Elektrobit Corporation's (EB) Interim Report January-September 2014

tock exchange release

Free for publication on November 6, 2014 at 8.00 a.m. (CET+1)

Elektrobit Corporation's (EB) Interim Report January-September 2014


The 2013 figures presented in comparison in this interim report include the
figures of Continuing Operations only.


  * Net sales of July - September 2014 grew to EUR 52.5 million (EUR 45.7
    million, 3Q 2013), representing an increase of 14.9 % year-on-year.
  * Operating profit was EUR 4.6 million, including non-recurring income of EUR
    1.1 million resulting from the reorganization cases of TerreStar companies
    (EUR 1.0 million, 3Q 2013).
  * Net cash flow was EUR 9.8 million (EUR 1.8 million, 3Q 2013).
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.020 (EUR 0.006, 3Q 2013).
  * The number of EB's shares increased during the reporting period by
    altogether 51 296 new shares subscribed by virtue of the stock option rights
    2008B and 2008C. At the end of the period, the number of shares in
    Elektrobit Corporation totaled 131 242 492.
  * In July EB signed a EUR 10 million credit facility agreement with Nordea
    Bank Finland Plc and a EUR 10 million credit facility agreement with Pohjola
    Bank Plc. These agreements, intended for general financing purposes, are
    valid until June 30, 2017 and include conventional covenants that are, among
    others, related to equity ratio, transfer and pledge of the assets.
  * In July Elektrobit Inc., a subsidiary of Elektrobit Corporation, entered
    into a conditional agreement of settlement with the liquidating trust of
    TerreStar Networks Inc. (TSN). The United States Bankruptcy Court approved
    the conditional agreement and on August 28, 2014, U.S. time, EB received a
    cash payment of USD 1 075 000 (EUR 0.8 million as per exchange rate of
    August 28, 2014) in full and final satisfaction of its claims against TSN
    and in resolution of all disputes between EB and the liquidating trust of
    TSN. The Settlement Payment results in a non-recurring positive effect of
    approximately EUR 0.8 million on Elektrobit Corporation's operating result
    and in a positive effect on Elektrobit Corporation's cash flow of
    approximately EUR 0.8 million in the third quarter 2014.
  * According to the information received by EB in September, Parrot S.A., a
    supplier of e.solutions GmbH, a jointly owned company of EB and AUDI, has
    withdrawn the legal proceeding taken against e.solutions GmbH in the
    Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris) in April 2014. In the
    claim Parrot S.A. requested to collect damages in the amount of
    approximately EUR 18.4 million for loss of profit and reputational damage.
    However, it is possible, that despite of the withdrawal, Parrot S.A.'s may
    initiate further legal actions in another forum.
  * After the reporting period Elektrobit Inc., a subsidiary of Elektrobit
    Corporation, entered into settlement with Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
    concerning tax treatment of impairment of receivables from TerreStar
    companies booked in 2010. As a result of the approval of the proposal
    Elektrobit Inc. will pay IRS USD 1.4 million (EUR 1.1 million as per
    exchange rate of October 8, 2014) taxes including interests for fiscal year
    2010 and at the same time will submit a carryback claim of USD 1.3 million
    (EUR 1.0 million as per exchange rate of October 8, 2014) for fiscal year
    2011. The payment to IRS will be made in the fourth quarter of 2014 and the
    carryback refund, if the claim will be approved, is estimated to be received
    at the latest by the end of 2015.
  * The settlement payment received in August formed the full and final
    satisfaction of Elektrobit Inc.'s laid and open claims against TerreStar
    companies in their reorganization cases. In consequence of receiving the
    full and final settlement payment and finishing of the tax appeal process,
    EB's activities related to TerreStar reorganization processes are expected
    to be concluded. EB reverses the remaining EUR 0.3 million provision made
    for legal and consulting costs. The reversal of the provision and the EUR
    0.8 million settlement payment have together approximately EUR 1.1 million
    non-recurring positive effect on EB's third quarter 2014 operating result.


  * Net sales of January - September 2014 grew to EUR 156.4 million (EUR 139.8
    million, 1-9 2013), representing an increase of 11.9 % year-on-year.
  * Operating profit was EUR 9.6 million including non-recurring income of EUR
    1.1 million resulting from the reorganization cases of TerreStar companies
    (EUR 2.4 million, 1H-9 2013, including non-recurring costs of approximately
    EUR 0.8 million resulting from the cost saving measures in the Wireless
    Business Segment).
  * Net cash flow was EUR -2.3 million (EUR 29.6 million, 1-9 2013, including
    non-recurring net cash flow of about EUR 28 million resulting from the sale
    of the Test Tools product business).
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.047 (EUR 0.012, 1-9 2013).

 Group (MEUR)                                 3Q 14  3Q 13 1-9 14 1-9 13   2013

 NET SALES                                     52.5   45.7  156.4  139.8  199.3
 Change of net sales, %                      14.9 % 10.1 % 11.9 % 11.3 % 14.6 %
 OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS                        4.6    1.0    9.6    2.4    8.1
 Operating profit / loss, % of net sales      8.7 %  2.3 %  6.1 %  1.7 %  4.1 %
 Operating profit /loss without non-            3.5    1.0    8.4    3.3    9.0
 recurring items
 EBITDA                                         6.7    3.3   15.9    9.1   17.2
 CASH AND OTHER LIQUID ASSETS                  40.7   43.9   40.7   43.9   43.0
 EQUITY RATIO (%)                            64.0 % 63.9 % 64.0 % 63.9 % 65.1 %
 EARNINGS PER SHARE (EUR)                     0.020  0.006  0.047  0.012  0.051

 Automotive Business Segment (MEUR)       3Q 14  3Q 13 1-9 14 1-9 13   2013

 NET SALES                                 42.5   34.1  119.8   97.2  138.3
 Change of net sales, %                  24.5 % 24.5 % 23.3 % 23.4 % 25.0 %
 OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS                    3.5    1.9   10.6    3.1    8.5
 Operating profit / loss, % of net sales  8.3 %  5.7 %  8.8 %  3.2 %  6.2 %
 EBITDA                                     5.0    3.5   15.1    7.6   14.6

 Wireless Business Segment (MEUR)          3Q 14    3Q 13  1-9 14 1-9 13   2013

 NET SALES                                  10.0     11.6    36.7   42.8   61.2
 Change of net sales, %                  -13.2 % -17,.9 % -14.3 % -9.2 % -3.7 %
 OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS                     1.1     -0.9    -0.9   -0.8   -0.5
 Operating profit / loss, % of net sales  10.8 %   -7.9 %  -2.6 % -1.8 % -0.8 %
 Operating profit /loss without non-        -0.1     -0.9    -2.1    0.1    0.4
 recurring items
 EBITDA                                      1.7     -0.2     0.9    1.4    2.5


"EB's net sales and operating profit continued to grow from previous year also
during the third quarter. During January - September EB's net sales grew by
11.9 per cent year-on-year to EUR 156.4 million. Operating profit improved
clearly from the previous year and was EUR 8.4 million without the non-recurring
income of EUR 1.1 million in the third quarter. The reason for the improved net
sales and operating profit was the good development of Automotive Business

In Automotive Business Segment, the demand for EB's software products and R&D
services remained good as car makers invested in the development of new car
models. Net sales of Automotive Business Segment grew strongly by 23.3 % from
the previous year and operating profit improved to 8.8 % of net sales. The
improvement of the operating profit was driven by the good performance in
services projects, the growth of software license sales especially for the in-
car navigation software and the lower R&D investments.

