SinterCast Results October-December 2014

                      Record production.  Record revenue.

                   40% Increase in full year operating result

Fourth Quarter 2014
  * Revenue for Period: SEK 15.6 million (SEK 14.4 million)
  * Operating Result: SEK 3.5 million (SEK 2.1 million)
  * Earnings per Share: SEK 0.5 per share (SEK 0.3 per share)
  * Cashflow from Operations: SEK 3.2 million (SEK 7.6 million)
  * Year-end awards for Ford and Ram pick-up trucks with SinterCast-CGI engines
  * New heavy duty cylinder head series production for Deutz and Hyundai
  * Dongfeng Trucks adopts SinterCast technology for CGI product development

Full Year 2014
  * Revenue: SEK 54.5 million (SEK 51.9 million)
  * Operating Result: SEK 10.2 million (SEK 7.3 million)
  * Earnings per Share: SEK 1.7 per share (SEK 1.2 per share)
  * Cashflow from Operations: SEK 6.7 million (SEK 14.4 million)
  * Dividend: Proposed ordinary dividend of SEK 1.5 per share (SEK 1.2 per
    share) plus an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0.7 per share
  * Installed Base: 23 fully automated systems and 17 mini-systems in Europe,
    Asia and the Americas

Series Production*

For paragraph, see Press Release PDF

Annualised  series  production  reached  a  new  record  of  1.85 million Engine
Equivalents  in the  fourth quarter,  providing a  16% year-on-year increase and
contributing to a 40% year-on-year increase in the operating result.

*  Annualised average  production of  Engine Equivalents  during the  quarter (1
Engine Equivalent = 50 kg)

CEO Comments

Record series production and record revenue
Series  production  in  the  fourth  quarter  amounted  to  1.85 million  Engine
Equivalents,  providing a new quarterly record and a 16% year-on-year increase.
Overall,  every quarter during 2014 either  provided or maintained record levels
of  series  production.   The  strong  growth  in  production resulted in a 12%
increase  in Sampling Cup shipments  and led toward record  revenue of SEK 54.5
million.   Beyond the record production and record revenue, the operating result
finished  40% higher than  2013.  The outlook  remains positive  in each  of the
passenger   vehicle,   commercial  vehicle  and  industrial  power  sectors,  as
competitive  benchmarks and market awareness continue  to grow.  It is estimated
that  the current  series production  programmes have  the potential  to provide
approximately 2.5 million Engine Equivalents at mature volume.

Series  production was  buoyed by  the continued  ramp-up of  commercial vehicle
production, particularly in Europe, and by the start of series production of new
heavy duty cylinder heads for Deutz and Hyundai.  The cylinder head for Deutz is
for   a   high   performance   7.8 litre   engine   developed  for  agricultural
applications.   Produced  at  the  Halberg  foundry  in  Leipzig  Germany, Deutz
specified  CGI for the cylinder  head to meet three  of the main requirements of
agricultural machinery: high torque, durability, and a compact engine package to
minimise  turning circle. This engine establishes a new benchmark for CGI in the
agriculture  sector and  it is  an honour  for our  technology to be embraced by
Deutz,  the world's first engine company,  founded in 1864 by Nicolaus Otto, the
inventor  of the internal combustion engine.  The Hyundai cylinder head is a CGI
upgrade  of a current  12.7 litre engine.  The  cylinder head was converted from
grey  iron  to  CGI  to  ensure  durability  in  parallel  with power and torque
increases.   The 12.7 litre  head is  Hyundai's sixth  SinterCast-CGI component,
extending Hyundai's CGI leadership in Asia.

