Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Global Health Partner AB (publ)

The shareholders of Global Health Partner AB (publ), corporate identity number
556757-1103, (“the Company”) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General
Meeting to be held on Wednesday 29 April 2015 at 3.30 p.m. on SEB’s premises at
Östra Hamngatan 24, 405 04 Gothenburg. Registration will take place from 3 p.m.,
when coffee will be served.

Shareholders who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting must

be recorded in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB (“Euroclear”) on
Thursday 23 April 2015, and

give notice of intent to attend no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday 23 April 2015.
Notice of intent to attend can be given either in writing to Global Health
Partner AB (publ), Södra Hamngatan 45, 411 06 Göteborg, Sweden, by telephone
(+46 31-712 53 00), by fax (+46 31-313 13 21) or by e-mail
Notice should include the shareholder’s name, personal or corporate identity
number, address and daytime telephone number, and the number of shares held.
Information should also be given, where appropriate, of any deputy,
representative or advisor (maximum two).

Shareholders represented by another party must submit a dated proxy to the
Company for the representative. Anyone representing a legal entity must submit a
copy of the current Certificate of Registration or similar authorization
documents indicating who is entitled to sign on behalf of the Company. The
proxy’s period of validity may not be longer than five years. Proxy forms in
Swedish and English are available at the Company or on the Company website, The original of the proxy and any Certificate of Registration should
be sent to the Company at the address given above in good time before the

Shareholders that have their shares registered in the name of a nominee must, in
addition to giving notice of their intent to attend the meeting, request that
they be temporarily recorded in the share register in their own names (so called
voting-rights registration) to be able to attend the General Meeting. In order
for such registration to be effectuated by Thursday 23 April 2015, shareholders
should contact their bank or trustee well in advance of that date.

Proposed agenda
1. Opening of the AGM.
2. Election of Chairman of the meeting.
3. Preparation and approval of the voting list.
4. Approval of the agenda.
5. Election of one or two people to verify the minutes.
6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been properly convened.
7. Address given by the CEO.
8. Presentation of the Annual Accounts and the Audit Report as well as the
Consolidated Accounts and the Audit Report for the Group.
9. Resolutions on
  a) adoption of the Profit and Loss Accounts and the Balance Sheet as well as
the Consolidated Profit and Loss Accounts and the Consolidated Balance Sheet,
  b) treatment of the Company’s unappropriated profits in accordance with the
adopted Balance Sheet,
  c) discharging the members of the Board and the CEO from liability.
10. Determination of the number of members of the Board and deputy members of
the Board.
11. Determination of fees to the members of the Board and the Auditor.
12. Election of the Board of Directors and Auditor.
13. The Board’s proposal for a resolution authorizing the Board to issue shares.
14. The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the following related party
transactions pursuant to chap 16 of the Swedish Companies Act.
  a) The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the sale of shares in
OrthoCenter Stockholm
  b) The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the sale of shares in
Bariatric Center Stockholm
15. The Board’s proposal for
  a) A change of company name
  b) A change in the Articles of Association due to item 15 a)
16. The Board’s proposal for a resolution concerning guidelines for remuneration
and other conditions of employment for senior executives.
17. Proposal for a resolution on principles for the appointment of the Election
Committee for the Annual General Meeting of 2016.
18. Closing of the meeting.

Election of Chairman of the Meeting (agenda item 2)
The Election Committee proposes that Thomas Eklund be elected as Chairman of the
Annual General Meeting.

Resolution on treatment of the Company’s unappropriated profits in accordance
with the adopted Balance Sheet (agenda item 9 b)
The Board of Directors proposes a dividend per share of SEK 0.13 and Monday 4
May 2015 as the record day for the dividend. If the Annual General Meeting
adopts the proposal, it is estimated that the dividend will be paid on Thursday
7 May 2015.

Proposal concerning the number and the election of members of the Board and
Auditor, and fees to the Board and the Auditor (agenda items 10, 11 and 12)
The Election Committee proposes that the Board shall consist of seven (7)
people, with no (0) deputy members.
The Election Committee proposes re-election of all members of the Board, that is
Thomas Eklund, Carsten Browall, Bo Wahlström, Mikael Olsson, Cecilia Schelin
Seidegård, Johan Wachtmeister and Christer Johansson, for a mandate period up
until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
A reasoned statement from the Election Committee and further information on the
proposed members of the Board are available on the Company’s website,
The Election Committee proposes a Board fee of SEK 1,600,000 in total, to be
divided up as follows: SEK 400,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 200,000
to six (6) Board members who are not Global Health Partner employees. No further
remuneration is paid for committee work.

The Election Committee proposes the re-election of Ernst & Young AB, with the
authorized public accountant Thomas Nilsson as the auditor in charge. It is
proposed that Ernst & Young AB be elected for a period up until the end of the
next AGM.