The net sales of the Wireless Business Segment decreased by 14.3 % from the
previous year due to the decreased demand for R&D services for mobile
telecommunications network equipment and other markets. The product-based sales
increased clearly from the previous year to EUR 7.8 million, which however did
not fully compensate the decreased services sales. In the fourth quarter, in the
Wireless Business Segment we expect the product-based sales to be generated
mainly from the Finnish authority markets and the net sales resulting from the
international defense and other authority markets to remain low due to these
customers' slower than estimated purchase decisions. Operating result during the
reporting period was lower than targeted and negative due to the weak result of
the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, we expect the
Wireless Business Segment to develop positively and its operating result to be

During the autumn, EB concluded its measures to collect the receivables from
TerreStar companies based in the US in their reorganization cases, and entered
into a settlement with US Internal Revenue Services (IRS) concerning tax
treatment of impairment of receivables from TerreStar companies. These resulted
in a non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million in the third quarter of 2014.

Our main target in 2014 is to grow net sales and operating profit from the
previous year and EB is in a good position to achieve this target."


For the year 2014 EB expects that the net sales and operating result will grow
from the previous year (net sales of EUR 199.3 million and operating profit of
EUR 8.1 million, in 2013). Net sales growth rate in 2014 is expected to be
slower than in the previous year (net sales growth 14.6 %, 2013). Operating
profit in the second half of the year is expected to be higher than in the first
half (operating profit of EUR 5.0 million, 1H 2014).

The demand for R&D services and software products of the Automotive Business
Segment is expected to continue good in the second half of the year, and
operating profit of Automotive Business Segment is expected to be at the same
level or better than in the first half of the year (operating profit of EUR 7.1
million, 1H 2014). In the Wireless Business Segment, operating result without
the non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million resulting from the reorganization
cases of TerreStar companies is expected to be positive in the second half of
2014 (operating loss of EUR -2.0 million, 1H 2014). In the last quarter in the
Wireless Business Segment we expect the product-based net sales to come mainly
from the Finnish authorities and the product-based net sales from international
defense and other authority markets to remain low due to the customers' slower
than estimated purchase decisions.

More specific market outlook is presented under the sections "Market outlook for
the Automotive Business Segment" and "Market outlook for the Wireless Business

Following the same principle as in the previous guidance, the non-recurring
income of EUR 1.1 million resulted from the reorganization cases of TerreStar
companies, has not been included in the outlook for 2014.

More information about other uncertainties regarding the outlook is presented in
the sections "Risks and uncertainties" and "Events after the review period", and
in the Report by the Board of Directors 2013, available at


EB will hold a press conference on the January-September 2014 Interim Report for
media, analysts and institutional investors in in Restaurant Savoy,
Eteläesplanadi 14, Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 11.00
a.m. (CET+1). The conference will also be held as a conference call and the
presentation will be shown simultaneously in the Internet through GlobalMeet.
The conference will be held in English. For more information please go to


EB creates advanced technology and turns it into enriching end-user experiences.
EB is specialized in demanding embedded software and hardware solutions for
wireless and automotive industries. The net sales in 2013 totaled EUR 199.3
million and the operating profit was EUR 8.1 million, in 2013. Elektrobit
Corporation is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.elektrobit.com.


2013 figures presented in comparison in this interim report include only figures
of Continuing Operations.


EB's net sales during January-September 2014 grew by 11.9 per cent year-on-year
to EUR 156.4 million (EUR 139.8 million, 1-9 2013). Operating profit was EUR
9.6 million including EUR 1.1 million non-recurring income resulting from the
reorganization cases of TerreStar companies (EUR 2.4 million, 1-9 2013,
including the non-recurring cost of approximately EUR 0.8 million resulting from
the cost saving measures in the Wireless Business Segment).

Net sales of the Automotive Business Segment in January-September 2014 grew to
EUR 119.8 million (EUR 97.2 million, 1-9 2013), representing 23.3 per cent
growth year-on-year. Operating profit improved clearly from the previous year
and was EUR 10.6 million (EUR 3.1 million, 1-9 2013). The demand for EB's
software products and R&D services remained good, including the jointly owned
company e.solutions GmbH. The improvement of the operating profit was driven
mainly by the good performance in services projects, the growth of software
license sales especially for the in-car navigation software and the lower R&D

The Wireless Business Segment's net sales in January-September 2014 decreased by
14.3 per cent year-on-year, to EUR 36.7 million (EUR 42.8 million, 1-9 2013).
The share of the product-based net sales was EUR 7.8 million, which resulted
mainly from the product deliveries of the tactical communication system to the
Finnish Defence Forces and from the delivery of a batch of special terminal
products for the authority use to a customer abroad. The operating loss of the
Wireless Business Segment in January-September 2014 was EUR -0.9 million,
including EUR 1.1 million non-recurring income resulting from the reorganization
cases of TerreStar companies (EUR -0.8 million, 1-9 2013, including the non-
recurring cost of approximately EUR 0.8 million resulting from the cost saving
measures in Wireless Business Segment). The decrease in the net sales year-on-
year and lower than expected operating result were due to the decline in the
demand for R&D services for mobile telecommunications network equipment and
other markets, which decline the increased product-based net sales did not fully

                                                            9 months 9 months
   Net sales                                                   156.4    139.8
   Operating profit / loss                                       9.6      2.4
   Financial income and expenses                                -0.6     -0.7
   Result before tax                                             9.0      1.8
 RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                                           6.2     25.9
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                       6.6     26.0

 Result for the period attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent                                  6.2     25.9
   Non-controlling interests
 Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:
   Equity holder of the parent                                   6.6     26.0
   Non-controlling interests

 Earnings per share from continuing operations, EUR            0.047    0.012

  * Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 5.1 million (EUR 8.7 million,
    1-9 2013).
  * Net cash flow was EUR -2.3 million (EUR 29.6 million, 1-9 2013, including
    non-recurring net cash flow of about EUR 28 million resulting from the sale
    of the Test Tools product business).
  * Equity ratio was 64.0 % (63.9 %, September 30, 2013).
  * Net gearing was -38.9 % (-29.8 %, September 30, 2013).


Elektrobit Group's net sales and operating result, MEUR:

                                                  3Q 14 2Q 14 1Q 14 4Q 13 3Q 13
 Net sales                                         52.5  52.2  51.7  59.5  45.7
 Operating profit (loss)                            4.6   3.1   1.9   5.7   1.0
 Operating profit (loss) without non-recurring      3.5   3.1   1.9   5.7   1.0
 Result before taxes                                4.2   2.8   1.9   5.5   0.9
 Result for the period                              2.6   1.8   1.7   5.0   0.8

Non-recurring items are exceptional gains and costs that are not related to
normal business operations and occur only seldom. These items include capital
gains or losses, significant changes in asset values such as write-downs or
reversals of write-downs, significant restructuring costs, or other items that
the management considers to be non-recurring. When evaluating a non-recurring
item, the euro translation value of the item is considered, and in case of a
change in an asset value, it is measured against the total value of the asset.

In 2013 Wireless Business Segment reported non-recurring cost of approximately
EUR 0.8 million resulting from the cost saving measures in the Wireless Business
Segment in the first quarter of 2013. In the review period and in the periods
presented for comparison in the table above, no non-recurring items occurred.

