Draft resolutions of Annual Shareholders' Meeting of JSC "Rigas autoelektroaparatu rupnica" to be held on April 27,2015

1. On replacement of Certified auditor for the annual report of 2014.

To approve the decision of the Board and the Council – Because of the death of certified auditor representing “Auditorfirma Sarguns” (Reg. Nr. 41503013991 who was approved by shareholders’ meeting on April 22, 2014, to enter into a contract with certified auditor Aivars Rutkis (Certificate No 18) for auditing the Annual report of 2014.

2. Report of Board on the performance of 2014.

    To approve the report of the Board on the performance of 2014.

3. Report of Council.

    To approve the report of the Council.

4. Approval of Annual report of the year 2014.

   To approve the Annual report of the year 2014.

5. On Certified auditor for the year 2014.

  To enter into a contract with certified auditor Aivars Rutkis (Certificate No 18) for auditing the Annual report of 2015 for     remuneration 2140EUR.


 Board of JSC „Rigas autoelektroaparatu rupnica”


Dace Lama

Phone: +371 67371739

E-mail: rar@as-rar.lv