Source: SOLUTIONS 30

SOLUTIONS 30 : The listing of SOLUTIONS 30 reaches another landmark and benefits from the dynamics of the PEA-PME program

The shares of SOLUTIONS 30 have been included in the new created index EnterNext©PEA-PME 150. This index offers a benchmark of 150 companies, out of different industry sectors, that belong to the 80% most liquid securities traded on the Euronext and Alternext markets in Paris. Investors can buy shares for up to 75.000 Euro each while still benefiting from the fiscal advantages of the French PEA-PME program.

The EnterNext©PEA-PME 150 index has been developed together with executives out of the industry and economy to monitor the development of the selected small- and medium-sized companies and to be able to compare it with the development of related investmen funds.

The selection to be part of the EnterNext©PEA-PME 150 index took place just a couple of days after SOLUTIONS 30 announced its second listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and rewards the efforts of the Company to further increase the visibility and liquiditys of its shares.

Upcoming Events

November 26th 2014 : Company Presentation at the Eigenkapitalforum of Deutsche Börse
End of January 2015 : Publication of net sales 2014
Mid April 2015 : Annual Report 2014

About Solutions 30

The SOLUTIONS 30 Group (ex PC30) is Europe's leading provider of solutions for New Technologies. Its mission is to make the technological changes that transform our daily lives accessible for everyone, individuals and businesses alike: yesterday, computer and the Internet; today, digital; tomorrow, the technologies that will make the world ever more connected in real time. Since its founding, the Group has handles more than 4 million calls by drawing on a network of regional technicians. SOLUTIONS 30 currently.

SOLUTIONS 30 is a company, qualified as PEA-PME, quoted on the Alternext (ISIN FR0010263335 - short-code ALS30) as well as on Frankfurt Floor (ISIN FR0010263335 - short-code EO2)

Additional information can be found on the corporate website
