AS „mogo” interim condensed unaudited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2014

AS “mogo” concludes the year 2014 with a net profit of 0.54 million euro

Riga, Latvia, 2015-02-27 19:42 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 2014 was a period of very rapid growth for the Company. Total assets of the Company grew up to 28 million euro, turnover reached 5.8 million euro, EBITDA 2.4 million euro, and net profit of the Company reached 0.54 million euro.

In September 2014 the Company increased its share capital up to 5 million euro to strengthen financial and long-term value of the Company. At the end of December 2014 gross value of the lease portfolio reached 22.5 million euro (204% growth in comparison with year 2013).

On 17 March 2014 the Company registered emission of bonds for a total amount of 20 million euro at Latvian Central Depository for the attraction of investments, and on 11 November 2014 the Company included these bonds in Nasdaq Baltic Stock Exchange Debt Security listing, where they are available for public trade. By 27 February 2015 the Company has emitted the maximum number or securities 20 000 at nominal value EUR 1 000 for the total amount of emission EUR 20 000 000.

Interim Condensed Unaudited Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income*

In EUR   2014   2013
Interest and similar income   5 765 419   2 369 884
Interest expense   (1 516 912)   (739 063)
Impairment   (1 044 495)   (167 290)
Cost of goods sold   -   (5 265)
Selling expense   (585 251)   (702 978)
Administrative expense   (1 838 919)   (976 345)
Other operating income   97 324   82 161
Other operating expense   (170 185)   (89 987)
Other interest receivable and similar income   93 071   15 946
Interest payable and similar expense   (20)   (26 263)
Profit/(loss) before Income Tax   800 032   (239 200)
Corporate Income Tax   (404 382)   (44 153)
Deferred Income Tax   142 545   (6 055)
Net profit/(loss) for the period   538 195   (289 408)
Other comprehensive income   -   -
Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the period   538 195   (289 408)


Interim Condensed Unaudited Statement of Financial Position*


In EUR   31.12.2014   31.12.2013
Intangible Assets   210 266   107 808
Equipment   147 831   74 364
Deferred Tax Assets   167 795   25 251
Other non-current Financial Assets   5 013 000   -
Non-current Net Finance Lease Receivables   15 232 089   4 844 515
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS   20 770 981   5 051 938
Inventory   60 255   -
Current Net Finance Lease Receivables   6 004 007   2 342 855
Other Receivables   184 092   23 598
Deferred Expense   248 870   19 923
Cash and Cash Equivalents   768 619   306 097
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   7 265 843   2 692 473
TOTAL ASSETS   28 036 824   7 744 411


Issued Share Capital   5 000 000   426 862
Retained earnings/(accumulated loss)   62 853   (475 342)
TOTAL EQUITY   5 062 853   (48 480)
Non-current liabilities        
Borrowings   19 562 000   5 657 390
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES   19 562 000   5 657 390
Current liabilities        
Borrowings   2 381 801   1 854 427
Trade Payables   82 945   62 235
Current Tax Liabilities   405 459   85 300
Deferred Revenue   348 733   48 846
Other Liabilities   193 033   84 693
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES   3 411 971   2 135 501
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   28 036 824   7 744 411

* interim condensed unaudited financial statements prepared in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards approved in the European Union

Attachment: AS “mogo” interim condensed unaudited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2014.

About AS “mogo”

AS “mogo” offers classical finance lease and lends against vehicles already owned by clients (a type of service known as leaseback), which is available by filling out an application on the company website, mobile website, over the phone, enquiring with one of more than 200 affiliated car dealerships, or at one of its client service centers in major cities throughout Latvia. Today, “mogo” group companies also operate in Estonia, Lithuania, and Georgia, with plans to expand business to other countries. Read more:

         Kaspars Leimanis
         Phone: +371 66900904
         Fax: +371 66047063

