New equity rights for trading, Cantargia AB TO 3 and TO4 (53/15)

At the request of Cantargia AB, equity rights will be traded on First North as from March 17th  2015.


Security name: subscription option
Short name: CANTA TO 3
ISIN code: SE0006731808
Orderbook ID: 107646


Terms: Issue price, SEK 7,60 per share
- 1option rights gives the right to subscribe for
1 new share in Cantargia AB.
Subscription period: March 23rd 2016 – April 13th 2016
Last trading day: April 11th 2016



Security name: subscription option
Short name: CANTA TO 4
ISIN code: SE0006731816
Orderbook ID: 107647


Terms: Issue price, SEK 7,60 per share
- 1option right gives the right to subscribe for
1 new share in Cantargia AB.
Subscription period: September 27th 2016 – October 18th 2016
Last trading day: October 14th 2016

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Sedermera Fondkommission. For further information, please call Andreas Sandgren on 0431-47 17 22.