Roblon A/S : Deviation from earlier announced expectations

DrviDeviation from earlier announced expectations

At their meeting today, the preliminary accounts for 2013/14 was presented to
Roblon's Board of Directors.

At the latest interim statement the Board expected a revenue in the lower part
of the interval of 250-275 million DKK and a profit before tax in the interval
of 35-45 million DKK. For the financial year 2013/14 the Board is now expecting
a revenue of approx. 260 million DKK and a profit before tax of approx. 51
million DKK.

The preliminary statement will be published on January 15, 2015 as earlier

Frederikshavn, November 27, 2014

Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen                                        Jens-Ole Sørensen
Chairman of the Board                                       Managing Director



Deviation from earlier announced expectations.pdf