ChannelEyes Announces Major Product Release - Code Named "Mohawk"

ChannelEyes, the world's largest mobile channel platform for vendors to accelerate with their partners, today announced that they will be releasing a new round of product add-ons for their mobile app customers.

TROY, N.Y., April 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - This product release is set to launch April 28, 2015. It includes a brand new "skin" for the app, a missions add-on, and tablet functionality. Also, it is now Internet Explorer compatible.

"It was time for a change with our design and layout of our app.We know tablet users have been patiently waiting for upgraded functionality so this is a really exciting release," Jay McBain, COO and co-founder of ChannelEyes, said. "We've been hinting at this new missions add-on for awhile now and we're excited for our customers to get to finally implement it."

Mohawk's new skin has a more modern look that will maximize content carrying areas so viewers will see more per screen. The new user interface will also apply to the tablet version. This new functionality will reach a wider range of users and further enable partner mobility and enablement; especially with the new screen rotation support.

Missions will also help to increase engagement by assigning tasks to partners, new and old, to see the work as it happens and produce faster results. The goal is to update and refine the already proven channel acceleration application. Missions represent a new way to think about partner engagement. Rather than simply publishing content, training, and other collateral, vendors will be able to set up specific personalized tasks for each channel professional in their ecosystem.

"Our user interface has been fully revamped into something truly beautiful to use," Kirt Coonradt, VP of Customer Success, said. "This product release will enhance the experience of our current customers and is an even bigger draw for potential ones."

About ChannelEyes

Founded in 2011, ChannelEyes is an Enterprise Mobile Platform connecting Vendors and their Channel Partners.

ChannelEyes' core product, ChannelCandy, is a custom branded mobile app designed for Vendor, Distributor and Associations to deliver Channel highlights, analytics, company news, and sales tools into the hands of Channel Partners.

ChannelEyes is reinventing Channel communication for leading companies in our industry.

ChannelCandy runs on iPhone, iPad, Android as well as all mobile web enabled platforms such as BlackBerry, Windows and the PC Web Browser.

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