In 2014 Wireless Business Segment reported non-recurring income of approximately
EUR 1.1 million resulting from the reorganization cases of TerreStar companies
during the third quarter of the year.

Net sales and operating profit development by Business Segments and other
businesses, MEUR:

                                 3Q 14 2Q 14 1Q 14 4Q 13 3Q 13

 Net sales to external customers  42.5  39.8  37.5  41.1  34.1
 Net sales to other segments       0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 Operating profit (loss)           3.5   4.2   2.9   5.4   1.9
 Net sales to external customers  10.0  12.4  14.2  18.3  11.5
 Net sales to other segments       0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 Operating profit (loss)           1.1  -0.9  -1.1   0.3  -0.9
 Other businesses
 Net sales to external customers   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 Operating profit (loss)          -0.0  -0.2   0.1   0.0   0.0
 Net sales                        52.5  52.2  51.7  59.5  45.7
 Operating profit (loss)           4.6   3.1   1.9   5.7   1.0

The distribution of net sales by market areas, MEUR and %:

           3Q 14  2Q 14  1Q 14  4Q 13  3Q 13

 Asia        2.6    1.8    2.5    2.3    1.9
           5.0 %  3.5 %  4.9 %  3.9 %  4.3 %
 Americas    7.6    6.6    7.2    8.0    6.0
          14.5 % 12.7 % 13.8 % 13.4 % 13.2 %
 Europe     42.3   43.8   42.0   49.2   37.7
          80.6 % 83.8 % 81.3 % 82.7 % 82.5 %


A total of 1 141 617 new shares were subscribed for between December 5, 2013 and
August 18, 2014 by virtue of the stock option rights 2008A, 2008B and 2008C. The
share subscription price, EUR 399 873.09 was recorded in the Company's invested
non-restricted equity fund. The increases in the number of the Company's shares
were entered into the Finnish Trade Register on February 10, 2014, April
14, 2014, on June 26, 2014 and on August 27, 2014. The trading with the
registered shares started on February 11, 2014, April 15, 2014 on June
27, 2014, and on August 29, 2014 as an additional lot of Elektrobit
Corporation's shares in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. After the registration of the
new shares, the number of shares in Elektrobit Corporation totaled 131 242 492.

On April 30, 2014 EB started personnel negotiations to adjust its cost structure
for the weakened order book for R&D services in the next few months. The
negotiations were concluded on May 15, and the company decided to temporarily
lay off at the maximum of 90 persons in the Wireless Business Segment. With
these temporary dismissals EB targets cost savings of approximately EUR 0.8
million, which would materialize mainly during the third quarter of the year.

EB signed EUR 10.0 million credit facility agreement with Nordea Bank Finland
Plc and EUR 10.0 million credit facility agreement with Pohjola Bank Plc on July
2, 2014. These agreements, intended for general financing purposes, are valid
until June 30, 2017 and include conventional covenants that are, among others,
related to equity ratio, transfer and pledge of the assets. These credit
facility agreements replaced EUR 20.0 million credit facilities from Nordea Bank
Suomi Plc, which were valid until 30.6.2014.

In July a subsidiary of Elektrobit Corporation, Elektrobit Inc. and the
TerreStar Networks Inc. liquidating trustee entered into a conditional
settlement agreement in the liquidation case. On July 10, 2014, the trustee
filed a motion with the United States Bankruptcy Court seeking approval of the
settlement. According to the settlement, if the conditions to its effectiveness
are fulfilled, the trust shall be obligated to pay EB, an immediate cash payment
of USD 1 075 000 (EUR 0.8 million as per exchange rate of August 6, 2014) in
full and final satisfaction of its claims against TerreStar Networks and in
resolution of all disputes between EB and the bankruptcy estate of TerreStar
Networks and certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates.

On August 12, 2014 U.S. time the United States Bankruptcy Court formally
approved the conditional agreement of settlement between EB and The Liquidating
Trust of TSN.

On August 28, 2014, U.S. time, EB received a cash payment of USD 1 075 000 (EUR
0.8 million as per exchange rate of August 28, 2014) (the "Settlement Payment")
in full and final satisfaction of its claim against TSN and in resolution of all
disputes between EB and The Liquidating Trust of TSN. Upon receipt by EB of the
Settlement Payment, certain mutual releases of liability and other agreements
set forth in the Settlement have become effective, and it is anticipated that
EB's participation in the TSN Chapter 11 cases is concluded. The Settlement
Payment has resulted in a non-recurring positive effect of approximately EUR
0.8 million on EB's operating result and in a positive effect on Elektrobit
Corporation's cash flow of approximately EUR 0.8 million on the third quarter

After the reporting period EB has entered into settlement with Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) concerning tax treatment of impairment of receivables from
TerreStar companies and EB reversed the remaining EUR 0.3 million provision. The
reversal of the provision and the EUR 0.8 million settlement payment have
together approximately EUR 1.1 million non-recurring positive effect on
Elektrobit Corporation's third quarter 2014 operating result. More information
about the settlement with IRS is presented in the section "Events after the
reporting period".

In September Parrot S.A., a supplier of e.solutions GmbH, a jointly owned
company of EB and AUDI, has withdrawn the legal proceeding taken against
e.solutions GmbH in the Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
in April 2014. In the claim Parrot S.A. requested to collect damages in the
amount of approximately EUR 18.4 million for loss of profit and reputational
damage. According to e.solutions GmbH's initial legal analysis as announced in
EB's stock exchange release on April 4, 2014, the claim was without merit both
in terms of the grounds and the amount of the claim. More information about the
legal action and withdrawal has been presented in stock exchange releases
published on April 4, 2014 and on September 22, 2014. Neither the legal action
nor the withdrawal has caused any such financial consequence that would affect
EB's profit outlook or financial position. However, it is possible, that Parrot
S.A. may initiate further legal actions in  another forum.


EB's reporting is based on two segments which are the Automotive and Wireless
Business Segments.


In Automotive Business Segment EB offers a range of software products and R&D
services for in-car embedded software, as well as professional tools that
support the whole process of the in-car software development. Our customers are
carmakers, car electronics suppliers and other suppliers to the automotive
industry. The offering includes secure & safe technologies and solutions for
Connected Car Infrastructure, Driver Assistance and Infotainment solutions
containing navigation and human machine interfaces (HMI) technologies. By
combining its software products and R&D services, EB is creating unique,
customized solutions for the automotive industry. EB's software products are: EB
street director navigation software, EB GUIDE HMI development and speech
dialogue platform, EB tresos product line of software components used in ECUs
and tools for their configuration, and EB Assist, an extensive product line with
tooling and a software development kit for driver assistance solutions. These
software products generate license fees, often combined with supply of R&D
services for customized solutions.

EB and Audi's subsidiary, Audi Electronics Venture GmbH (AEV), have a jointly
owned company e.solutions GmbH that is currently developing infotainment
software and provides systems engineering and systems integration services for
Volkswagen Group car models. EB also delivers products and R&D services to the
joint venture. EB owns 51% of e.solutions GmbH and AEV 49%. e.solutions GmbH is
consolidated in EB group's  financial statements by applying proportionate
consolidation method.

Development of the Automotive Business Segment in July - September 2014

EB's net sales in Automotive Business Segment continued its strong growth during
the third quarter of 2014 and amounted to EUR 42.5 million (EUR 34.1 million,
3Q 2013), representing a growth of 24.5 % year-on-year. Operating profit impro
ved clearly and was EUR 3.5 million (EUR 1.9 million, 3Q 2013). The demand for
EB's software products and R&D services remained good in the Automotive Business
Segment, including the jointly owned company e.solutions GmbH. The improvement
of the operating profit was driven mainly by the good performance in services
projects, growth of software license sales especially for the in-car navigation
software and lower R&D investments.

