Source: Egetæpper a/s

Ordinary general meeting, held 29.08.2014

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S




Herning, 29 August 2014


Ordinary general meeting


We can inform that egetæpper’s annual report as per 29 April 2014 was adopted at the company’s ordinary general meeting today, as well as payment of a dividend of DKK 7.00 per share was accepted.

At the same time the Board’s remuneration for 2014/15 was approved. As previously each Board member receives 100,000 DKK annually. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman receive a supplement respectively of 1.5 and 0.5 times the annual fee. Members of the Board committee also receive a fee of 50,000 DKK.

The board members were re-elected, and EY (formerly KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab) was re-elected as company auditors.

The board of directors was empowered to acquire further own shares up to nominal DKK 5,000,000.00 at current market price +/- 10%. Authority was given for the period until next year’s ordinary general meeting.


Yours faithfully,

egetæpper a/s


Ebbe Malte Iversen