The Election Committee proposes that the Auditor's fee be paid on the basis of
approved invoicing presented to the Company, for a period up until the end of
the next Annual General Meeting.

The Board’s proposal for a resolution authorizing the Board to issue shares in
connection with a company acquisition etc. (agenda item 13)
The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting adopts a resolution
authorizing the Board, for a period of time no longer than up until the next
Annual General Meeting in 2016, on one or more occasions and following or
deviating from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, to make a decision to issue
no more than 6,500,000 new shares. The Board shall be entitled to decide that
the shares be paid for, apart from in cash, via capital contributed in kind or
otherwise on terms specified in chap 2 § 5 second paragraph 1-3 and 5 of the
Swedish Companies Act or that the shares shall be subscribed for with offset
rights. A new share issue deviating from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights
may only be utilized to finance the acquisition of a company or part of a
company. In the event of a resolution on a directed cash issue of shares, the
subscription price of the new shares shall be set at an amount that is in close
relation to the price of the Company’s shares on the

Stock Exchange at the time the new share issue is carried out. The reason for
the right to deviate from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights is to enable the
Company, when an occasion arises to acquire a company or part of a company, to
quickly and effectively finance the acquisition either by bringing in capital or
via capital contributed in kind. The dilution effect if the authorization is
fully utilized corresponds to approximately nine (9) percent of the share
capital and votes.

The resolution is only valid if at least two thirds of both the votes cast and
the votes represented at the Annual General Meeting have been given in favour of
the proposal.

Furthermore, the Board proposes that the Board of Directors, or its nominee,
shall be authorized by the Annual General Meeting to make such minor adjustments
to the resolution of the Meeting that may be required for registration at the
Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the following related party
transactions pursuant to chap 16 of the Swedish Companies Act (agenda item 14)
a) The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the sale of shares in
OrthoCenter Stockholm (“OCS”)
Global Health Partner’s business model is based on key persons in the
subsidiaries becoming partners in the clinic where they are operational.
During 2014 Global Health Partner sold 262 shares in OCS to Per Sandkvist,
corresponding to a participating interest of 6 percent. Per Sandkvist paid a sum
of SEK 1,817,872 for these shares. It is estimated that the payment corresponds
to the market value of the shares at the time. Per Sandkvist is the CEO of OCS
and it is assessed that he is of considerable importance for the clinic’s

It is the assessment of the Board that the transfer of the shares is of benefit
to OCS and thereby to Global Health Partner’s shareholders. The Board thus
proposes that the Annual General Meeting adopt a resolution to approve the
transfer of 262 shares in OCS to Per Sandkvist.

Approval of the above resolution requires that at least nine tenths of both the
votes cast and the votes represented at the Annual General Meeting are in favour
of the proposal.

b) The Board’s proposal for a resolution approving the sale of shares in
Bariatric Center Stockholm
During 2014 the companies Bariatric Center Stockholm AB (“BCS”) and
Kirurgkliniken i Stockholm AB (“KK”) merged. KK was folded into the Parent
Company BCS by means of absorption pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act
(2005:551) chap 23 § 28.

Three key persons in KK, Bo Westman, Bo Ahlman and Göran Felländer, were
partners in KK before the merger and should therefore receive newly issued
shares corresponding to the same value in BCS as payment for the merger. The
valuation of each company was carried out by means of a relative valuation.

Bo Westman owned 100 shares in KK and received 82 shares in BCS as payment. Bo
Ahlman owned 50 shares in KK and received 41 shares in BCS as payment. Göran
Felländer owned 50 shares in KK and received 41 shares in BCS as payment. It is
assessed that the payment corresponds to the market value of the shares at the

In the assessment of the Board, the merger between KK and BCS is of benefit to
the company and thereby to Global Health Partner’s shareholders. The Board thus
proposes that the Annual General Meeting adopts a resolution to approve the
issue of shares to Bo Westman, Bo Ahlman and Göran Felländer.

The resolution is only valid if at least two thirds of both the votes cast and
the votes represented at the Annual General Meeting have been given in favour of
the proposal.

The Board’s proposal for a) a change of company name and b) a change in the
Articles of Association due to item 15 a) (agenda item 15)
a) The Company’s present name is Global Health Partner AB. The Company decided
some time ago to use the abbreviated name GHP in corporate communications

The Board proposes that the company name be changed to GHP Specialty Care AB

The resolution regarding this item 15 a) shall be conditional on the Annual
General Meeting voting for the proposal for a resolution to change the Articles
of Association, as laid out in item 15 b).

b) The Board proposes that the Company’s Articles of Association be adjusted as
follows: § 1 The Company’s name is GHP Specialty Care AB (publ). The Company is
a public limited liability company (publ).
The resolution regarding this item 15 b) shall be conditional on the Annual
General Meeting voting for the proposal for a resolution to change the company’s
name, as laid out in item 15 a).

