Announcement from Extraordinary Meeting of shareholders on March 10, 2015

Resolution on voluntary redemption program in accordance with the proposal by
the board of directors.
The extraordinary general meeting held on March 10, 2015 has resolved on a
reduction of the company's share capital with no more than SEK 6,694,503, by way
of voluntary redemption of no more than 6,694,503 shares, for repayment to the
shareholders. For each redeemed share the Company shall pay an amount of SEK
73.50, meaning that the aggregate consideration that may be paid out for shares
redeemed amounts to a maximum of SEK 492,045,970.50. Simultaneously it was
resolved to increase the company's share capital by SEK 6,694,503 through a
bonus issue without the issuance of new shares.

Shareholders who wishes to have their shares redeemed shall submit an
application for redemption. The right to redeem shares will be vested with
shareholders holding redemption rights. For each share in the company a
shareholder will receive 1 redemption right and 31 redemption rights shall
entitle a shareholder to redeem 1 share in the company. Holders of redemption
rights are offered to apply for the commission free sale of up to 1,000
redemption rights through Nordea Bank AB (publ). Trading in redemption rights
will be offered on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Time Plan for the redemption program

Last trading   day for shares      16 March 2015
including redemption rights
Record date   for allocation of    18 March 2015
redemption rights
Application   period for           24 March – 21 April 2015
redemption of shares
Application   period for           24 March – 14 April 2015
commission free sale of
redemption rights
Trading in redemption rights on    24 March – 17 April 2015
Nasdaq Stockholm

An information brochure containing further information related to the redemption
program, along with an application form will be made available on the websites
of Com Hem ( and Nordea ( from and including
16 March 2015.

This press release is not an offer of securities for purchase or sale in
Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of South Africa,
the United States, or any other jurisdiction where such offer would be in breach
of any applicable law. The redemption rights issued in connection with the offer
have not been and will not be registered under any applicable securities laws of
any state, province, territory, county or jurisdiction of the above territories.

Special notice to shareholders in the United States

Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration
or an exemption from registration. Com Hem does not intend to register any part
of the present offering in the United States. Com Hem is however offering the
redemption rights in the United States pursuant to the exemption afforded by
Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and outside the United States in reliance
on the safe harbor afforded by Rule 903 of Regulation S under the Securities
Act. In order to comply with these exemptions and safe harbors, offers inside
the United States (or to U.S. persons outside the United States) are being made
solely to “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501(a) under the Securities
Act. There must also not be any "directed selling efforts" in the United States
in connection with any offer pursuant to Regulation S.

For queries, please contact:

Carolina Haglund Strömlid, Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +46(0)708 80 71 73

Fredrik Hallstan, Head of PR
Tel: +46(0)761 15 38 30

Com Hem Holding AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for
publication at 16.30 CET on March 10, 2015.

About Com Hem
Com Hem is one of Sweden’s leading suppliers of high-speed broadband, television
and fixed-telephony. Approximately 40% of Sweden’s households are connected to
Com Hem’s network, with access to the market’s broadest range of television
services. Com Hem offers broadband speeds up to 500 Mbps to 1.6 million
households which is more than any other operator. Since 2013 Com Hem has a
competitive B2B-offer of broadband and telephony services. Com Hem was founded
in 1983, has approximately 1,100 employees and its head office is in Stockholm.
Operations are run through three subsidiaries; Com Hem AB, Phonera Företag AB
and iTUX Communication AB. Com Hem’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For
more information, visit:

