The shareholders in Bure Equity AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the
Annual General Meeting
to be held on Monday, 4 May 2015, 4 p.m. at IVA’s Conference Centre,
Wallenbergsalen, Grev Turegatan 16, in Stockholm.
The doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Coffee will be served before the meeting


Shareholders who wish to participate in the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)

must   be recorded in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear
Sweden AB no later than Monday, 27 April 2015, and

must   notify the company of their intention to participate no later than 12:00
p.m. on Monday, 27 April 2015, in writing to Bure Equity AB, Nybrogatan 6, SE
-114 34 Stockholm, Sweden, via the company’s website (only private
individuals), by telephone +46 8-614 00 20, by fax +46 8-614 00 38 or by e-mail
to (

When notifying the company, shareholders must state their name, address,
telephone number, personal/corporate identity number and specify if the
shareholder wishes to be accompanied by an assistant (no more than two).
Registered participants will receive an admission card that is to be presented
at the entrance to the meeting premises.

To be entitled to participate in the AGM, shareholders whose shares are
registered in the name of a trustee must have their shares temporarily re
-registered in their own name with Euroclear Sweden AB. Shareholders must notify
their trustees well in advance to ensure that an entry is made in the register
of shareholders by Monday, 27 April 2015.

Shareholders who wish to be represented by a proxy must submit a dated form of
proxy. A proxy may be valid for a maximum of five years if specifically stated.
If no period of validity is specified, a proxy is valid for no longer than one
year. The original proxy document must be mailed to the company at the above
address well in advance of the AGM. Proxies representing a legal entity must
attach a certificate of registration or corresponding proof of authorisation. A
proxy form is available on the company’s website and will also be
sent by mail to all shareholders who so request and provide their mailing


 1. Opening of the AGM
 2. Election of a Chairman of the AGM
 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list
 4. Approval of the agenda
 5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes
 6. Determination as to whether the AGM has been duly convened
 7. Address by the CEO
 8. Presentation of the annual report and the audit report as well as the
consolidated financial statements and the audit report for the Group
 9. Resolutions regarding
a) adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the
consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet
b) appropriation of the company’s profit according to the adopted balance sheet
c) discharge from liability for the members of the Board of Directors and the
10. Determination of the number of Board members to be elected by the AGM
11. Determination of Board of Directors’ fees
12. Election of Board members and the Chairman of the Board
13. Election of Auditor
14. Determination of Auditors’ fees
15. Determination of principles for appointment of the Nominating Committee and
instructions for the Nominating Committee
16. Determination of principles for remuneration and other terms of employment
for senior executives
17. Resolution regarding reduction of the share capital and a bonus issue
18. Resolution regarding authorisation for the Board to decide on the repurchase
of treasury shares
19. Closing of the AGM

The Nominating Committee’s proposals for resolution
The Nominating Committee ahead of the 2015 AGM consists of Patrik Tigerschiöld
(appointed by the Tigerschiöld family), Bengt Belfrage (appointed by Nordea
Investment Funds) and Per Björkman (appointed by the Björkman family). The
Nominating Committee appointed Per Björkman as chairman of the Nominating
Committee. The main points of the Nominating Committee’s proposals are presented
below. The complete proposals and a motivated statement will be made available
prior to the AGM together with the other documentation.

Item 2. Election of a Chairman of the AGM
The Nominating Committee proposes that Björn Kristiansson be elected as Chairman
of the AGM.

Item 10. Determination of the number of Board members to be elected by the AGM
The Nominating Committee proposes that the Board consist of seven regular
members with no deputy board members.

Item 11. Determination of Board of Directors’ fees
The Nominating Committee proposes that fees to the Board of Directors be a total
of SEK 2,300,000, of which SEK 800,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the
Board and SEK 250,000 to each of the other regular members elected by the AGM.

Item 12. Election of Board members and the Board Chairman
The Nominating Committee proposes re-election of sitting Board members Hans
Biörck, Carl Björkman, Bengt Engström, Eva Gidlöf, Patrik Tigerschiöld and
Mathias Uhlén and election of Charlotta Falvin as a new Board member. Patrik
Tigerschiöld is proposed for re-election as Chairman of the Board.

