Source: Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance

Rackspace Features Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance on Rackstories

Rackspace, the global leader in IT hosting, features Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance in its Rackstories newsletter.

DUBAI, UAE, Aug. 28, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Where does the world of Islamic finance meet the world of cloud hosting? Rackspace and Ethica for starters.

While Islamic finance has traditionally relied on face-to-face workshops for much of its training, a small Dubai-based company has made global strides into 64 countries on the strength of its online training and platform. Ethica has been hosted by Rackspace since its inception. In return, Rackspace has chosen Ethica from among its over 170,000 customers for its Rackstories profile of how Islamic finance is being served by Ethica using Rackspace.

Ethica's training portal offers training videos, certification, career counseling, recruiting assistance, live webinars, and an extensive online library of scholar-approved Islamic financial industry answers. The courses are supported by an online 360° assessment dashboard, which provides training managers a window into student progress as they apply their skills.

The challenge when choosing a hosting company to partner with was to find one that combined architecture design expertise, infrastructure maintenance, and year-round 24/7 support. Ethica decided on Rackspace, opting for a dedicated server environment and a firewall.

"Before we had our first corporate customer, we chose Rackspace. Ethica wanted a robust, scalable solution future-proofed to handle thousands of customers at the same time from all over the world. Several years into it, we are delighted with Rackspace's performance," said Ethica's spokesperson.

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