Danske Invest – name changes of sub-funds

The changes below will take effect on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 17 September 2014. 


ISIN: DK0015942650
Name: Danske Invest Indeksobligationer
New name Danske Invest Danske Indeksobligationer
Short name: DKIIOB
New short name: DKIDIO
Unchanged orderbook ID: 61909


ISIN: DK0060187771
Name: Danske Invest Globale Indeksobligationer
New name Danske Invest Globale Lange Indeksobl.
Short name: DKIGIO
New short name: DKIGLIO
Unchanged orderbook ID: 70267


ISIN: DK0060140705
Name: Danske Inv Glob Indeksobl-Akk. KL DKK h
New name Danske Inv GlobLangeInd.obl-Akk KL DKK h
Short name: DKIGIADKKH
New short name: DKIGLIADKKH
Unchanged orderbook ID: 61360


For further information please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 93 33 66



Danske Invest - navneændringer - uk.pdf