Accolades for SinterCast castings, engines and vehicles
SinterCast's   technology   featured   prominently   in   the   year-end   award
recognitions.   The Ford F150  won the North  American Truck/Utility of the Year
award  at the North American International Auto Show in January.  The F150, with
the  SinterCast-CGI 2.7 litre V6  petrol engine also  won the Automotive Science
Group's Best All-Around Performance Award full size trucks, recognising the best
total  cost of ownership and the  best life cycle environmental performance.  At
the  same time, the Ram 1500 won the Green  Truck of the Year award presented by
Green  Car  Journal  while  the  Ram  3.0 litre  V6  diesel  engine won a second
consecutive  Wards 10 Best Engines award, and was the only diesel to receive the
coveted  award this  year.  SinterCast's  technology was  also recognised by the
Cast  Metal Federation in the UK as it awarded Grainger & Worrall the Casting of
the  Year award for the  Ford 2.7 litre V6 petrol  engine cylinder block.  These
prestigious  awards,  together with  new vehicle launches  at the North American
International  Auto Show such as the Nissan  Titan XD pick-up with a SinterCast-
CGI diesel engine designed and built by Cummins, constitute significant steps in
the  awareness  of  CGI  and  in  the  competitive  benchmarks in the automotive

New installation for commercial vehicle product development
Following  negotiations  during  the  fourth  quarter,  Dongfeng Trucks, China's
largest  heavy duty  truckmaker, signed  an agreement  for the installation of a
Mini-System  3000, planned to be  shipped during the  first quarter of 2015. The
installation  will  enable  Dongfeng  to  independently develop high quality CGI
cylinder  blocks  and  heads.   The  Dongfeng  order  marks  SinterCast's  ninth
installation  in  China,  following  installations  at Zhongding Power and Impro
Industries  during 2014, broadening  SinterCast's presence  and brand awareness,
and  providing additional opportunities to increase SinterCast-CGI production in
the commercial vehicle sector.

Ductile Iron technology
The SinterCast ductile iron technology is expected to provide additional benefit
to  customers  by  reducing  magnesium  consumption,  improving  mould yield and
reducing  casting  defects  in  the  foundry,  and  by improving machinability.
Development  of the ductile iron technology  accelerated during the quarter with
field  trials  and  continued  product  development.  The current development is
focussing  on the  optimisation of  the ductile  iron thermal  analysis sampling
device  and the metallurgical correlations, and on the preparation for reference
case studies.

Financial Summary

Revenue  for the  SinterCast Group  relates primarily  to income from equipment,
series production and engineering service.

 Revenue Breakdown             October-December                January-December

 (Amounts  in  SEK  million if   2014      2013    2014                    2013
 not otherwise stated)
 Number   of   Sampling   Cups 38,200    28,600 133,000                 118,500

 Equipment (1)                    1.1       4.2     4.9                    10.1

 Series Production (2)           13.9      10.0    47.8                    40.2

 Engineering Service( 3)          0.3       0.2     1.4                     1.4

 Other                            0.3       0.0     0.4                     0.2
 Total                           15.6      14.4    54.5                    51.9

 Notes: 1. Includes  revenue from system  sales and leases  and sales of
           spare parts

        2. Includes   revenue  from  production  fees,  consumables  and
           software licence fees

        3. Includes  revenue from technical  support, on-site trials and
           sales of test pieces

October-December  2014 revenue amounted to  SEK 15.6 million (SEK 14.4 million).
Revenue  from series production increased by  39% to SEK 13.9 million (SEK 10.0
million),  due  to  record  annualised  production of approximately 1.85 million
(1.60  million)  annualised  Engine  Equivalents  during  the  quarter  and  the
increased  shipment  of  38,200 (28,600)  Sampling  Cups.   During  the  period,
additional  equipment  was  sold  to  the  Tupy  foundry in Brazil to expand and
reinforce  the production capability.  However,  the total equipment revenue for
the  quarter was lower  compared to the  strong installation activity during the
fourth  quarter of 2013.  Engineering  Service amounted to  SEK 0.3 million (SEK
0.2 million).

January-December  2014 revenue amounted to  SEK 54.5 million (SEK 51.9 million).
 Revenue  from series production increased by 19% to SEK 47.8 million (SEK 40.2
million)  due  to  increased  production  and Sampling Cup shipments.  Equipment
revenue  amounted to  SEK 4.9 million  (SEK 10.1 million).   Engineering Service
amounted  to  SEK  1.4 million  (SEK  1.4 million) following support provided to
various  customers globally and the  sale of test pieces.   The revenue from the
leased installations is accrued over the lease period.