The resolutions regarding a) and b) above are only valid if at least two thirds
of both the votes cast and the votes represented at the Annual General Meeting
have been given in favour of the proposal.

Furthermore, the Board proposes that the Board of Directors, or its nominee,
shall be authorized by the Annual General Meeting to make such minor adjustments
to the resolutions of the Meeting that may be required for registration at the
Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The Board’s proposal for a resolution on guidelines for remuneration and other
terms of employment for senior executives (agenda item 16)
The Company shall strive to offer total remuneration that is reasonable and
competitive in the market where the Company is operative. The remuneration terms
shall reflect ‘payment by performance’ and vary with the individual’s
performance and the Company’s results. The total remuneration can comprise a
basic annual salary, insurable benefits and other variable remuneration or
remuneration from incentive programs.

Following the ‘payment by performance’ principle, remuneration from different
forms of variable remuneration or incentive programs can represent an important
part of the total remuneration for senior management. Such remuneration can be
offered both with short-term performance targets (up to one (1) year) and long
-term performance targets (three (3) years or longer). Other variable
remuneration may be approved by the Board in extraordinary circumstances,
provided that such extraordinary arrangements are made with a view to recruiting
or retaining personnel or achieving certain objectives.

The Board of Directors shall be entitled to deviate from these guidelines if
special reasons for doing so exist in any individual case.

Proposal for a resolution on principles for the appointment of the Election
Committee for the Annual General Meeting of 2016 (agenda item 17)
The Election Committee proposes that the Company Chairman be appointed as a
member of the Election Committee and shall appoint, in consultation with the
three largest owners of the Company at 30 September 2015, three further members
to the Election Committee. If any of these three owners do not wish to appoint a
representative this right is transferred to the fourth largest owner, and so on.
In the event that one of the members of the Election Committee represents a
shareholder that no longer belongs to the largest shareholders of the Company in
terms of the number of votes, or for any other reason decides to resign from the
Election Committee before the Annual General Meeting of 2016, the other members
of the Election Committee shall together have the right to appoint another
representative for the major shareholders to replace this committee member. The
names of the three owners’ representatives and of the shareholders that they
represent shall be published no later than six months before the Annual General
Meeting of 2016.

The tasks of the Election Committee for the Annual General Meeting of 2016 shall
be to submit proposals for the election of a Chairman for the Annual General
Meeting, the number of members of the Board, election of the Chairman and other
members of the Board, election of the company’s Auditors, fees and other
remuneration for each of the members of the Board, a fee for the Company’s
Auditors and a resolution on the Election Committee for the Annual General
Meeting of 2017. The Election Committee shall otherwise fulfil the duties
incumbent on the Election Committee, as stipulated by the Swedish Code of
Corporate Governance.

Documents and information on the right of disclosure
The Annual Report and the Audit Report and the Board’s complete proposals in
accordance with items 13 and 14, as well as the Board’s statement in accordance
with chap 18 § 4 of the Swedish Companies Act and the Auditor’s Statement in
accordance with chap 8 § 54 of the Swedish Companies Act, and other documents in
accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, will be available at the Company and
on the Company’s website no later than Wednesday 8 April 2015. The
documents will be sent to shareholders who so request and give their postal

Shareholders are informed of their right to demand disclosure at the Annual
General Meeting both of the conditions that can have an impact on the assessment
of a matter under consideration and of the conditions that can have an impact on
the assessment of the Company’s or subsidiaries’ financial situation and the
Company’s relationship with another affiliated company.

Number of shares and votes
On the day of issue of this notice of the Annual General Meeting, the total
number of shares and votes in the Company amounts to 66,082,387.

Gothenburg, March 2015
Global Health Partner AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
GHP is an internationally active health care provider that operates specialist
clinics in a select number of diagnostic areas through the application of a
business model that is unique in the health care industry, where leading doctors
become partners and shareholders. Multiple clinics with high patient volumes
within the same diagnostic area produce increased efficiency and higher quality,
which is the cornerstone of GHP's business philosophy – “Quality through
specialisation”. GHP shares are traded on the Small Cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm
under the ticker symbol “GHP”.

Global Health Partner AB (publ) | Corp. ID No. 556757-1103
Södra Hamngatan 45 | SE-411 06 Gothenburg | Sweden
Tel +46-31 712 53 00 | Fax +46-31 313 13 21 |

Global Health Partner AB is required to publish the information herein according
to the Swedish Securities Market Act. This information was published on 27
March 2015 at 6.00 p.m. CET.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in
doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

