CybAero appoints vice president and deputy chair and sets date for annual general meeting

The board of directors of CybAero AB has appointed COO Rolf Schytt to serve as
the company's vice president and board member Professor Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck as
the deputy chair. The Board of Directors has also set a date for the company's
annual general meeting: Thursday, April 9, 2015. The board of directors has
appointed Claes Drougge, Mikael Hult and Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck to serve on the
election committee for the 2015 annual general meeting.
First North-listed CybAero, which develops and markets unmanned helicopters,
embarked on an intense growth phase in 2014, which is estimated to continue for
at least the next 5-6 years. In 2014, the company doubled its workforce from
around 20 to almost 50 employees and is planning to make at least 25 more new
hires in 2015.

"The board has decided to appoint both a vice president and a deputy chair of
the board of directors in order to keep the management team flexible and fleet
-footed in this key growth phase. Both our CEO Mikael Hult and I are responsible
for sales duties within the company, and we therefore travel quite a lot. Work
on the home front can't be dependent on our physical presence," says Board Chair
Claes Drougge.

Long-standing experience from companies with intensive development and
production operations
Rolf Schytt has been CybAero's COO since April 2014. His most recent prior
position was COO at Ocean Modules Sweden AB, which develops unmanned submarines.
Rolf Schytt has long-standing and wide-ranging experience from companies with
intensive development and production operations. Rolf Schytt has previously
served as CEO of Motalaverken and Expander System Sweden AB.

Newly appointed professor to serve as deputy chair
Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck has recently been appointed Professor of Product
Innovation at Luleå University of Technology. Her most recent prior position was
at Linköping University, where she furthered collaboration between academia and
industry via several projects, including CAM, the Center of Business Development
for Small Businesses, which aims to improve collaboration with the university
and develop methods and tools for sustainable growth in SMEs.
For more information:
Mikael Hult, CEO, CybAero AB, tel. 46 (0)70 5642545 e-mail:

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About CybAero
CybAero develops and manufactures Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and
associated sensor systems for safer and more cost-effective operations in
hazardous environments.The company has made a great international impact with
its  APID 60 helicopter, which can be adapted for for exemple coastal and border
surveillance, search and rescue missions, and mapping.
CybAero has its head office in the Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden.
The company has more than 40 employees and has been listed on NASDAQ OMX First
North since 2007. Remium Nordic AB is the company’s certified adviser.

