N2EX – Notification failure in respect of trades delivering on 27 August 2014



Dear Member,


As you are aware, a notification incident occurred on Wednesday 27th August whereby a notification file was submitted to ECVAA in error which resulted in some N2EX members receiving an imbalance position.


As soon as N2EX became aware of this, an overwrite contract was submitted to ECVAA to correct the positions for all affected periods. However, the ½ hour settlement periods 18 and 19 for August 27th had already gone into deliver corresponding to SAPRI trading hours 10 and 11.


The cause of this incident stemmed from a failure in testing of the ECVNA gateway in preparation for the transfer of clearing processes from NASDAQ OMX to Nord Pool Spot.  An incident report is being drafted which will be available to members. Imbalance statements are currently being prepared for acceptance by all affected members by close of business today after which the standard Claim / Reclaim processes will be followed.


N2EX apologises for any inconvenience caused by this incident. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact us.



N2EX Trading operations

T 24/7: +44 0203 053 9581 |  T: +47 6710 9190
E: n2ex@npspot.com | W: www.n2ex.com | W: www.nordpoolspot.com | Yahoo ID: n2extrading
Vollsveien 17 B, P.O. Box 121, 1325 Lysaker, Norway