Notice to attend the annual general Meeting in Com Hem Holding AB (publ)

The shareholders of Com Hem Holding AB (publ), company reg. no. 556858-6613,
("Com Hem" or the "Company") are hereby invited to attend the annual general
meeting (the "AGM") to be held on Thursday, 21 May 2015, at 16.00 (CET) at
Lundqvist & Lindqvist Konferens, Klarabergsviadukten 90 in Stockholm.
Registration for the AGM will commence at 15.00 (CET).

Notice of attendance etc.

Shareholders who wish to attend the AGM must be recorded in the share register
maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday, 15 May 2015, and give notice of
their attendance no later than on Friday, 15 May 2015. Notice of attendance can
be made at (only available to private individuals),
or by telephone to +46 (0) 8 402 92 45 (week days 9.00 - 16.00 (CET)), or by
mail to the following address:

Com Hem Holding AB (publ)
c/o Euroclear Sweden AB
Box 191
SE-101 23 Stockholm

When giving notice of attendance, please state your name, address, telephone
number, personal identity number/corporate identity number and shareholding and,
if applicable, representation by proxy and the number of any assistants. This
information will only be used for preparation of the voting list.

Shareholders represented by proxy must issue a power of attorney for their
representative, such power of attorney to be signed and dated by the
shareholder. The power of attorney (in original) should in due time prior to the
AGM be submitted to the address set out above. If the power of attorney is
issued by a legal entity, a certified copy of the legal entity's certificate of
registration must be enclosed, or if such document does not exist, a
corresponding document of authority. A template power of attorney in Swedish
will be available at and will also be sent to
shareholders upon request.

Nominee registered shares

Shareholders with nominee registered shares must, in order to be entitled to
participate in the AGM, temporarily have their shares registered in their own
name with Euroclear Sweden AB. Such registration must be effective no later than
as of Friday, 15 May 2015. This means that shareholders, in due time before that
day, should notify their bank or broker.

Entrance cards

Entrance cards, to be presented at the entrance to the AGM, will be distributed
as of 16 May 2015 and onwards, to those shareholders who have notified their
attendance. Where an entrance card has not been received in due time prior to
the AGM, an entrance card can be obtained at the entrance to the meeting

Proposed agenda

1. Opening of the meeting

2 .Election of the chairman of the meeting

3. Preparation and approval of the voting list

4. Approval of the agenda

5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes

6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened

7. Presentation of

(a)          the annual report and the auditor's report; and

(b)          the consolidated accounts and the auditor's report over the
consolidated accounts

8. Report by the CEO and questions from the shareholders

9. Resolution on:

(a)          adoption of the profit and loss account and the balance sheet as
well as the consolidated profit and loss account and the consolidated balance

(b)          appropriation of the Company's profit as stated in the adopted
balance sheet and record date for dividend; and

(c)          discharge from liability of the members of the Board and the
managing director

10. Report on the work of the nomination committee

11. Determination of the number of members of the Board and deputy members of
the Board

12. Determination of the number of auditors and deputy auditors

13. Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Board and the

14. Election of members of the Board and the chairman of the Board

15. Election of auditor

16. Resolution on the nomination committee

17. Resolution on the Board's proposal for guidelines for remuneration to senior

18. Resolution on the Board's proposal regarding a long-term share savings
incentive program 2015 (LTIP 2015), including transfer of shares under the

19. Resolution on the Board's proposal for authorization for the Board to
resolve on acquisition of own shares

20. Closing of the meeting

The nomination committee:

The nomination committee ahead of the AGM 2015 has been comprised of Pierre
Stemper (representing Norcell S.à.r.l.), Erik Durhan (representing Nordea
Fonder) and Andrew Barron (the chairman of the Board of Directors of Com Hem
(the "Board")).

The representatives of the nomination committee jointly represent 37.1 percent
of the shares and votes in the Company.

Proposed resolutions etc.

Item 2 – Election of the chairman of the meeting

The nomination committee proposes that Hans Svensson, member of the Swedish Bar
Association, is elected as chairman of the meeting.

Item 9 (b) – Appropriation of the Company's profit as stated in the adopted
balance sheet and record date for dividend

The Board proposes that of the available profit and unrestricted reserves,
amounting to approximately SEK 8,685.133 million, approximately SEK 207.530
million is distributed as dividend and the remaining amount of approximately SEK
8 477.603 million is carried forward. The amount to be distributed as dividend
is based on the number of outstanding shares as of 31 December 2014. The Board
thus proposes a dividend of SEK 1 per share and proposes Monday, 25 May 2015, as
record date for the dividend. If the AGM resolves in accordance with the
proposal, it is expected that Euroclear Sweden AB will distribute the dividend
payment on Thursday, 28 May 2015.