The  business  activities  of  SinterCast  are  best  reflected by the Operating
Result.  This is because the "Result for the period after tax" and the "Earnings
per  Share"  are  influenced  by  the  financial  income  and  costs  and by the
revaluation of tax assets.

 Results Summary                            October-December January - December

 (Amounts  in SEK million  if not otherwise 2014        2013 2014          2013
 Operating Result                            3.5         2.1 10.2           7.3

 Result for the period after tax             3.7         2.1 12.3           8.1

 Earnings per Share (SEK)                    0.5         0.3  1.7           1.2

The  October-December 2014 operating result of SEK 3.5 million (SEK 2.1 million)
increased  as  a  result  of  higher  gross  results  of SEK 2.0 million, higher
operational  expenses  of  SEK  0.1 million  and  lower  other  operating income
(exchange  gains)  of  SEK  0.5 million.   The  result  for the period after tax
amounted to SEK 3.7 million (SEK 2.1 million), primarily related to the increase
in  the operating result from SEK  2.1 million to SEK 3.5 million, the increased
financial  net of  SEK 0.1 million  and the  decreased tax  expenses of SEK 0.1

The  January-  December  2014 operating  result  of  SEK  10.2 million (SEK 7.3
million)  increased  as  a  result  of  higher  gross results of SEK 3.5 million
primarily derived from higher revenue, combined with higher operational expenses
of  SEK 0.8 million  and increased  operating income  from exchange gains of SEK
0.2 million.   The result for the period  after tax amounted to SEK 12.3 million
(SEK  8.1 million), primarily related  to the increased  operating result of SEK
2.9 million,  the increased financial net of SEK 1.0 million (primarily exchange
gains),  and increased tax income amounting to SEK 0.3 million, primarily due to
the deferred tax adjustment.

Deferred Tax Asset
Tax  amounted to SEK  0.9 million (SEK 0.6 million)  during the January-December
2014 period, primarily explained by the SEK 1.0 million increase in the deferred
tax  asset  during  the  second  quarter  of 2014.  The estimated future taxable
profit and deferred tax asset calculation is reassessed every quarter. As of 31
December  2014, SEK  133.3 million  (SEK  128.5 million)  of  SinterCast's total
carried-forward  tax  losses  have  been  used  as  the  basis  of  the  updated
calculation,  resulting in SEK 29.3 million (SEK 28.3 million) being capitalised
as a deferred tax asset.

Cashflow, Investments and Liquidity

 Cashflow Summary Fourth Quarter            October - December Cashflow Changes

 (Amounts  in SEK million  if not otherwise 2014          2013    2014 vs. 2013
 Cashflow from operations, before change in  3.6           1.8              1.8
 working capital

 Change in working capital                  -0.4           5.8             -6.2
 Cashflow from operations                    3.2           7.6             -4.4

 Cashflow from investing activities         -0.5          -0.1             -0.4
 Cashflow from financing activities            -           5.6             -5.6
 Exchange rate differences in cash and cash  0.2           0.0              0.2
 Cashflow total                              2.9          13.1            -10.2

October-December  2014 cashflow  from  operations  decreased  by SEK 4.4 million
compared  to the same  period in 2013, primarily  due to an  increase in working
capital  (SEK 6.2 million), derived from  decreased inventory (SEK 1.2 million),
increased receivables (SEK 3.9 million) and decreased operating liabilities (SEK
3.5 million). The total cashflow decreased by SEK 10.2 million, primarily due to
the net contribution in 2013 of the new share issue associated with the exercise
of  the employee stock  options (SEK 5.6 million).  Investments increased by SEK
0.4 million,  primarily from the  activation of products  under development (SEK
0.3 million).  After positive exchange rate  differences of SEK 0.2 million, the
total cashflow amounted to SEK 2.9 million (SEK 13.1 million).