The R&D investments in the third quarter were EUR 3.2 million (EUR 3.6 million,
3Q 2013). The reason for the decrease in the R&D investments was the transfer of
certain product platform development from an initial investment phase to a
continuing development phase.

In August EB announced its plans to build a new automotive software development
site in Oulu, Finland. The new site is planned to employ up to 40 software
engineers by the end of 2014, focusing on the development of embedded automotive
software. EB's Automotive Business Segment has grown steadily during the last
years, and expanding its operations to Oulu, Finland, will offer the company an
opportunity to further grow its software engineering capacity for current and
future needs.

Automotive Business Segment market outlook

The global car market is expected to grow by 3% in 2014 according to the
forecast made by VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie). Carmakers continued to
invest in automotive software for new car models and the market for software
products and services is estimated to continue growing during 2014. The demand
for EB's products and services is estimated to develop positively year-on-year
during 2014 in Automotive Business Segment.

The market for electronics and software for cars is estimated to continue
growing in the long term. The study "Future Industry Structure of Automotive
(FAST) Electronics 2025" from Berylls assumes a growth of automotive electronics
from EUR 215 billion in 2012 to EUR 456 billion in 2025 (CAGR 6%).

Growth in the automotive software market, and growth for EB, is mainly expected
to be driven by:
  * The majority of in-vehicle innovations come from electronics and software.
    Using software as a differentiator, carmakers are able to develop feature-
    rich vehicles, and differentiate in areas comfort and security, information
    and entertainment, powertrain and communication. The trend of separating
    hardware from software continues in 2014 and beyond, allowing carmakers to
    speed up innovation and to improve the quality and cost efficiency of their
  * Carmakers continue to work on global modular car platforms to achieve
    scalability as well as good ability to handle the complexity of a growing
    number of car models and variants. This means volumes for software platforms
    will increase and software development programs will become global to
    include localization for all regions.
  * Consumers expect in the car the same richness of features and user
    experience they know from the Internet and mobile devices, and therefore
    infotainment systems become increasingly common in all car price categories.
  * Mobile connectivity will become one of the fastest-growing Internet-
    connected device platforms among other connected consumer electronics
    devices, such as media tablets and smartphones. Gartner estimates that by
    2016, the majority of car buyers in automotive markets like in the U.S. and
    the Western Europe will view the availability of in-vehicle, web-enabled
    dynamic content as a key buying criterion when considering a standard brand
  * Connected Car solutions and cloud connections enable introduction of new
    applications and enhancements to car functions, for example real-time
    traffic information or map updates for navigation. The increasing demand to
    better integrate mobile devices with the car has been reflected in consumer
    electronics companies such as Apples "CarPlay" or Google's announcement of
    Open Automotive Alliance.
  * New Active Safety Systems and Driver Assistance applications are being
    brought to the market as automated driving is becoming one of the key trends
    and an area with significant investments.  Carmakers are preparing highly
    automated driving systems for their new car models to be available in the
    market in the coming years.


In the Wireless Business Segment EB offers products and product platforms for
defense, public safety and other authority markets as well as for industrial
use. Further EB offers product development services and customized solutions for
wireless communications markets and for companies needing wireless connectivity
for their products. EB's products in the Wireless Business Segment are the EB
Tactical Wireless IP Network for tactical communications, EB Tough VoIP for
tactical IP-based communication, EB Wideband COMINT Sensor for signals
intelligence. The product platforms are the Android-based EB Specialized Device
Platform and EB LTE Connectivity Module for specialized markets. For the latest
wireless technologies and applications EB offers a broad range of R&D services
such as consulting, integration, and development of software and hardware.

Development of the Wireless Business Segment in July - September 2014

Net sales of the Wireless Business Segment during the third quarter of 2014
decreased by 13.2 per cent year-on-year to EUR 10.0 million (EUR 11.6 million,
3Q 2013). The share of the product based net sales was EUR 1.9 million, which
resulted mainly from the product deliveries of the tactical communication system
to the Finnish Defence Forces.

Operating profit was EUR 1.1 million, including non-recurring income of EUR 1.1
million resulting from the reorganization cases of TerreStar companies
(operating loss of EUR -0.9 million, 3Q 2013). The decrease in the net sales
year-on-year and lower than expected operating result were due to the decline in
the demand for R&D services for mobile telecommunications network equipment and
other markets, which decline the increased product-based net sales did not fully

EB aims at bringing its products to the global defense and other authority
markets and continued its sales and marketing efforts and R&D investments into
these markets during the third quarter. Customers' purchase decisions proceeded
slower than estimated, and therefore we expect the net sales resulting from the
international defense and other authority markets to remain low in the fourth

R&D investments in the second quarter were EUR 1.5 million (EUR 0.8 million,
3Q 2013). R&D investments were increased for products for the use by

In July EB received a purchase order from the Finnish Defence Forces for EB
Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) system products. The Finnish Defence
Forces also issued a purchase option for further purchases of the same products.
The purchase order and the purchase option are a continuation of the delivery
contract signed between EB and the Finnish Defence Forces in September 2011 and
related product deliveries that began in December 2012. In accordance with the
contract EB is developing the Tactical Wireless IP Network for the Finnish
Defence Forces and delivers software defined radios that are the basis for the
EB TAC WIN system.

During the third quarter EB started the collaboration with Qualcomm to feature
the Qualcomm® Snapdragon(TM) 801 processor in the new version of its EB
Specialized Device Platform (SDP), which will be commercially available later
this year. The device platform enables customer-specific tailoring of
smartphones, tablets and other products, targeted primarily for professional
applications in public safety, mobile satellite services and cyber-security. EB
plans to utilize the Snapdragon(TM) 801 processor in different wireless products
that will be customized based on EB's product platform.

Wireless Business Segment Market Outlook

In the Wireless Business Segment, EB's customers operate in various industries,
each of them having own industry specific factors driving the demand. A common
factor creating demand among the whole customer base is the introduction of new
technologies. In 2014 the implementation of LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology
is expected to continue to be important technological change driving the demand.
Due to the long history in developing smart phones and mobile communication
devices, EB is in a good position to offer solutions, where e.g. mastering of
multi-radio technologies and end-to-end system architectures covering both
terminals and networks is needed.

The following factors are expected to create demand for EB's products and
services in 2014 and beyond:

  * In the mobile infrastructure equipment market the use of LTE technology is
    expected to continue strong. This creates the need for services for LTE base
    station development. There is a wide range of frequencies allocated for LTE
    globally thus creating the need to develop multiple products to cover the
    market and creating demand for R&D services for development of product
  * The trend of adopting new commercial technologies, such as LTE, smart phones
    and applications, is expected to continue in special verticals such as
    public safety. The specific LTE frequency band allocations for authorities
    create demand for customized LTE devices, such as EB's specialized
    terminals, tablets and communication modules.
  * IoT (Internet of Things) has become a significant development area in many
    industries. The need for R&D services for connected devices for business or
    consumer use, such as smart watch and other Wearable devices is evolving and
    creating demand for customized solutions based on EB's product platforms.
  * In the tactical defense communication market the need for larger amounts of
    information data grows, generating demand for broadband networks, such as
    EB's IP (Internet Protocol) based tactical communications solutions.

