's software is the choice of leading global corporations, portals and public agencies.

SYSTRAN has been pioneering advances in machine translation for more than four decades. Its latest achievement, SYSTRAN Hybrid MT, combines the predictability and language consistency of rule- based machine translation with the fluency of statistical MT.

SYSTRAN is headquartered in Paris, France, with a North American office located in San Diego, California, USA.

SYSTRAN (Code ISIN FR0004109197, Bloomberg: SYST NM, Reuters: SYTN.LN) is listed on EuroNext Paris, Compartiment C.

For more information, visit

About TAUS

TAUS is a resource center for the global language and translation industries. Our mission is to increase the size and significance of the translation industry to help the world communicate better.

We envision translation as a standard feature, a utility, similar to the internet, electricity and water. Translation available in all languages to all people in the world will push the evolution of human civilization to a much higher level of understanding, education and discovery.

We support buyers and providers of language services and technologies with a comprehensive suite of online services, software and knowledge that help them to grow and innovate their business.

For more information about TAUS, please visit:


Arnaud Dufournet, Marketing Director
Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 82 49 00   Fax: +33 (0)1 44 82 49 01  

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SYSTRAN partners with TAUS
