Auction result of T-bills RIKV 15 0715 & RIKV 15 1015

Auction date: 04/13/2015 

Result : 

Series RIKV 15 0715 RIKV 15 1015
Settlement Date 04/15/2015 04/15/2015
Total Amount Allocated (MM) 1,860 3,440
All Bids Awarded At (Price / Simple interest) 99.135 3.452 98.203 3.600
Total Number of Bids Received 10 13
Total Amount of All Bids Received (MM) 2,160 3,540
Total Number of Successful Bids 6 11
Number of Bids Allocated in Full 6 11
Lowest Price / Highest Simple Interest Allocated 99.135 3.452 98.203 3.600
Highest Price / Lowest Simple Interest Allocated 99.510 1.948 99.020 1.947
Lowest Price / Highest Simple Interest 99.135 3.452 98.203 3.600
Weighted Average (Price/Simple Interest) 99.295 2.809 98.497 3.002
Best Bid (Price / Simple Interest) 99.510 1.948 99.020 1.947
Worst Bid (Price / Simple Interest) 98.974 4.101 98.081 3.849
Weighted Average Bid (Price / Simple Interest) 99.255 2.969 98.486 3.024
Percentage Partial Allocation (Approximate) 100.00 % 100.00 %
Bid to Cover Ratio 1.16 1.03