The general cost savings of the mobile telecommunications network equipment
companies is reflected as a decrease in the demand for R&D services despite of
the base station development needs generated by the LTE technology.

EB aims at bringing its products to the global defense and other authorities
markets and expects the net sales generated from these markets to be low in

The public defense budget cuts affect negatively on the demand for products and
product development services in Europe and also elsewhere in the world, and
simultaneously increase the competition between the suppliers.

The defense, national security and other authority markets are slowly developing
markets by their nature. They are characterized by long sales cycles driven by
purchasing programs of national governments, and the purchases of the selected
products take place over several years.


EB continued its investments in R&D for automotive software products and tools
in Automotive Business Segment, and in products and product platforms for the
defense and public safety markets in Wireless Business Segment.

The total R&D investments during January-September 2014 were EUR 13.1 million
(EUR 14.4 million, 1-9 2013), equaling 8.4% of the net sales (10.3%, 1-9 2013).
The share of R&D investments in Automotive Business Segment was EUR 8.2 million
(EUR 11.4 million, 1-9 2013) and in Wireless Business Segment EUR 4.9 million
(EUR 3.0 million, 1-9 2013).

EUR 1.3 million of R&D investments was capitalized (EUR 0.0 million, 1-9 2013).
The amount of capitalized R&D investments at the end of September 2014 was EUR
12.0 million (EUR 12.3 million, 30.9.2013). A significant part of these
capitalizations is related to customer agreements in Automotive Business
Segment, where future license fees, based on the actual car delivery volumes,
are expected to accumulate in the coming years. Depreciations of R&D investments
were EUR 1.3 million during the reporting period (EUR 1.2 million, 1-9 2013).

The total negative effect, caused from research and development investments,
their capitalizations and their depreciation, on EB's income statement in
January-September 2014 was EUR- 13.1 million (EUR -15.6 million, 1-9 2013).


For the year 2014 EB expects that the net sales and operating result will grow
from the previous year (net sales of EUR 199.3 million and operating profit of
EUR 8.1 million, in 2013). Net sales growth rate in 2014 is expected to be
slower than in the previous year (net sales growth 14.6 %, 2013). Operating
profit in the second half of the year is expected to be higher than in the first
half (operating profit of EUR 5.0 million, 1H 2014).

The demand for R&D services and software products of the Automotive Business
Segment is expected to continue good in the second half of the year, and
operating profit of Automotive Business Segment is expected to be at the same
level or better than in the first half of the year (operating profit of EUR 7.1
million, 1H 2014). In the Wireless Business Segment, operating result without
the non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million resulting from the reorganization
cases of TerreStar companies is expected to be positive in the second half of
2014 (operating loss of EUR -2.0 million, 1H 2014). In the last quarter in the
Wireless Business Segment we expect the product-based net sales to come mainly
from the Finnish authorities and the product-based net sales from international
defense and other authority markets to remain low due to the customers' slower
than estimated purchase decisions.

More specific market outlook is presented under the sections "Market outlook for
the Automotive Business Segment" and "Market outlook for the Wireless Business

Following the same principle as in the previous guidance, the non-recurring
income of EUR 1.1 million resulted from the reorganization cases of TerreStar
companies, has not been included in the outlook for 2014.

More information about other uncertainties regarding the outlook is presented in
the sections "Risks and uncertainties" and "Events after the review period", and
in the Report by the Board of Directors 2013, available at


EB has identified a number of business, market and finance related risk factors
and uncertainties that can affect the level of sales and profits.

In August EB received a settlement payment of USD 1 075 000 (EUR 0.8 million)
from TerreStar Networks Inc., and entered into a settlement with Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) concerning tax treatment of impairment of receivables from
TerreStar companies. As a result from the approval of the proposal Elektrobit
Inc. will pay IRS USD 1.4 million (EUR 1.1 million as per exchange rate of
October 8, 2014) taxes including interests for fiscal year 2010 and at the same
time will submit a carryback claim of USD 1.3 million (EUR 1.0 million as per
exchange rate of October 8, 2014) for fiscal year 2011. The payment to IRS will
be made in the fourth quarter of 2014 and carryback refund is estimated to be
received at the latest by the end of 2015. In consequence of receiving full and
final settlement payment and finishing of tax appeal process, EB's activities
related to TerreStar reorganization processes are seen to be concluded. There is
no full certainty that IRS will accept Elektrobit Inc.'s "carryback claim" from

In September Parrot S.A., a supplier of e.solutions GmbH, a jointly owned
company of EB and AUDI, has withdrawn the legal proceeding taken against
e.solutions GmbH in the Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (Commercial Court Paris)
in April 2014. In the claim Parrot S.A. requested to collect damages in the
amount of approximately EUR 18.4 million for loss of profit and reputational
damage. More information about the legal action and withdrawal has been
presented in stock exchange releases published on April 4, 2014 and on September
22, 2014. However, it is possible, that Parrot S.A. may initiate further legal
actions in another forum. At the worst, Parrot's claim could result significant
negative impact on e.solutions' and EB's profit, cash flow and financial

More short-term description of the risks and uncertainties are described in the
report by the Board of Directors 2013. More information about risks and
uncertainties are presented at the company's internet pages at


The figures presented in the statement of financial position of September
30, 2014, are compared with the statement of the financial position of December
31, 2013 (MEUR).

                                            30.9.2014 31.12.2013

 Non-current assets                              47.1       46.1
 Current assets                                 103.1       98.2
 Total assets                                   150.2      144.4
 Share capital                                   12.9       12.9
 Other equity                                    73.0       68.8
 Total shareholders' equity                      85.9       81.7
 Non-current liabilities                          5.9        6.1
 Current liabilities                             58.3       56.5
 Total shareholders' equity and liabilities     150.2      144.4

The cash flows during the period under review:

 + net profit +/- adjustment of accrual basis items EUR +16.9 million
 +/- change in net working capital                  EUR -9.3 million
 - interest, taxes and dividends                    EUR -2.5 million
 = cash generated from operations                   EUR +5.1 million
 - net cash used in investment activities           EUR -6.6 million
 - net cash used in financing                       EUR -0.8 million
 = net change in cash and cash equivalents          EUR -2.3 million

The increase of the net working capital during the review period resulted mainly
from the increase in non-interest bearing receivables and from the decreased
non-interest bearing liabilities.

The amount of accounts receivable and other receivables, booked in current
receivables, was EUR 60.9 million (EUR 54.3 million on December 31, 2013).
Accounts payable and other payables, booked in interest-free current
liabilities, were EUR 54.1 million (EUR 54.5 million on December 31, 2013). The
amount of non-depreciated consolidation goodwill at the end of the period under
review was EUR 19.4 million (EUR 19.3 million on December 31, 2013).

The amount of gross investments in the period under review was EUR 7.2 million.
Net investments for the reporting period totaled EUR 7.2 million. The total
amount of depreciation during the period under review was EUR 6.3 million,
including EUR 0.2 million of depreciation owing to business acquisitions in
Automotive Business Segment.

The amount of interest-bearing debt, including  finance lease liabilities, at
the end of the reporting period was EUR 7.3 million (EUR 5.3 million on December
31, 2013). The distribution of net financing expenses on the income statement
was as follows:

 Interest, dividend and other financial income  EUR 0.3 million
 Interest expenses and other financial expenses EUR -0.3 million
 foreign exchange gains and losses              EUR -0.7 million

EB's equity ratio at the end of the period was 64.0% (65.1 % on December
31, 2013).

