SinterCast to finish year with record series production and revenue

  * Full-year series production set to increase by more than 10%
  * Full-year operating result set to increase by more than 30%
  * Production gains led by 30% increase in commercial vehicles

[Stockholm,  23 December 2014] - Buoyed  by the continued  ramp-up of commercial
vehicle engine components, the start of production of two undisclosed heavy duty
engine  programmes, and improving economic conditions in key sectors, SinterCast
is  set to finish 2014 with record  series production and record revenue.  While
full-year  commercial  vehicle  production  is  set to increase by approximately
30%, passenger vehicle engine production remained the largest sector, accounting
for  approximately 55% of the  total volume.  Further  growth is expected in the
passenger  vehicle sector as the industry's first high volume CGI petrol engine,
debuting  in  North  America's  best-selling  vehicle,  is  poised to ramp-up up
through  2015 and  beyond.   Although  December  foundry shutdowns traditionally
result  in lower  volume, series  production for  the full  year is  expected to
finish  more than 10% above 2013.  The growth  in series production has resulted
in  a 12% increase  in Sampling  Cup shipments,  contributing to an expected 5%
increase in total revenue and yielding a new revenue record for the company. The
operating result is expected to increase by more than 30%.

"Following   three  consecutive  years  of  record  installations,  installation
announcements  were quieter than normal and, largely as a result of changing OEM
policies  regarding supplier information, new CGI engine announcements were also
quieter  than normal.  But, behind the  scenes, we were busy supporting customer
activities,   promoting   new  CGI  applications,  adding  technical  resources,
developing  new  technologies,  and,  setting  records"  said  Dr  Steve Dawson,
President  & CEO of SinterCast.  "We finish 2014 knocking on the doorstep of the
two  million Engine Equivalent milestone and looking forward to the potential of
the year ahead."

For more information:

 Dr Steve Dawson

 President & CEO

 Tel:    +46 8 660 7750


SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine size, weight, noise and emissions. With 39 installations in 12 countries,
the  SinterCast technology  is primarily  used for  the production of petrol and
diesel  engine cylinder  blocks and  exhaust components  for passenger vehicles;
medium-duty  and heavy-duty cylinder  blocks and heads  for commercial vehicles;
and,   industrial  power  engine  components  for  marine,  rail,  off-road  and
stationary  engine applications. SinterCast's series production components range
from  2 kg to 9 tonnes,  all using the  same proven process control technology.
The  SinterCast share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the Stockholm NASDAQ
OMX   stock   exchange   (Stockholmsbörsen:   SINT).   For   more   information:




Press Release PDF.pdf