 Cashflow Summary Full Year                 January - December Cashflow Changes

 (Amounts  in SEK million  if not otherwise 2014          2013    2014 vs. 2013
 Cashflow from operations, before change in 10.9           8.1              2.8
 working capital

 Change in working capital                  -4.2           6.3            -10.5
 Cashflow from operations                    6.7          14.4             -7.7

 Cashflow from investing activities         -1.3          -0.6             -0.7
 Cashflow from financing activities         -8.5          -1.4             -7.1
 Exchange rate differences in cash and cash  0.2           0.0              0.2
 Cashflow total                             -2.9          12.4            -15.3

 Liquidity                                  44.9          47.8

January-December  2014 cashflow  from  operations  decreased  by SEK 7.7 million
compared to full-year 2013, primarily due to an increase in working capital (SEK
10.5 million),  derived  from  decreased  inventory (SEK 0.3 million), increased
receivables  (SEK  4.3 million)  and  decreased  operating liabilities (SEK 6.5
million). The total cashflow decreased by SEK 15.3 million, primarily related to
the net contribution in 2013 of the new share issue associated with the exercise
of  the employee stock  options (SEK 5.6 million)  and the increased dividend of
SEK  1.5 million. Investments increased  by SEK 0.7 million,  primarily from the
activation  of products under  development (SEK 0.3 million)  and from increased
patent  investments (SEK 0.4 million).   The total cashflow amounted to SEK -2.9
million  (SEK 12.4 million). Liquidity on  31 December 2014 was SEK 44.9 million
(SEK 47.8 million).

Risks and Uncertainty Factors
The main uncertainty factor for SinterCast continues to be the timing of the CGI
market ramp-up.  This primarily depends on OEM decisions for new CGI engines and
other  components, the global economy for  new vehicle sales, and the individual
sales success of vehicles equipped with SinterCast-CGI components.

The  global economy has  developed differently in  Europe, Asia and the Americas
over  the  last  several  years.   The  European  passenger  vehicle, commercial
vehicle,  and construction equipment  markets have begun  to show some recovery,
but  this growth is from  a relatively low level  and uncertainty remains in the
market.   In Asia, the dominant Chinese  market is characterised by overcapacity
in  the commercial vehicle  and construction equipment  sectors, which represent
the  primary opportunity for  CGI.  This overcapacity,  coupled with the current
economic  uncertainty  in  China,  influences  product  development  cycles  and
production  volumes.  In  contrast,  consumer  confidence has increased in North
America and SinterCast has benefitted from increased vehicle sales. SinterCast's
geographical diversification helps to mitigate changing macroeconomic conditions
in  the  different  regions.   However,  as  manufacturing  continues to grow in
developing  countries, many of the future  installation opportunities will be in
price  sensitive markets and this can present a challenge for the SinterCast fee
structure and Business Model.

For  further risk and uncertainty factor information, please see note 26 on p.46
in SinterCast's Annual Report 2013

With  successful high volume CGI production in foundries located in Europe, Asia
and  the  Americas,  SinterCast  has  established  a  global  organisation  with
employees  and offices in  Sweden, the United  Kingdom, the United States, China
and  Korea.   As  of  31 December  2014, the  Group  had 19 (17) employees, four
(three)  of whom are  female. The company  is well positioned  to support global
market activities and to drive SinterCast's future growth.

Parent Company
SinterCast  AB (publ) is  the parent company  of the SinterCast  Group, with its
registered  office located in Stockholm, Sweden. On 31 December 2014, the parent
company had 14 (12) employees. The majority of the operations are managed by the
parent  company while  local operations  in the  United Kingdom,  United States,
Korea  and China are managed by the  local companies.  The information given for
the  Group in  this report  corresponds in  all material  respects to the parent
company. However, the result for the period may differ between the Group and the
parent  company due to intercompany transactions  between the parent company and
its subsidiaries.

SinterCast  currently holds 12 (13)  patents, granted or  pending, and maintains
59 (44)  individual  national  phase  patents  worldwide.  These patents address
SinterCast's  metallurgical technology,  thermal analysis,  the Sampling Cup for
CGI and ductile iron, product applications and machining.

