Notice of Annual General Meeting in SWECO AB (publ)

Sweco AB will on 16 March 2015 publish the content of the notice of the Annual
General Meeting in the Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the
company’s website. A note that the notice has been issued will at the same time
be published in Svenska Dagbladet.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 16 April 2015, at 3 p.m. CET at
Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, in Stockholm.


Shareholders who wish to participate in the general meeting must be registered
in their own name in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB by
Friday, 10 April 2015, and have notified the company of their intention to
participate by Friday, 10 April 2015 at the following address: Sweco AB, “Sweco
Årsstämma”, Box 7835, 103 98 Stockholm. Notification of intention to participate
can also be made by telephone on +46 (0)8 402 90 73 during weekdays between 9 am
and 5 pm, or through Sweco’s web site

The notification shall include name, social security number (registration number
for legal entities), address and telephone number, as well as the registered
number of shares and counsel, if applicable. Registered participants at the
meeting will receive an entrance pass by mail, which should be shown upon entry
to the meeting.

Agenda proposal

At the general meeting, to be opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors,
the following items should be considered

1.       Election of Chairman of the general meeting

2.       Election of Secretary of the general meeting

3.       Drafting and approval of the voting list

4.       Approval of the agenda

5.       Election of two scrutinizers of the minutes of the meeting

6.       Resolution on whether the meeting has been duly convened

7.       Statement by the Chief Executive Officer

8.       Presentation of the annual report and the auditor’s report as well as
the consolidated annual report and the auditor’s report thereon for the year

9.       Resolutions on

a)      approval of the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet, as well
as the consolidated profit and loss statement and the consolidated balance sheet

b)      approval of the allocation of profit as set forth in the approved
balance sheet and record date for distribution of dividends

c)      discharge from liability for the Directors and the Chief Executive

10.     Resolution on the number of Directors and Auditors to be appointed by
the annual general meeting

11.     Resolution on fees to the Directors and Auditors

12.     Election of Directors and the Chairman of the Board of Directors

13.     Election of Auditor

14.     Resolution on the Election Committee

15.     Resolution on guidelines for salary and other remuneration to Senior

16.     Resolutions on

a)      implementation of a share bonus scheme 2015 for employees in Sweden

b)      private placement of Series C shares

c)      authorizing the Board of Directors to redeem the newly issued Series C

d)      authorizing the Board of Directors to redeem Series B shares

e)      transfer of Series B treasury shares

f)       authorizing the Board of Directors to transfer Series B treasury shares
to secure payment of social security contributions

17.     Resolution on authorizing the Board of Directors to decide on transfers
of treasury shares within the scope of Share Bonus Scheme 2014

18.     Resolutions on

a)            implementation of a performance based Share Savings Scheme 2015

b)      authorization for the Board of Directors to acquire treasury shares
within the scope of the share savings scheme

c)      transfers of treasury shares to participants in the share savings scheme

19.     Resolutions on authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on
transfers of treasury shares within the scope of Share Savings Scheme 2012

20.     Proposal and resolution on transfer of shares in Cabix

21.     Conclusion of the annual general meeting

The notice in its full length is attached to this press release.
For more information contact:

Åsa Barsness, Communications Director at Sweco, +46 8 695 66 40,

Caroline Lindgren, Legal Counsel at Sweco, +46 8 695 65 73,
Sweco is the Nordic region’s leading provider of services for sustainable
engineering and design. Together, our 9,000 engineers, architects and
environmental experts develop sustainable and value-creating solutions for
clients and society. Sweco is one of Europe’s ten largest consulting engineering
companies and conducts annual project exports to 80 countries worldwide. The
company has annual sales of approximately SEK 9 billion and is listed on Nasdaq

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
Sweco AB under the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act
and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for
publication on 13 March 2015, 4:15 p.m. CET.


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