Chr. Hansen Holding A/S - reduction in share capital by the cancellation of treasury shares

The share capital of the following share will be reduced on Nasdaq Copenhagen as per 8 January 2015.


ISIN DK0060227585
Name: Chr. Hansen Holding
Volume before change: 134,499,976 shares (DKK 1,344,999,760)
Change: 2,647,480 shares (DKK 26,474,800)
Volume after change: 131,852,496 shares (DKK 1,318,524,960)
Face value: DKK 10
Short name: CHR
Orderbook ID: 75663



For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66


CHR - nedskr - uk.pdf