Charlotta Falvin is Chairman of the Board in Ideon AB, Lunds Tekniska Högskola
(LTH) and SHB södra regionbank as well as board member in Axis Communications
AB, Doro AB, Invisio Communications AB, Sydsvenska Handelskammaren, Forsknings-
och Innovationsrådet i Skåne (FIRS) and is also part of the Advisory Board in
SKJ Center för entreprenörsskap at the university of Lund. She has previously
held leading positions at Axis Communications AB and TAT The Astonishing Tribe.

Item 13. Election of auditor
The Nominating Committee proposes that a registered auditing firm be elected as
the company’s auditor and that the registered auditing firm Öhrlings
PricewaterhouseCoopers AB be re-elected to serve for the period until the end of
the 2016 AGM (with Authorised Public Accountant Michael Bengtsson as Auditor in
Charge until further notice).

Item 14. Determination of Auditors’ fees
The Nominating Committee proposes that fees to the auditors be paid according to
approved accounts.

Item 15. Determination of principles for appointment of the Nominating Committee
and instructions for the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee proposes that the AGM decides to establish principles
for appointment of the Nominating Committee in accordance with the following.
The proposal is unchanged from the previous year.

The Chairman of the Board shall – no later than at the end of the third quarter
of each year – ensure that the company’s three largest shareholders or
shareholder groups in terms of voting power are offered the opportunity to each
appoint a representative to the Nominating Committee. The determination of
voting power is based on Euroclear Sweden AB’s register of shareholders (groups
of shareholders) on the last banking day in August or such other certification
that the shareholders or shareholder groups can present as proof of their
shareholdings on this date. If one or more shareholders decline from appointing
a member to the Nominating Committee, one or more additional shareholder(s) next
in order of voting power shall be offered the opportunity to appoint a member to
the Nominating Committee. However, no more than five additional shareholders
need to be contacted unless the Chairman of the Board finds special reason to do
so. When a shareholder is contacted with a request to appoint a member to the
Nominating Committee, the Chairman of the Board shall specify the required rules
of order, such as the latest reply date, etc.

The Board’s proposals for resolution

Item 9 b) - Appropriation of profits
The Board of Directors proposes ordinary dividend of SEK 1 per share for the
financial year 2014. The proposed record date is 6 May 2015. Provided that this
record date is approved, dividends are expected to be disbursed on 11 May 2015.

Item 16 – Determination of principles for remuneration and other terms of
employment for senior executives
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM resolves to approve the Board of
Directors’ proposal regarding principles for remuneration and other terms of
employment for the CEO and other senior executives in accordance with the

Remuneration for the CEO and other senior executives shall consist of basic
salary, variable salary, pension and other remuneration. All pension benefits
shall be of the defined contribution type. Variable salary is prepared by the
Remuneration Committee and resolved by the Board of Directors.
A. Fixed basic Salary
The fixed basic salary for the CEO and other senior executives is reviewed
annually. The distribution between basic salary and, where applicable, variable
salary, shall be proportionate to the executive’s responsibilities and powers.
B. Variable salary (Short-Term Incentive STI)
The variable salary for the CEO shall amount to a maximum of 100 per cent of the
annual salary. For other senior executives, the maximum amount of variable
salary shall be equal to 50-100 per cent of an annual salary. The variable
salary for the CEO and other senior executives is based on the outcome of a
number of primarily quantitative parameters in relation to predetermined
targets. The quantitative parameters relate to the company’s share price
performance, development of the company’s net asset value per share and the
focus issues of the respective financial year. Other senior executives, however
not the CEO, shall also be subject to a discretionary parameter. The company’s
total cost for the total variable salary shall not exceed MSEK 6.4 (including
social security payments).
C. Long term incentive program (Long Term Incentive LTI)
For the purpose of linking the interests of the employees with the interests of
the shareholders and in order to encourage the employees’ acquisitions of shares
in the company, a long term incentive program shall, in addition to the annual
variable salary described above, be applied in regard of all employees in the
company with the following main components

