Landsbankinn hf. publishes risk report

Landsbankinn has published its Risk and Capital Management report for 2014. The report contains in-depth discussion of all aspects of the bank's risk management and risk assessment methods. This risk report provides an even clearer picture of the bank's position. The report is intended, amongst other things, to disclose information on the bank's risk and capital management, equity composition and other important and related factors.

This is the third time Landsbankinn publishes a designated risk report; previously, risk management has been discussed in detail in the bank's annual reports. The report is published in English and entitled Risk and Capital Management 2014, Pillar III risk report of Landsbankinn hf.


For further information:

Kolbrun Gudlaugsdottir, Investor Relations, , tel:  +354  410 4014

Kristjan Kristjansson,  Public Relations,, tel: +354 410 4011

