BrowseTel Receives 2014 WebRTC Conference & Expo V Demo Award

BrowseTel won the WebRTC Conference & Expo V Demo Ready Now Award from TMC, Systemwide Media and PKE Consulting. November 18-20, 2014, more than 16 companies presented their WebRTC solutions to a live audience filled with industry experts.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 28, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - BrowseTel announced today that it has received a 2014 WebRTC Conference & Expo V Demo Ready Now Award from TMC, Systemwide Media and PKE Consulting. November 18-20, 2014, more than 16 companies presented their WebRTC solutions to a live audience filled with industry experts.

BrowseTel presented an innovative solution to convert millions of lost minutes inside the customer care systems waiting queue in to a pleasant customer experience with the focus on cross sale and self-service menus for quick info and troubleshooting. "Nobody wants to be positioned in to a waiting line! We converted a time consuming nuisance in to a nice customer experience with a win win situation for brands as well as customers" said Matej Zvan, CTO of BrowseTel.

"On behalf of WebRTC Conference & Expo, I am very pleased to recognize the innovation demonstrated by BrowseTel at the 2014 Demo Awards," said Carl Ford, Event Co-Producer, WebRTC Conference & Expo V. "Companies like BrowseTel are the driving force behind the growth of WebRTC. BrowseTel truly deserves this award and I look forward to more innovative solutions from them in the future."

"It is my pleasure to grant a 2014 WebRTC Conference & Expo Demo Award to BrowseTel for their innovative Script driven Customer Engagement response system," said Event Producer and TMC President Dave Rodriguez. "It is our pleasure to be able to honor BrowseTel for their inspiring work."

About BrowseTel

BrowseTel is a WebRTC solutions provider offering a platform for real-time multi-channel communication within the Internet browser. A complete telecommunication suite based on WebRTC technology with HTML5 Web Phone with all the functionalities of a desk phone or mobile phone where users can interact online (audio/video/data) as well as on a voice telephone network. is also offering API interfaces for integration of existing solutions or integration of 3rd party applications.

About TMC

TMC is a global, integrated media company that supports clients' goals by building communities in print, online, and face to face. TMC publishes multiple magazines including Cloud Computing, M2M Evolution, Customer, and Internet Telephony. TMCnet is the leading source of news and articles for the communications and technology industries, and is read by as many as 1.5 million unique visitors monthly. TMC produces a variety of trade events, including ITEXPO, the world's leading business technology event, as well as industry events: Asterisk World; AstriCon; ChannelVision (CVx) Expo; Customer Experience (CX) Hot Trends Symposium; DevCon5 - HTML5 & Mobile App Developer Conference; FreePBX World; LatinComm Conference and Expo; M2M Evolution Conference & Expo; SmartVoice Conference; Software Telco Congress; SIP Trunking, Unified Communications & WebRTC Seminars; Wearable Tech Conference & Expo III; Fitness and Sports Wearable Technology (FAST) Expo II, WebRTC Conference & Expo V; and more. Visit TMC Events for additional information.

About PKE Consulting

PKE Consulting provides strategic consulting at the intersection of computing, networking, and communications. The company's primary focus is on how the integration of information and interaction can create value transformation for organizations. PKE Consulting services include organization planning for how to best utilize technologies for transformation. PKE Consulting also works to assure that the underlying network infrastructure is capable of supporting the new services. PKE Consulting provides services both to end user organizations and to vendors.

About Systemwide Media

Systemwide Media is an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology. We service communities of interest with conferences, tradeshows, webinars, and newsletters and provide community websites with the latest information in our industries.

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(203) 852-6800 ext. 170


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