Item 11 – Determination of the number of members of the Board and deputy members

The nomination committee proposes that the Board shall consist of six board
members to be elected by the AGM, without any deputy members.

Item 12 – Determination of the number of auditors and deputy auditors

The nomination committee proposes that one registered accounting firm shall be
elected as auditor, without any deputy auditors.

Item 13 – Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Board and the

The nomination committee proposes a total remuneration to the Board of SEK
3,689,000, to be allocated as follows:

  · SEK 3,214,000, whereof SEK 1,814,000 (unchanged) to the chairman of the
Board and SEK 350,000 (unchanged) to each of the four other members of the Board
who are not employed by the Company; and
  · SEK 475,000 as additional remuneration for work in the committees of the
Board, to be allocated as follows:
    · SEK 110,000 (100,000) to the chairman of the audit committee and SEK
80,000 (70,000) to each of the two other members, and
    · SEK 85,000 (75,000) to the chairman of the remuneration committee and SEK
60,000 (50,000) to each of the two other members.

The nomination committee furthermore proposes that the auditor's fees shall be
paid upon approval of their invoice.

Item 14 – Election of members of the Board and the chairman of the Board

The nomination committee proposes re-election of the Board members Andrew
Barron, Nicholas Stathopoulos, Joachim Ogland, Monica Caneman, Eva Lindqvist and
Anders Nilsson, for the period until the end of the next AGM, as well as re
-election of Andrew Barron as the chairman of the Board.

Joachim Jaginder resigned from his position as member of the Board in February

Item 15 – Election of auditor

The nomination committee proposes re-election of the registered accounting firm,
KPMG AB, for the period until the end of the next AGM.

KPMG AB has informed that, subject to the approval of the proposal from the
nomination committee regarding auditor, the authorized public accountant Thomas
Thiel will continue as the auditor in charge for the audit.

Item 16 – Resolution on the nomination committee

The nomination committee proposes that the nomination committee, ahead of the
AGM 2016, shall be composed of representatives of the three largest shareholders
listed in the Company's share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB as well as
the chairman of the Board. The chairman of the Board shall convene the first
meeting of the nomination committee. The representative representing the largest
shareholder shall be appointed as chairman of the nomination committee. If any
of the largest shareholders do not wish to appoint a representative to the
nomination committee, the largest shareholders in turn shall be contacted. If
any of the shareholders in turn refrain from appointing a representative to the
nomination committee, the chairman of the Board will only need to contact the
eight largest shareholders in order to obtain a nomination committee composed of
at least three representatives including the chairman of the Board. If a
nomination committee composed of three members (including the chairman) is not
obtained after having contacted the eight largest shareholders, the chairman
shall continue to contact the shareholders that are next in turn until a
nomination committee composed of three representatives (including the chairman)
has been obtained.

If earlier than two months prior to the AGM 2016, a shareholder having appointed
a representative to the nomination committee no longer is among the largest
shareholders, the representative appointed by such shareholder shall resign and
the new shareholder who at such time is among the largest shareholders may
appoint a representative. Should a representative of the nomination committee
before the committee's work is completed and the nomination committee considers
it necessary to replace the representative, the shareholder that appointed the
resigning representative shall have the right to appoint a new representative,
or if the shareholder no longer is among the largest shareholders, the largest
shareholder in turn shall have such right. Changes to the composition of the
nomination committee shall be announced immediately. The term the "largest
shareholders" above refers to such number of the largest shareholders which the
chairman of the Board has contacted in order to obtain a nomination committee in
accordance with procedure described in the above paragraph.

Item 17 – Resolution on the Board's proposal for guidelines for remuneration to
senior executives

The Board proposes that the AGM resolves to adopt the following guidelines for
remuneration to senior executives in the Company to apply as of 2015.

The total amount of remuneration for a person with a senior executive position
in the Company shall correspond to market practice and shall be competitive in
order to attract, motivate and retain key employees. The aim is to create
incentives for senior executives to execute strategic plans and deliver
excellent operating results and to align such persons' interests with the
interests of the shareholders.

Remuneration of the CEO and other senior executives shall consist of a fixed
salary, short-term incentives (STI) with variable remuneration paid annually in
cash which are linked to achievement of financial targets for the Company and
individual performance targets, and long-term incentives (LTIP) that are share
based or share linked, in addition to pension and other customary benefits.

  · The fixed salary shall be based on the senior executives' respective
competence and area of responsibility. The fixed salary shall form the basis for
any STI. The fixed salary is to be reviewed annually.

