Reminder: Nordic Equity products - Expanded CCP scope in Denmark and Sweden

Effective February 16, 2015, Nasdaq Copenhagen and Nasdaq Stockholm will introduce CCP clearing on the mid cap shares.

As advised about in IT Notice published December 19, 2014 IT - INET Nordic – Expanded CCP scope in Denmark and Sweden Nasdaq Nordic, has decided to expand the scope of instruments that are CCP cleared on Nasdaq Copenhagen and Nasdaq Stockholm to include shares in the mid cap segments. Currently, shares in the OMXC20 and OMXS30 indexes as well as large cap shares constitute the CCP scope on the two exchanges.

Test (GCF4) available since: January 19, 2015
Production date: February 16, 2015

New market segment setup on Nasdaq Copenhagen

  • OMX CPH Equities
    • currently, the segment holds both mid and small cap shares
    • the small cap shares will be moved to a new market segment where after the segment will hold mid cap shares only
    • due to the fact that mid cap shares run the scheduled intraday auction, the segment will change its name to: CPH Equities intraday cross CCP



Current market name New market name GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
OMX CPH Equities CPH Equities intraday cross CCP 32 14 32


  • A NEW market segment: CPH Equities intraday cross:
    • small cap shares currently on: OMX CPH Equities will be moved to this new segment
    • the order books that move keep their current orderbook ID codes



Market segment GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
CPH Equities intraday cross TBD 203 734


  • Market segment: OMX CPH Equities CCP:
    • holds all shares that are CCP cleared
    • will change its name to “CPH Equities CCP”



Current market name New market name GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
OMX CPH Equities CCP CPH Equities CCP 360 183 360



The “OMX” is removed from the market segment names in order to be in line with the recent brand name change from NASDAQ OMX to Nasdaq.


Market segment setup on Nasdaq Stockholm

  • Market segment: OMX STO Equities:
    • currently, the segment holds mid cap shares
    • the mid cap shares will be moved to segment “OMX STO Equities CCP”, Source Id: 182, which will then hold all shares that are CCP cleared
    • after the move, segment: OMX STO Equities will be empty. It will, however, not be deleted.



Market segment GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
OMX STO Equities 19 2 19


  • Market segment: OMX STO Equities CCP:
    • the mid cap shares currently on segment: OMX STO Equities will be moved to this segment
    • the segment will change its name to “STO Equities CCP”
    • the segment ID does not change, it remains to be 182



Current market name New market name GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
OMX STO Equities CCP STO Equities CCP 358 182 358


  • Market segment: OMX STO Equities intraday cross
    • holds small cap shares
    • will change its name to: STO Equities intraday cross



Current market name New market name GCF ID Source ID GCF4 ID
OMX STO Equities intraday cross STO Equities intraday cross 684 202 684


The “OMX” is removed from the market segment names to be in line with the recent brand name change from NASDAQ OMX to Nasdaq.


Activities on impacted order books on launch

Impacted order books are those that move from one market segment to another. In the enclosed Excel please find an overview of the order books (see the tabs at the bottom). Please note that impacted order books may change prior to launch due to possible delistings and new listings. An update will be published closer to launch.

Impacted order books (those that move from one segment to another):

  • Will be flushed during post-trade on Friday February 13, 2015, (17:00 CET for Copenhagen and 17:30 CET for Stockholm)
  • Good-til-cancel orders will be deleted, and participants will have to consider reentering them on Monday February 16, 2015
  • Trades with deferred publication will be published on Friday February 13, 2015 before close (17:20 CET for Copenhagen and 18:00 CET for Stockholm).