Accounting Principles
The  information provided on behalf of the Group in this interim report has been
prepared  in accordance  with Sweden's  Annual Accounts  Act and  IAS 34 Interim
Financial  Reporting. The reporting for the  Parent Company has been prepared in
accordance  with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2. The accounting policies
that  have been applied  for the Group  and the parent  company are in agreement
with  the accounting  policies used  in the  preparation of the company's latest
Annual Report.

No  material transactions have  taken place between  SinterCast and the Board or
the management during the period.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
There  have  been  no  significant  events  since  the balance sheet date of 31
December  2014 that  could  materially  change  these  financial statements. The
following press releases have been issued:

7 January 2015 - Dongfeng Trucks adopts SinterCast process control technology
15 January   2015 -   Increased   presence  for  SinterCast  at  North  American
International Auto Show

Nomination Committee
The  Nomination Committee, elected by  the Annual General Meeting 2014, consists
of  Karl-Arne Henriksson, Chairman, Andrea Fessler, Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist
and  Hans-Erik Andersson.   Shareholders wishing  to provide  input or proposals
should  provide  written  submissions  to  the  Nomination  Committee  (e-mail: before 18 March 2015.

Annual General Meeting
The  Annual  General  Meeting  2015 of  SinterCast  AB  (publ)  will  be held on
Wednesday 20 May 2015.
Shareholders  wishing to have a matter  considered at the Annual General Meeting
should  provide written submissions to or to the
Company:  SinterCast AB (publ), P.O.  Box 10203, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden, at
least  seven weeks prior  to the Annual  General Meeting for  the proposal to be
included  in  the  notice  of  the  meeting.  Further details on how and when to
register will be published in advance of the Annual General Meeting.

Dividend 2014
The  Annual General Meeting of SinterCast AB (publ) held on 20 May 2014 approved
an  ordinary dividend for 2014 amounting to SEK 1.2 per share. A total amount of
SEK 8.5 million was transferred to the shareholders.

Proposed Dividend 2015
The  Board's intention  is to  continue to  provide an  ordinary dividend to the
shareholders, based primarily on the cashflow from operations. In the event that
the  Board considers that the liquidity exceeds the amount needed to support the
operational  requirements and strategic objectives, the  Board has the option to
propose  an extraordinary  dividend or  a share  buy-back to  further adjust the

The  Board of Directors propose  an ordinary dividend of  SEK 1.5 per share (SEK
1.2) plus  an  extraordinary  dividend  of  SEK  0.7 per  share,  representing a
transfer of SEK 15.6 million (SEK 8.5 million) to the shareholders of SinterCast
AB  (publ). The Board proposes 22 May 2015 as the record date for entitlement to
receive  dividends.  In  deciding  the  amount  of  the  ordinary dividend to be
proposed  to the  AGM 2015, the  Board considered  cashflow from operations, the
financial  position, investment requirements  and other factors,  such as market
outlook, growth strategy and the internal financial forecast for the company and
for the Group.

The Interim Report January-March 2015 will be published on 29 April 2015
The Interim Report April-June 2015 will be published on 29 July 2015
The Interim Report July-September 2015 will be published on 11 November 2015
The Interim Report October-December and Full Year Results 2015 will be published
on 17 February 2016

Annual Report 2014
The Annual Report 2014 will be published on 2 April 2015.

This report has not been reviewed by the Company's Auditors
Stockholm 11 February 2015

 For further information please contact:

 Dr. Steve Dawson

 President & CEO

 SinterCast AB (publ)

 Office:  +46 8 660 7750

 Mobile:  +44 771 002 6342



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  size, weight, noise  and emissions. The  SinterCast technology, with 40
installations  in 12 countries, is  primarily used for  the production of petrol
and diesel engine cylinder blocks and exhaust components for passenger vehicles,
medium-duty  and heavy-duty cylinder  blocks and heads  for commercial vehicles,
and industrial power engine components for marine, rail, off-road and stationary
engine  applications. SinterCast's series production  components range from 2 kg
to  9 tonnes,  all  using  the  same  proven  process  control  technology.  The
SinterCast  share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the Stockholm NASDAQ OMX
stock    exchange    (Stockholmsbörsen:    SINT).    For    more    information:




Press Release PDF.pdf