Lifco’s Nomination Committee presents proposed Directors of the Board

Lifco’s Nomination Committee proposes Ulrika Dellby and Ulf Grunander as new
Directors of the Board.

Ulrika Dellby, born in 1966, is a Director of the Boards of Cybercom, SJ, and
deputy Chair of Norrporten. Currently Dellby is a partner at Fagerberg & Dellby.
She is a former partner at BCG and has an MBA from Stockholm School of

Ulf Grunander, born in 1954, is the CFO at Getinge Group and has held that
position since 1993. He is a former chartered accountant and has an MBA from
Stockholm University.

The Nomination Committee also proposes the re-election of the existing Board

Carl Bennet, Chairman

Johan Stern, Deputy Chairman

Gabriel Danielsson, member

Erik Gabrielson, member

Fredrik Karlsson, member

Axel Wachtmeister, member

Sigbrit Franke and Caroline Sundewall have declined re-election.

The Board includes the following employee representatives appointed by Lifco’s

Annika Norlund

Hans-Eric Wallin

Stefan Håkansson, deputy

Peter Wiberg, deputy

The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will vote on the matter May 6. The meeting
takes place in Stockholm.

For more information please contact:

Åse Lindskog
Media and investor relations manager
Phone +46 730 244 872, E-mail

About Lifco

Lifco acquires and develops market-leading niched operations with the potential
to deliver sustainable profit growth and strong cash flows. The Group has three
business areas: Dental, Demolition & Tools and Systems Solutions. Lifco has a
clear corporate philosophy which implies a long-term perspective, focus on
profits and a highly decentralized organization. Lifco has more than 100
companies in 28 countries. In 2014, the Group’s net sales amounted to SEK 6.8
billion and the EBITA margin was 14.2%. For more information, visit

This information is made public March 19, 2015, at 8.00am CET according to the
Securities Market Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the
regulations of the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

