Addition to Agenda of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

The Board of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB has made the decision to add the following item to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be convened on 30 April 2015:

  • Election of the member for the Board


Proposed agenda:

  1. Audit conclusions regarding the financial statement and annual report of the company for the year 2014.
  2. The Annual Report of the company for the year 2014.
  3. Approval of a set of financial statements of the company for the year 2014.
  4. Appropriation of profit (loss) of the company for the year 2014.
  5. Election of members for the audit committee.
  6. Election of the member for the Board



Dalius Gesevičius

Managing Director

Panevėžio statybos trestas AB


Tel.: (+370 45) 505 503