LM Group Holding A/S - Summary of Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting LM Group Holding A/S

CVR no. 25 71 17 77

On April 8 2015, the Annual General Meeting of LM Group Holding A/S, CVR no. 25 71 17 77, (the "Company") was held at the offices of the Company, Jupitervej 6, DK-6000 Kolding.

The Board of Directors reported on the activities of the Company during the previous year. The general meeting noted the report by the Board of Directors.

The audited annual accounts covering the period from 1 January through 31 December 2014 with the independent auditor's report were unanimously approved with all votes.

The Board of Directors' proposal to transfer the annual result in accordance with the approved accounts to the following financial year was unanimously approved with all votes.

It was proposed to re-elect John Joseph Leahy, Leendert Matheus Schot, Nick Smith and Søren Høffer as members of the Company's Board of Directors. The proposal was unanimously approved with all votes. The board constituted itself with John Joseph Leahy as Chairman.

It was proposed to re-elect PricewaterhouseCoopers - Statsautoriseret Revisions-partnerselskab as auditor of the Company. The proposal was unanimously approved with all votes.

There were no more items to be dealt with at the general meeting.


Ordinær generalforsamling LM Group Holding A/S
CVR-nr. 25 71 17 77

Den 8. april 2015 afholdtes ordinær generalforsamling i LM Group Holding A/S, CVR-nr. 25 71 17 77, ("Selskabet") på Selskabets kontor, Jupitervej 6, DK-6000 Kolding.

Bestyrelsens aflagde sin beretning om Selskabets virksomhed det forløbne år. Generalforsamlingen noterede sig bestyrelsens beretning.

Den reviderede årsrapport for regnskabsåret 1. januar til 31. december 2014 med den uafhængige revisors påtegning blev godkendt enstemmigt.

Det blev enstemmigt besluttet at overføre årets resultat i henhold til det godkendte regnskab til næste regnskabsår som foreslået af bestyrelsen.

Det var blevet foreslået at genvælge John Joseph Leahy, Leendert Matheus Schot, Nick Smith og Søren Høffer som bestyrelsesmedlemmer. Forslaget blev vedtaget enstemmigt. Bestyrelsen konstituerede sig straks med John Joseph Leahy som formand.

Det var blevet foreslået at genvælge PricewaterhouseCoopers - Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab som Selskabets revisor. Forslaget blev vedtaget enstemmigt.

Der var ikke yderligere forhold, der skulle behandles af generalforsamlingen.