i. If an employee, during a certain time period and within the frames of the
LTI, buys shares up to a certain amount, the company shall match this by cash
payment of the same amount, compensated for the employee’s marginal tax costs,
in the form of a single payment (the “Matching Amount”). The employees shall be
entitled to buy shares for an amount which is in proportion to the size of the
fixed basic salary. The employee shall use the Matching Amount to acquire shares
in the company. These shares shall by means of agreement be kept for at least 3
ii. If the requirements according to item iii. have been fulfilled, the company
shall pay an additional single payment corresponding to the Matching Amount,
however not compensated for the employee’s marginal tax costs (the “Performance
Amount”). The employee shall use the Performance Amount (after deduction has
been made for the individual’s tax) to acquire shares in the company. These
shares shall by means of agreement be kept for at least 1 year.
iii. The criteria for payment of the Performance Amount is, inter alia, that the
employee is still employed and that he or she has kept his or her acquired
shares according to item i. during the whole time period, and that the
predetermined performance goals regarding the company’s annual total revenue up
until 2018 as established by the Board of Directors have been fulfilled.
iv. The total cost for the company regarding payment of the Matching Amount and
the Performance Amount shall not exceed MSEK 2.2.

To the extent that any Board member elected by the AGM performs work for the
company in addition to Board work, market-based cash compensation shall be
payable for such work pursuant to a Board resolution.

The Board of Directors may deviate from these guidelines in individual cases
where there is special reason to do so.

Item 17 – Resolution regarding reduction of the company’s share capital and a
bonus issue (cancellation of treasury shares)
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM resolves to cancel treasury shares
and carry out a bonus issue in accordance with the following proposal. The
resolutions shall be passed together as a single decision.

I. Resolution regarding reduction of the share capital
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM resolves to cancel the treasury
shares repurchased based on earlier repurchase authorisations by way of a
reduction in the company’s share capital by SEK 36,937,904.37 through the
cancellation of a total of 5,247,800 shares without repayment for transfer to
non-restricted reserves.

II. Resolution regarding an increase in the share capital through a bonus issue
In order to achieve a time efficient procedure without requiring the permission
of the Swedish Companies Registration Office or a court of law, the Board of
Directors proposes that the AGM resolves to restore the company’s share capital
to its original amount by increasing the company’s share capital by SEK
36,937,904.37 through a bonus issue without the issuance of new shares by
transferring the issue amount from the company’s non-restricted equity to the
company’s share capital.

Item 18 – Resolution regarding authorisation for the Board to decide on the
repurchase of treasury shares
The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM resolves to authorise the Board of
Directors to decide on the repurchase of treasury shares in accordance with the
following. The repurchase of shares may be transacted only on Nasdaq OMX
Stockholm or in accordance with a tender offer to all shareholders in the
company. The shares may be repurchased in a maximum number whereby Bure’s
holding of treasury shares at no time exceeds 10 per cent of all registered
shares in the company after cancellation and on the condition that there is
still full coverage for the company’s restricted equity following the

The above authorisation may be utilised on one or several occasions during the
period ending on the date of the 2016 AGM. The repurchase of shares on the stock
exchange may take place only at a price that is within the registered price
interval on the stock exchange at any given time.

The motive for the above authorisation for the repurchase of treasury shares is
to enable the Board to continuously adapt the capital structure to the company’s
needs and thereby contribute to increased shareholder value. The repurchased
shares are intended to be cancelled in connection with the 2016 AGM.

Majority requirements
For valid decision on items 17 and 18 according to the above proposals, the
resolutions must be supported by shareholders representing at least two thirds
(2/3) of both the number of votes cast and the number of shares represented at
the AGM.

It is proposed that the CEO, or an individual appointed by the CEO, be
authorised to make such necessary and minor changes as are required to enable
registration of the resolutions with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

On the date of publication of this notice, the total number of shares and votes
in the company amounted to 76,081,510 of which the company holds 5,247,800
shares and votes in treasury.

The shareholders are reminded of their right to request information from the
Board of Directors and CEO at the AGM in accordance with Chapter 7, 32 § of the
Swedish Companies Act.

Annual report and other documents
The annual report and audit report for the financial year 2014 and the
Nominating Committee’s and the Board of Directors’ complete proposals for
resolution including supporting documents for items 9 and 15-18 will be
available to the shareholders at Bure Equity AB’s office at Nybrogatan 6 in
Stockholm, and on the company’s website, no later than 13 April
2015, and will be sent by mail to all shareholders who so request and provide
their mailing address.

Stockholm, March 2015
The Board of Directors

In house translation: in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish language
original text and the English language translation, the Swedish text shall

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information has been
publicly communicated on 31 March 2015, 7:00 pm CEST.