Cash and other liquid assets at the end of the reporting period were EUR 40.7
million (EUR 43.0 million on December 31, 2013). In July EB signed a EUR 10
million credit facility agreement with Nordea Bank Finland Plc. and a EUR 10
million credit facility agreement with Pohjola Bank Plc. These agreements,
intended for general financing purposes, are valid until June 30, 2017. At the
end of the review period, EUR 3.0 million of these facilities was in use.

EB follows a hedging strategy, the objective of which is to ensure the margins
of business operations in changing market circumstances by minimizing the
influence of exchange rates. In accordance with the hedging strategy, the agreed
customer commitments net cash flow of the currency in question is hedged. The
net cash flow is determined on the basis of sales receivables, payables, the
order book and the budgeted net currency cash flow. The hedged foreign currency
exposure at the end of the review period was equivalent to 8.0 million.


The parent company of the group and its subsidiaries employed an average of
1671 people between January and September 2014. In addition, e.solutions GmbH,
the jointly owned company of EB and AUDI, employed 365 people. At the end of
September, the parent company of the group and its subsidiaries had 1710
employees and e.solutions GmbH 407 employees (1648 in group's parent company and
subsidiaries and e.solutions GmbH 321 at the end of 2013). A significant part of
EB's personnel are R&D engineers.


There were no changes in ownership during the period under review that would
have caused flagging notifications which are obligations for disclosure in
accordance with Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act.


In October Elektrobit Inc., a subsidiary of Elektrobit Corporation has entered
into settlement with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) concerning tax treatment of
impairment of receivables from TerreStar companies booked in 2010. Initially IRS
disallowed the deduction taken on Elektrobit Inc.'s federal income tax return.
Elektrobit Inc. appealed the IRS decision to the IRS Office of Appeals that
provided a proposal for a settlement. The parties have now accepted the

As a result from the approval of the proposal Elektrobit Inc. will pay IRS USD
1.4 million (EUR 1.1 million as per exchange rate of October 8, 2014) taxes
including interests for fiscal year 2010 and at the same time will submit a
carryback claim of USD 1.3 million (EUR 1.0 million as per exchange rate of
October 8, 2014) for fiscal year 2011. The payment to IRS will happen on the
fourth quarter of 2014 and carryback refund, if the claim will be approved, is
estimated to be received at the latest by the end of 2015.

The settlement payment of USD 1 075 000 received from TerreStar Networks Inc. in
August (more information on Company's stock exchange release on August
29, 2014) formed the full and final satisfaction of Elektrobit Inc.'s laid and
open claims against TerreStar companies in their reorganization cases. In
consequence of receiving full and final settlement payment and finishing of tax
appeal process, EB's activities related to TerreStar reorganization processes
are expected to be concluded. EB will reverse the remaining EUR 0.3 million
provision made for legal and consulting costs. The reversal of the provision and
the EUR 0.8 million settlement payment will have together approximately EUR 1.1
million non-recurring positive effect on Elektrobit Corporation's third quarter
2014 operating result. The above mentioned non-recurring items do not have
effect on Elektrobit Corporation's financial outlook for 2014. EB will report
the non-recurring items and tax items as part of its normal interim reporting.

A total of 164 608 new shares in Elektrobit Corporation were subscribed for
between September 3, 2014 and October 15, 2014, pursuant to series 2008B-C stock
options. The share subscription price, EUR 115 971.68 has been recorded in the
Company's invested non-restricted equity fund. The corresponding increase in the
number of the Company's shares has been entered into the Finnish Trade Register
on October 28, 2014. Shareholder rights by virtue of the new shares commence as
of the abovementioned registration entry date. Trading with the newly registered
shares will start on October 29, 2014 as an additional lot of Elektrobit
Corporation's shares in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. After the registration of the
new shares, the number of shares in Elektrobit Corporation's totals to
131 407 100.

On October 28, 2014 EB received a flagging announcement pursuant to chapter 9,
section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act, according to which the number
of Elektrobit Corporation's shares increased on October 28, 2014 through share
subscriptions pursuant to stock options, totaling to 131 407 100 shares,
resulting in the decrease in the holdings of the shares and voting rights of
Juha Hulkko below the 15 per cent flagging threshold. The decrease took place on
October 28, 2014. The aggregate holdings of Juha Hulkko total to 19 701 862
shares in Elektrobit Corporation, corresponding to 14.99 per cent of the
Elektrobit Corporation's shares and voting rights.

On November 6, 2014 EB announced the plans to rationalize its operations in the
Wireless Business Segment in Finland and targets to achieve annual cost savings
of approximately EUR 1 million by centralizing some of its operations more in
Oulu and by focusing the roles of its offices in Finland. EB started personnel
negotiations with its Wireless Business Segment's personnel in Kajaani and
Tampere based on financial and production related reasons and restructuring of
employer's operations, which is estimated to lead to termination of 20
employment relationships at the maximum. The planned cost saving actions, if
materialized, are estimated to cause non-recurring costs of approximately EUR
0.4 million that will weaken the operating result of the last quarter 2014.
Financial impacts of the planned actions are taken into account in the company's
outlook for 2014 presented in this interim report.

Oulu November 6, 2014

Elektrobit Corporation
The Board of Members

Further Information:

Jukka Harju
Tel. +358 40 344 5466


Major media



The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial

 (MEUR)                                             9 months 9 months 12 months
 Continuing operations
 NET SALES                                             156.4    139.8     199.3
 Other operating income                                  2.9      2.8       3.5
 Change in work in progress and finished goods           0.0      0.1      -0.0
 Work performed by the undertaking for its own           0.1                0.0
 purpose and capitalized
 Raw materials                                         -10.6     -6.2     -12.4
 Personnel expenses                                    -91.7    -84.4    -113.2
 Depreciation                                           -6.3     -6.7      -9.0
 Other operating expenses                              -41.2    -43.1     -60.0
 OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                                 9.6      2.4       8.1
 Financial income and expenses                          -0.6     -0.7      -0.9
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                       9.0      1.8       7.2
 Income tax                                             -2.8     -0.1      -0.6
 Discontinued operations
 Profit for the year from discontinued operations                24.3      24.3
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                   6.2     25.9      30.9

 Other comprehensive income:
 Items that will not be reclassified to statement
 of income
   Re-measurement gains (losses) on defined benefit                         0.0
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the
 statement of income
   Exchange differences on translating foreign           0.4      0.1      -0.0
 Other comprehensive income for the period total         0.4      0.1      -0.0
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD               6.6     26.0      30.9

 Profit for the year attributable to
   Equity holders of the parent                          6.2     25.9      30.9
   Non-controlling interests

 Total comprehensive income for the period
 attributable to
   Equity holders of the parent                          6.6     26.0      30.9
   Non-controlling interests

 Earnings per share from continuing operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                            0.047    0.012     0.051
   Diluted earnings per share                          0.047    0.012     0.051

 Earnings per share from discontinued operations,
   Basic earnings per share                                     0.188     0.188
   Diluted earnings per share                                   0.186     0.187

 Earnings per share from continuing and
 discontinued operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                            0.047    0.200     0.239
   Diluted earnings per share                          0.047    0.199     0.238

 Average number of shares, 1000 pcs                  130 868  129 432   129 528
 Average number of shares, diluted, 1000 pcs         131 604  130 319   130 092

