Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles Provides Crucial Travel Safety Tips for Fall 2014 Travelers

Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles is distributing travel tips designed to keep travelers and their belongings safe on their next vacation.

MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 19, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - With travelers' safety as a major priority, Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles is disbursing a number of travel safety tips that travelers should adhere to while vacationing in 2014. These travel tips were designed to negate the chances that travelers will be targeted by anyone who may be attempting to steal personal property and financial information. While following these tips do not guarantee complete safety, they go a long way towards making a vacation experience as secure and safe as possible.

Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles knows that airports are hectic and seemingly always busy. Surprisingly, airports are one of the places that personal belongings are commonly stolen from. A typical tactic that criminals employ involves a pair of criminals working together. One will bump into a busy-looking traveler, spilling a drink on them. As they work to clean up the mess, a second criminal will walk up and sweep up an item that the distracted traveler had set down. By the time the mess is cleaned up, the criminal with the stolen item is long gone.

Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles always advises travelers to keep an eye on personal belongings at all times. Thieves are all too good at slipping away with a smartphone, a wallet, or a bag before the owner knows what is going on. The chances of recovering a stolen item are slim to none. In fact, it is recommended that travelers bring last-generation technology with them during their vacations. Take an hour to clear out an old laptop of any personal information, and bring that on vacation. That way, if the laptop is stolen it will not be full of personal information, and it will not require the traveler to go out and buy a new one. Also, older technology is much less likely to be stolen than the latest gadgets available.

Eccentry Holidays Sunny Isles is aware that in this day and age, travelers require Internet connections on their vacations. To accommodate this need, many resorts and restaurants provide complimentary wireless access. Travelers should be wary though, and only connect to networks that they are password-protected and legitimate. The last thing a traveler wants to do is connect to a bogus network, only to have a hacker steal personal information from the device.

For more top safety tips on how to travel better this fall, visit, call 1-877-566-0327, or email info(at)eccentryholidays(dot)com.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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