Source: Reputation Maxx

3 Signs it is Time to Fix an Online Reputation Revealed by Reputation Maxx

It is easy for an individual to get complacent about the way that they look online, but the online reputation experts at Reputation Maxx share that these three telltale signs are when a professional needs to get involved with a brand's image on the Internet.

PHOENIX, Aug. 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Reputation Maxx knows that for any individual, sometimes a situation occurs where damaging and negative items are placed online regarding their business, their personal life and more. This can feel like a nightmare situation for most, with concerns about loss of customers, money, and also a hit to the person's reputation.

A person's online reputation can actually shape their personal life. This can be both a positive and a negative thing, all depending about what type of material appears online about them. When most are surfing the internet, they start out on Google and see things like a Facebook account or LinkedIn page. For those more involved with the business world, some of their accolades and accomplishments will appear, or perhaps even a few press releases. Unfortunately, the number of people who do not run into this situation is ever-growing.

1. The potential for being attacked.

The truth is, more and more people out there are exclusively running into unflattering, often false, and sometimes defamatory information online. Things like pictures of a wild night out, old court information, or even a blog post written by an ex-friend or scorned lover are all things that professionals want and need to avoid. While the online reputation management experts at Reputation Maxx know that these first set of examples can all be embarrassing or humiliating, these are only the beginning of what a bad situation could snowball into being.

2. When other alternatives do not work.

At this time, many people feel lost on what their next step should be. Sometimes, reaching out to the person that posted the content and seeing if they will remove their online negativity is all that is needed to solve the problem. Even if it seems awkward, it is always a good idea to reach out beforehand to see if there is any chance it might fix the problem. Taking this step does have the potential to make the situation worse, so the way that these communications are worded is essential.

3. Once something is posted, it never goes away.

However, even if the reviewer grants the request, most people are unaware of how fast information spreads online these days. All it takes is one individual to take a screenshot or share the negative content, and the negativity will continue to live on.

For those who need to take it the next level of reputation management online, there is help. Reputation Maxx is a leading reputation management firm based in Phoenix, Arizona, offering services that any individual, small business, or even corporation with a reputation under attack can use. Reputation Maxx is part of a fine family of companies including JW Maxx Solutions, Enterate Ahora and Prensa Ahora. For more information about how this company can help save professionals from online humiliation, please visit

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