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF          Sept. 30, 2014 Sept. 30, 2013 Dec. 31, 2013
 Non-current assets
   Property, plant and equipment               9.2            9.3           9.7
   Goodwill                                   19.4           19.3          19.3
   Intangible assets                          16.8           16.2          15.5
   Other financial assets                      0.1            0.1           0.1
   Deferred tax assets                         1.6            1.2           1.5
 Non-current assets total                     47.1           46.1          46.1
 Current assets
   Inventories                                 1.5            0.8           0.8
   Trade and other receivables                60.9           60.2          54.3
   Financial assets at fair value             20.9           35.0          20.7
 through profit or loss
   Cash and short term deposits               19.8            9.0          22.4
 Current assets total                        103.1          105.0          98.2
 TOTAL ASSETS                                150.2          151.1         144.4

 Equity attributable to equity
 holders of the parent
   Share capital                              12.9           12.9          12.9
   Invested non-restricted equity             24.9           38.7          24.5
   Translation difference                      1.0            0.7           0.6
   Retained earnings                          47.0           38.6          43.7
   Non-controlling interests
 Total equity                                 85.9           91.0          81.7
 Non-current liabilities
   Deferred tax liabilities                    0.5            0.5           0.5
   Pension obligations                         2.2            2.1           2.1
   Provisions                                  0.2            0.3           0.3
   Interest-bearing liabilities                3.0            7.2           3.3
 Non-current liabilities total                 5.9           10.1           6.1
 Current liabilities
   Trade and other payables                   51.2           38.5          52.2
   Financial liabilities at fair               0.4
 value through profit or loss
   Provisions                                  2.5            2.0           2.3
   Interest-bearing loans and                  4.3            9.6           2.0
 Current liabilities total                    58.3           50.1          56.5
 Total liabilities                            64.3           60.2          62.6
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                150.2          151.1         144.4

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  (MEUR)       1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2013
                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months

 Profit for the year from continuing operations          6.2      1.6       6.7
 Profit for the year from discontinued operations                24.3      24.3
 Adjustment of accrual basis items                      10.7    -17.1     -13.3
 Change in net working capital                          -9.3      1.3      18.7
 Interest paid on operating activities                  -0.4     -1.1      -1.3
 Interest received from operating activities             0.3      0.2       0.3
 Other financial income and expenses, net received       0.0      0.0       0.0
 Income taxes paid                                      -2.4     -0.5      -0.7
 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      5.1      8.7      34.7

 Acquisition of business unit, net of cash acquired              29.2      30.0
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment              -2.2     -3.1      -4.0
 Purchase of intangible assets                          -4.4     -1.6      -2.0
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                   0.0      0.1       0.2
 Sale of intangible assets                               0.0      0.0       0.0
 Proceeds from sale of investments                       0.0
 NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                     -6.6     24.7      24.4

 Share-option plans exercised                            0.4      0.1       0.1
 Proceeds from borrowing                                19.4     16.6      16.6
 Repayment of borrowing                                -16.6    -16.9     -28.4
 Payment of finance liabilities                         -1.4     -2.3      -3.1
 Dividend paid and repayment of capital                 -2.6     -1.3     -15.6
 NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                     -0.8     -3.8     -30.3

 NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                -2.3     29.6      28.7
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       43.0     14.3      14.3
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             40.7     43.9      43.0

 A = Share capital
 B = Invested non-restricted equity fund
 C = Translation difference
 D = Retained earnings
 F = Non-controlling interests
 G = Total equity

 Restated                                           A    B   C    D E    F
 Shareholders equity on December 31, 2012        12.9 38.7 0.6 14.3   66.6
   Change in accounting policy (IAS 19)                        -0.6   -0.6
 Shareholders equity on January 1, 2013 restated 12.9 38.7 0.6 13.8   66.0
 Comprehensive income for the period
   Profit for the period                                       25.9   25.9
   Exchange differences on translating foreign             0.1         0.1
 Total comprehensive income for the period                 0.1 25.9   26.0
 Transactions between the shareholders
   Dividend distribution                                       -1.3   -1.3
   Share option plans exercised                        0.1             0.1
   Share-related compensation                                   0.1    0.1
 Total transactions between the shareholders           0.1     -1.2   -1.1
 Other changes                                                  0.0    0.0
 Shareholders equity on Sept. 30, 2013           12.9 38.7 0.7 38.6   91.0

                                                  A    B   C    D E    F
 Shareholders equity on Jan. 1, 2014           12.9 24.5 0.6 43.7   81.7
 Comprehensive income for the period
   Profit for the period                                      6.2    6.2
   Exchange differences on translating foreign           0.4         0.4
 Total comprehensive income for the period               0.4  6.2    6.6
 Transactions between the shareholders
   Dividend distribution                                     -2.6   -2.6
   Share option plans exercised                      0.4             0.4
   Share-related compensation                                 0.1    0.1
 Total transactions between the shareholders         0.4     -2.5   -2.1
 Other changes                                               -0.3   -0.3
 Shareholders equity on Sept. 30, 2014         12.9 24.9 1.0 47.0   85.9

NOTES TO THE interim Financial reporting

Accounting principles for the interim financial reporting:

The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial
Reporting. Elektrobit Corporation has applied the same accounting principles in
the preparation of this Interim Report as in its Financial Statements for 2013,
except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations effective during
2014. The changes did not have material impact on the Interim Report.


 OPERATING SEGMENTS                1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2013
                                   9 months 9 months 12 months

   Net sales to external customers    119.8     97.1     138.2
   Net sales to other segments          0.0      0.1       0.1
   Net sales total                    119.8     97.2     138.3

   Operating profit (loss)             10.6      3.1       8.5

   Net sales to external customers     36.6     42.7      61.1
   Net sales to other segments          0.1      0.1       0.1
   Net sales total                     36.7     42.8      61.2

   Operating profit (loss)             -0.9     -0.8      -0.5


 Other items
   Net sales to external customers
   Operating profit (loss)             -0.0      0.1       0.1

   Net sales to other segments         -0.1     -0.2      -0.2
   Operating profit (loss)              0.0      0.0       0.0

 Group total
   Net sales to external customers    156.4    139.8     199.3
   Operating profit (loss)              9.6      2.4       8.1

 Net sales of geographical areas (MEUR) 1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2013
                                        9 months 9 months 12 months

 Net sales
   Europe                                  128.0    115.6     164.8
   Americas                                 21.4     18.6      26.6
   Asia                                      7.0      5.6       7.9
 Net sales total                           156.4    139.8     199.3

 Related party transactions                         1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2013
                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months

 Employee benefits for key management and stock          0.9      0.8       1.2
 options expenses total

