Full Year report January-December 2014

Stockholm, 2015-02-27 21:59 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Fourth quarter of 2014

  • During the 4th quarter, the Group had no operating income (-). The operating result for the 4th quarter amounted to TSEK -6 589 (-9 303).
  • Net financial items in the 4th quarter amounted to TSEK 13 848 (592), including currency effects of approximately TSEK 15 953 (-3). The net financial items also include the change in real value of assets under portfolio management which amounted to TSEK -3 186 (583)
  • Net result after tax for the 4th quarter amounted to TSEK 7 285 (-8 711).
  • Earnings per share for the period amounted to SEK 0.18 (-0.22).


January – December 2014

  • During the 2014, the Group had no operating income (-). The operating result for the period amounted to TSEK – 33 531 (-170 288), which includes about TSEK -10 000 of extraordinary costs.
  • Net financial items in the period amounted to TSEK 20 542 (-869) including currency effects of TSEK 20 792 (-3 768) and change of real value of the assets under portfolio management of TSEK -3 197 (3 394).
  • Net result after tax for the period amounted to TSEK -12 989 (-171 158)
  • Earnings per share for the period amounted to SEK -0.32 (-4.25).
  • The Company holds 4 900 563 B-Shares in Shelton Petroleum AB (publ) at the end of the period.


Petrogrand Q4 2014(eng) Final.pdf