Source: Ambu A/S

Ambu A/S ā€“ Capital Increase in connection with exercise of warrants issued

In April 2011, Ambu A/S issued 110,000 warrants each carrying a right to subscribe for one B share of nominally DKK 10. These warrants were issued to 49 employees with a vesting period of 3 years and may therefore be exercised in the trading window which was opened 20 August 2014 in connection with Ambu's interim financial report for the 3rd quarter 2013/14.

As a result, 4 employees have given instructions as to the exercise of 11,500 warrants to the agreed exercise price 160.5 in the current trading window and today, the Board of Directors of Ambu passed a resolution to carry out the capital increase relating to the warrants exercised.

By the capital increase, the share capital of Ambu will be increased by nominally DKK 115,000 from DKK 119,320,800 to DKK 119,435,800 by the issuing of 11,500 B shares. The share capital is now divided into 10,227,580 B shares of DKK 10 each and 1,716,000 A shares of DKK 10 each.

Following this exercise of warrants and in consideration of the employees having left the company, 51,000 remaining warrants relating to the 2011 program are now distributed between 17 individuals.

The new B shares are expected to be admitted to trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S on 1 September 2014 under the ISIN code of Ambu A/Sā€™ existing B shares (DK0010303619).