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF       7-9/2014 4-6/2014 1-3/2014 10-12/2013 7-9/2013
 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME BY QUARTER 3 months 3 months 3 months   3 months 3 months
 Continuing operations
 NET SALES                           52.5     52.2     51.7       59.5     45.7
 Other operating income               1.1      1.1      0.6        0.7      0.9
 Change in work in progress and       0.0      0.0      0.0       -0.1      0.1
 finished goods
 Work performed by the                0.0      0.1                 0.0
 undertaking for its own purpose
 and capitalized
 Raw materials                       -1.9     -3.6     -5.1       -6.3     -2.0
 Personnel expenses                 -29.8    -30.5    -31.4      -28.8    -26.6
 Depreciation                        -2.1     -2.1     -2.2       -2.4     -2.3
 Other operating expenses           -15.2    -14.2    -11.8      -17.0    -14.7
 OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)              4.6      3.1      1.9        5.7      1.0
 Financial income and expenses       -0.4     -0.3      0.0       -0.2     -0.1
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                    4.2      2.8      1.9        5.5      0.9
 Income tax                          -1.6     -1.0     -0.2       -0.4     -0.1
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD FROM           2.6      1.8      1.7        5.0      0.8
 Discontinued operations
 Profit for the period from                                                 0.7
 discontinued operations
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                2.6      1.8      1.7        5.0      1.5
 Other comprehensive income           0.2      0.3     -0.1       -0.1     -0.1
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR       2.8      2.1      1.6        4.9      1.4

 Profit for the period
 attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent       2.6      1.8      1.7        5.0      1.5
   Non-controlling interests
 Total comprehensive income for
 the period attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent       2.8      2.1      1.6        4.9      1.4
   Non-controlling interests

 CONSOLIDATED            Sept.         Jun.        Mar.        Dec.       Sept.
 STATEMENT OF         30, 2014     30, 2014    31, 2014    31, 2013    30, 2013
   Property,               9.2          9.1         9.3         9.7         9.3
 plant and
   Goodwill               19.4         19.4        19.4        19.3        19.3
   Intangible             16.8         14.7        14.8        15.5        16.2
   Other                   0.1          0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1
 financial assets
   Deferred tax            1.6          1.5         1.5         1.5         1.2
 Non-current              47.1         44.9        45.1        46.1        46.1
 assets total
 Current assets
   Inventories             1.5          1.0         0.9         0.8         0.8
   Trade and              60.9         71.6        55.3        54.3        60.2
 assets at fair           20.9         20.9        20.8        20.7        35.0
 value through
   profit or loss
   Cash and short         19.8         10.0        21.8        22.4         9.0
 term deposits
 Current assets          103.1        103.5        98.8        98.2       105.0
 TOTAL ASSETS            150.2        148.4       144.0       144.4       151.1

 attributable to
 equity holders
 of the parent
   Share capital          12.9         12.9        12.9        12.9        12.9
   Invested non-          24.9         24.9        24.8        24.5        38.7
 equity fund
   Translation             1.0          0.8         0.5         0.6         0.7
   Retained               47.0         44.7        45.4        43.7        38.6
 Total equity             85.9         83.3        83.7        81.7        91.0
   Deferred tax            0.5          0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5
   Pension                 2.2          2.1         2.1         2.1         2.1
   Provisions              0.2          0.3         0.5         0.3         0.3
   Interest-               3.0          2.9         3.0         3.3         7.2
 Non-current               5.9          5.8         6.1         6.1        10.1
   Trade and              51.2         45.4        43.5        52.2        38.5
 other payables
   Financial               0.4          0.0
 liabilities at
 fair value
   profit or loss
   Provisions              2.5          3.0         2.3         2.3         2.0
   Interest-               4.3         10.9         8.3         2.0         9.6
 bearing loans
 and borrowings
 Current                  58.3         59.3        54.1        56.5        50.1
 Total                    64.3         65.1        60.3        62.6        60.2
 TOTAL EQUITY AND        150.2        148.4       144.0       144.4       151.1


 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH  7-9/2014 4-6/2014 1-3/2014 10-12/2013 7-9/2013
 FLOWS BY QUARTER                3 months 3 months 3 months   3 months 3 months
 Net cash from operating             20.5     -9.7     -5.7       26.0      3.3
 Net cash from investing             -3.9     -1.7     -1.0       -0.3     -1.6
 Net cash from financing             -6.7     -0.3      6.2      -26.5      0.1
 Net change in cash and cash          9.8    -11.6     -0.5       -0.9      1.8

 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RELATED RATIOS               1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2013
                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months

 Net sales                                             156.4    139.8     199.3
 Operating profit (loss)                                 9.6      2.4       8.1
   Operating profit (loss), % of net sales               6.1      1.7       4.1
 Profit before taxes                                     9.0      1.8       7.2
   Profit before taxes, % of net sales                   5.7      1.3       3.6
 Profit for the period                                   6.2      1.6       6.7
 Interest-bearing net liabilities, (MEUR)              -33.4    -27.1     -37.7
 Net gearing, -%                                       -38,9    -29.8     -46.1
 Equity ratio, %                                        64.0     63.9      65.1
 Gross investments, (MEUR)                               7.2      5.8       7.9
 Average personnel during the period, parent and        1671     1628      1627
 Personnel at the period end, parent and                1710     1685      1648
 Average personnel during the period, jointly owned      365      294       300
 Personnel at the period end, jointly owned company      407      331       321

 AMOUNT OF SHARE ISSUE ADJUSTMENT   Sept. 30, 2014 Sept. 30, 2013 Dec. 31, 2013
 (1,000 pcs)
 At the end of period                      131 242        129 631       130 101
 Average for the period                    130 868        129 432       129 528
 Average for the period diluted            131 604        130 319       130 092
 with stock options

                                          1-9/2014       1-9/2013     1-12/2013
  STOCK-RELATED FINANCIAL RATIOS          9 months       9 months     12 months
 Earnings per share from continuing
 operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                  0.047          0.012         0.051
   Diluted earnings per share                0.047          0.012         0.051

 Earnings per share from
 discontinued operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                                 0.188         0.188
   Diluted earnings per share                               0.186         0.187

 Earnings per share from continuing
 and discontinued operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                  0.047          0.200         0.239
   Diluted earnings per share                0.047          0.199         0.238

 Equity *) per share                          0.65           0.70          0.63

   *) Equity attributable to equity
 holders of the parent

 MARKET VALUES OF SHARES (EUR)         1-9/2014 1-9/2013 1-12/2012
                                       9 months 9 months 12 months

 Highest                                   3.23     1.48      2.90
 Lowest                                    2.30     0.64      0.64
 Average                                   2.70     1.04      1.55
 At the end of period                      2.91     1.33      2.66

 Market value of the stock, (MEUR)        381.9    172.4     346.1
 Trading value of shares, (MEUR)          139.6     21.5      72.0
 Number of shares traded, (1,000 pcs)    51 663   20 757    46 483
 Related to average number of shares %     39.5     16.0      35.9

 SECURITIES AND CONTINGENT          Sept. 30, 2014 Sept. 30, 2013 Dec. 31, 2013
   Floating charges                            1.0           18.0          18.0
   Guarantees                                 15.3           14.6          14.6
 Rental liabilities
   Falling due in the next year                7.4            6.6           7.6
   Falling due after one year                 14.3           14.5          17.6
 Other contractual liabilities
   Falling due in the next year                2.0            1.3           1.0
   Falling due after one year                  0.6            0.3           0.6

 Mortgages are pledged for                     1.5           13.6           2.5
 liabilities totaled

 NOMINAL VALUE OF CURRENCY          Sept. 30, 2014 Sept. 30, 2013 Dec. 31, 2013
 Foreign exchange forward contracts
   Market value                               -0.0            0.1           0.1
   Nominal value                               3.0            5.0           6.0

 Purchased currency options
   Market value                                0.0            0.1           0.0
   Nominal value                               5.0            4.0           2.5

 Sold currency options
   Market value                               -0.3           -0.0          -0.0
   Nominal value                               8.0            8.0           5.0



Elektrobit Corporation Interim Report January - September 2014.pdf