Onxeo SA – admittance to trading and official listing of new shares due to employee warrant exercise

The share capital of Onxeo A/S has been increased. The admittance to trading and official listing will take effect as per 8 October 2014 in the ISIN below.


ISIN: FR0010095596
Name Onxeo
Volume before change: 31,482,333 shares (EUR 7,870,583.25)
Change: 8,311 shares (EUR 2,077.75)
Volume after change: 31,490,644 shares (EUR 7,872,661)
Subscription price: EUR 2.32
Face value:: EUR 0.25
Short name: ONXEO
Orderbook ID: 101775


For yderligere information kontakt: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tlf. 33 93 33 66