Press release: Nexam Chemical´s patent application relating to catalysis of crosslinking is to be allowed in Europe.

Nexam Chemical has received a notice of allowance from the European patent
office (EPO) stating that they intend to grant Nexam Chemical´s European patent
application relating to catalysis of crosslinking.
Nexam Chemical´s crosslinking technology, which includes a number of unique
crosslinking systems, results in improved processability of plastics at the same
time as properties such as heat and chemical resistance is improved. The
catalysis technology was developed to allow for Nexam Chemical´s crosslinkers to
be used in a wider temperature range and for adjusting the curing speed and
temperature to specific applications. As previously announced the corresponding
application has already been granted in the US.

“In practice this means that Nexam Chemical´s crosslinking technology can be
used in an even wider range of plastics and in an increased number of processes,
which today has restrictions in e.g. getting to the right activation
temperature. In short the catalysis technology enables an increased market
potential and improved competitiveness for our crosslinking technology”, says
Anders Spetz, CEO.

For more information on Nexam Chemical´s technology, please visit (

For further information please contact:

Lennart Holm, Chairman of the Board, +46-706 30 85 62,

Anders Spetz, CEO, +46-703 47 97 00,
About Nexam Chemical
Nexam Chemical is a Swedish company with a world-leading technology within the
area heat-activated crosslinking of plastics and polymers. The company develops,
manufactures and markets unique heat-activated crosslinkers to the plastics
­market.  A company description and more information about the business will be
found on The company’s Certified Adviser is Remium Nordic

