Unaudited Performance Results of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB Company and Group for the First Half of 2014

Referring to the unaudited data, during six months of 2014 the Group of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB (PST) was on the income of 139.07 mln. Litas (40.3 mln. EUR), that is by 5.8 per cents less than last year. The before-tax profit of the Group amounted to 5.95 mln. Litas (1.7 mln. EUR) for the first quarter of 2014.  

The Company was on the income of 100 mln. Litas (28.96 mln. EUR) and had the before-tax profit in the amount of 5.54 mln. Litas (1.6 mln. EUR).


For more information contact:

Dalė Bernotaitienė

Finance Director

Panevėžio statybos trestas AB

Phone: (+370 45) 505 507


2014 I pusm. PST ataskaita En.pdf