OEM International changes its financial targets

The Board of OEM International has decided to change the company’s financial
targets. The reason is that the market today is different than when the earlier
targets were set, and that the company wants clearer targets for its result.
The target for turnover growth over a business cycle is changed from 15 per cent
to at least 10 per cent per annum. Having considered the underlying growth and
inflation in the markets where OEM International operates, the Board has
concluded that this is a more pertinent target. The previous target was set in
the 1990’s when both the underlying growth and inflation were different.

The target for annual earnings growth of 15 per cent over a business cycle is
replaced by a new financial target: an EBITA-margin of at least 10 per cent per
annum over a business cycle. The reason is that this financial target creates
greater clarity with respect to the profitability level that the company strives
to achieve.

OEM International’s new financial targets are:

-      Turnover growth of at least 10 per cent per annum over a business cycle.

-      An EBITA-margin of at least 10 per cent per annum over a business cycle.

-      Return on equity of at least 20 per cent per annum over a business cycle.

-      Equity ratio of at least 35 per cent.

This information is information that the company is required to disclose under
Securities Market Act. The information was released for publication on 22
October 2014 at 08:00 am.

Tranås, 22 October 2014

The Board
For further information, please contact the company’s Chairman Lars-Åke Rydh at
phone 070-592 45 70, or, alternatively, by e-mail at lasse@lasserydh.se
OEM International is one of Europe’s leading technology trading companies with
30 operating entities in

14 countries. The Group trades in components and systems for industrial
automation. Simply

put, OEM operates as an alternative for manufacturers to sell through their own

For more information, please see www.oem.se.

