Notice on an extraordinary shareholders meeting of joint stock company “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”

Liepaja, 2014-12-04 12:27 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Notice on an extraordinary shareholders meeting of joint stock company “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”.

The firm, registration number and juridical address:
Joint stock company “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”, registration number 40003015652, legal address:Cukura Street 8/16, Liepaja, LV-3414.

Number of total share voters:
627 441 shares with voting rights.

Meeting place:
Cukura Street 8/16, Liepaja, at premises ofjoint stock company “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”, Room No.4.

Meeting time:
January 12 of 2015, at 12:00 o’clock.

Type of meeting:
Extraordinary shareholders meeting.

Shareholders rights to include questions in work order of shareholder meeting:
1) shareholders who own at least 1/20 (one twentieth) of company’s capital stock within sevendays of announcing this notice or within five days after receiving this notice have rights to demand to the company’s board to include additional questions in the agenda of the shareholder meeting;
2) shareholders who propose to include additional questions in the agenda of shareholders meeting, have dutyto submit to company’s board draft decisions about questions that they want to include inagenda of shareholders meeting or explanation about questions in which it is not supposed tomake any decisions.

Shareholders rights to submit draft decisions for the discussion about the issues included inagenda of the meeting and to ask questions about the issues of the agenda of shareholdersmeeting:
1) shareholders within seven days from the day when the notice about shareholdersmeeting was distributed, have rights to submit draft decisions to company’s board about questions included in the agenda of shareholders meeting;
2) shareholders have rights to submit draft decisions on questions included in the agenda of the shareholders meeting during the meeting if all questions of the agenda are reviewed and rejected.

Date of entry:
1) rights to participate in the extraordinary shareholders meeting have only those shareholders who will owncompany’s shares in entry date, in the end of 5th Januaryof 2015;
2) shareholders representatives and authorized persons have to show their passports or otheridentity document at registration, need to submit written warrant of represented shareholder (the warrant form is available on joint stock company’s “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”home and on Official obligatory information central keeping system home page or legal representatives need to show document that confirms authority.

Place and way how shareholders may obtain Company’s disposable draft decisions and forms that are used for voting on the warrant basis:
Shareholders have rights to receive draft decisions and forms, which are used for voting on thewarrant basis, without charge from  04 Decemberof 2014 till 12 January of 2015 on Official obligatoryinformation central keeping system home page on the JSC “Riga stock exchange”home page, and also during work days from 9:00 till 16:00o’clock in Liepaja, Cukura Street 8/16, ofjoint stock company’s “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS” secretariat, by prior arrangement in previous day by phone 63426778, but on the day of shareholder meeting – at the registration place.

Homepage addresses, where this notice is available:
1) ;

Registration of the shareholders:
At the day of meeting on 12 January of 2015 from 11:00 till 12:00 o’clock at the shareholders meeting place.

1. Delisting of the Company’s shares from the regulated market (personal vote).

The Board of joint stock company’s “LIEPĀJAS AUTOBUSU PARKS”

