Announcement of Financial Statements 2013/14

Revenue is up 15% at DKK 1,584m with organic growth of 7%. EBIT increased by 23% to DKK 198m. In 2014/15, Ambu expects to generate organic growth of 7-8% when reported in local currencies and an EBIT margin of approx. 12.5-13%.

“The first year of Ambu’s Climbing New Heights 2017 strategy has gone well, and we are on track. For the third con-secutive quarter, we have demonstrated markedly higher growth rates than the market. Concurrently with satisfactory organic growth, we are growing our earnings to new levels. After a year which has progressed in line with expectations and a satisfactory finish in Q4, Ambu is positioned to grow further in 2014/15,” says President & CEO Lars Marcher.



Company Announcement no 1 2014_15.pdf Annual report 2013-14.pdf