Changes to master data

Nykredit has found that the amortisation profile and last payment date of a number of bonds in VP and Nasdaq deviate from the final terms.

Consequently, the last payment date of the following ISINs has been changed:


ISIN Current last
payment date in VP

New last
payment date
DK000970298-7 1 Oct 2021 1 Apr 2022
DK000970506-3 1 Jan 2021 1 Jul 2021
DK000970638-4 1 Jul 2017 1 Oct 2017
DK000970646-7 1 Jan 2021 1 Jul 2021
DK000971634-2 1 Jan 2020 1 Jul 2020
DK000971774-6 1 Apr 2018 1 Oct 2020
DK000972010-4 1 Oct 2024 1 Oct 2025
DK000972932-9 1 Jan 2023 1 Jan 2024
DK000975664-7 1 Jan 2028 1 Oct 2028
DK000976199-1 1 Jan 2028 1 Oct 2028
DK000976539-8 1 Apr 2038 1 Oct 2038
DK000977047-1 1 Apr 2040 1 Oct 2041
DK000975931-8 Amortisation profile to be updated
DK000471798-0 Amortisation profile to be updated


Cash flows and amortisation profiles will be updated in connection with the next ordinary announcement in mid-January 2015.

Questions may be directed to Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Group Treasury, Nicolaj Legind Jensen, Senior Vice President, tel +45 44 55 11 10, or Morten Bækmand Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, tel +45 44 55 15 21.



Fondbørsmeddelelse ændringer i stamdata uk - 29. december 2014.pdf