Source: OCC

OCC Announces Average Daily Cleared Contract Volume Up 4% in August

OCC's average daily cleared contract volume in August was 15,502,290 contracts, a 4 percent increase from August 2013. Total cleared contract volume for the month reached 325,548,099 contracts, a 0.35 percent decrease from August 2013.

CHICAGO, Ill., Sept. 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - OCC announced today average daily cleared contract volume in August was 15,502,290 contracts, a 4 percent increase from August 2013. Total cleared contract volume for the month reached 325,548,099 contracts in 21 days, a 0.35 percent decrease from the 22 trading-day August 2013 volume of 326,697,656 contracts. OCC's year-to-date cleared contract volume is up 0.19 percent with 2,803,135,205 contracts in 2014.

Options: Exchange-listed options trading volume in August was 320,155,407 contracts, 0.57 percent lower than August 2013. Average daily options trading volume last month was up 4 percent from August 2013 with 15,245,495 contracts. Year-to-date total options trading volume is off 0.01 percent from 2013 with 2,758,678,957 contracts.

Futures: OCC cleared 5,392,692 futures contracts in August, representing a 14 percent increase from August 2013. OCC's average daily cleared futures volume in August was up 20 percent from August 2013 with 256,795 contracts. OCC's year-to-date cleared futures volume is up 14 percent from 2013 with 44,456,248 contracts.

Securities Lending: OCC's securities lending CCP activity was down 16 percent in new loans from August 2013 with 93,950 transactions last month. Year-to-date stock loan activity is down 11 percent from 2013 with 785,940 new loan transactions in 2014. The average daily loan value at OCC in August was $152,198,732,151.

About OCC

OCC is the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization. Founded in 1973, OCC operates under the jurisdiction of both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Registered Clearing Agency and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Derivatives Clearing Organization. OCC now provides central counterparty (CCP) clearing and settlement services to 16 exchanges and trading platforms for options, financial futures, security futures and securities lending transactions. More information about OCC is available at

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