Get It(R) Acquires EmployInsight, Job Matching Platform

Get It to bring powerful and innovative matching technology to millions of employers and job seekers.

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 13, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Get It®, a leading operator of niche classified and career websites, today announced that is has acquired EmployInsight. Founded in 2012, EmployInsight is a leading platform for job matching between employers and job seekers, which launched with The New York Stock Exchange amongst its client base.

"We are thrilled to add such an innovative and well-polished product into our suite of services. It will bring tremendous value to our growing user base of employers, recruiters, and job seekers" said Jake Peebles, CEO of Get It. "We have experienced explosive growth in the number of users of our sites since 2013, in particular occupations such as customer service, trucking, and highly-skilled manual laborers. EmployInsight's matching technology gives employers and recruiters a way to group large numbers of candidates for these positions, and match applicants to their openings more precisely than any other tool available."

Adam Falla, CFO at EmployInsight, will join Get It as Director of Product. "I am excited for the chance to have EmployInsight's technology provide a new, improved experience for the larger groups of job seekers and employers that Get It services. Job seekers will be able to create a unique Strengths Profile that can be used again and again throughout their careers. We created this methodology based on leading research in psychological science, and we're excited to see it in practice across the millions of registered job seekers of Get It's sites."

After a short implementation stage, Get It expects to make EmployInsight available to its users by the first quarter of 2015. Get It also has concrete plans to make a version of EmployInsight available to its extensive network of partners, who will be able to implement the matching technology within their client bases. As part of the acquisition, Sean Glass, co-founder of EmployInsight and previously co-founder of HigherOne, will join Get It's board.

About Get It

Get It® ( is a technology company based in Alexandria, VA. Since 2006, Get It has created more than 600 safe, online communities, offering consumers with one-click access to precisely what they need, and companies avenues in which to reach them. Whether it's a job seeker looking for employment opportunities or a buyer searching for a certain product, Get It makes the connection. More than 5 million people each month rely on Get It for simple ways to find each other through its classified and career websites.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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