  · STIs shall be based on performance in relation to established targets. The
targets shall be individual, measurable and linked to the Company's financial
performance as well as to specific performances and processes (individual
targets). For the CEO STIs can amount to a maximum of 113 percent of fixed
salary provided that financial targets set in the budget are reached. Provided
significant out-performance of the financial targets set in the budget, and of
individual targets, and approval by the Board, the STI for the CEO can amount to
a maximum of 169 percent of fixed salary. For other senior executives the STI
can amount to a maximum of 68 percent of fixed salary provided that both
financial and individual targets are reached, and up to a maximum of 113 percent
of fixed salary provided that both financial and individual targets are
significantly out-performed.

  · The vesting period for LTIPs shall be at least three years. LTIPs shall
always be based on shares or share linked instruments. LTIPs shall ensure a long
-term commitment to the development of the Company. Any share based LTIP will be
subject to shareholder approval before being launched.

  · Other benefits may include a company car, health insurance and other
customary benefits. Other benefits shall not constitute a significant part of
the total remuneration.

  · Senior executives shall be offered individual pension plans amounting to a
maximum of 30 percent of the fixed salary or defined contribution pension plans
and ITP (collective agreed pension plans).

  · In the event of termination of employment initiated by the Company, the
notice period for the CEO shall be 12 months. For other senior executives the
notice period shall be maximum 12 months.

In special circumstances, the Board may deviate from the above guidelines. In
such case, the Board is obligated to provide for the reason for the deviation at
the following AGM.

Item 18 – Resolution on the Board's proposal regarding a long-term share savings
incentive program 2015 (LTIP 2015), including transfer of shares under the

The Board proposes that the AGM resolves on the implementation of a long-term
share savings incentive program (LTIP 2015). This proposal is divided into four

Item A: Terms of the long-term share savings incentive program (LTIP 2015).

Item B: Transfer of treasury shares as hedge for delivery of shares in LTIP

Item C: If item B is not approved, the Board proposes that delivery of shares in
LTIP 2015 shall take place via an equity swap agreement with a third party.

Item D: Other matters and reasons for the proposal etc.

 1. Share Savings Program 2015 (LTIP 2015)

A.1                  Introduction

The Board would like to launch a new incentive program in order to increase and
strengthen the potential for recruiting and retaining key individuals. The Board
therefore proposes that the AGM approves the implementation of a long-term share
savings incentive program 2015 (the "LTIP 2015") for senior managers and certain
other key employees within the Com Hem Group. The aim is also to use LTIP 2015
to create an individual long-term ownership of Com Hem shares among the
participants. Participants will, after a qualifying period and assuming an
investment of their own in Com Hem shares, receive allotments of additional Com
Hem shares without consideration. The number of allotted shares will depend on
the number of Com Hem shares they have purchased themselves and on the
fulfilment of certain performance targets. The term of LTIP 2015 is proposed to
be three years.

A.2                  Basic features of LTIP 2015

LTIP 2015 will be directed towards senior managers and other key employees in
the Com Hem Group primarily based in Sweden. Participation in LTIP 2015 assumes
that the participant acquires and locks Com Hem shares into LTIP 2015 ("Savings
Shares"). The Board can in certain cases which the Board deems appropriate,
allow Com Hem shares already owned by the participant to qualify as Savings
Shares, on condition that they are locked into LTIP 2015 and are not included in
any other similar incentive program.

For each acquired Savings Share, the participant shall be entitled, after a
certain qualification period (defined below), to receive an allotment of one Com
Hem share (“Matching Share”). Dependent on the fulfilment of certain performance
targets, the participant may also be entitled, to receive allotment of
additional Com Hem shares (”Performance Shares”). The participant shall not pay
any consideration for the allotted Matching Shares and Performance Shares.

A.3                  Participation in the 2015 Program

The Board will decide during Q2 2015 on participation in LTIP 2015 and the
assignment of participants to a certain category.

LTIP 2015 is directed towards four categories of participants:

|Category             |Savings|Matching Shares|Performance Shares|
|                     |Shares |maxper Savings |maxper Savings    |
|                     |maximum|share          |share             |
|A (CEO)              |3,200  |1.0x           |6.0x              |
|B (CFO, COO and CTIO)|4,320  |1.0x           |5.0x              |
|C (other senior      |4,320  |1.0x           |4.0x              |
|managers, maximum 13 |       |               |                  |
|persons)             |       |               |                  |
|D (other key         |4,320  |1.0x           |2.0x              |
|employees, maximum 11|       |               |                  |
|persons)             |       |               |                  |

The maximum number of Savings Shares for each participant shall be decided by
the Board within the above maximum amounts. On average for the entire group of
participants, the investment in Savings Shares shall not exceed 10 percent of
the annual base salary for the participants.

Any resolution on participation or implementation of LTIP 2015 shall be
conditional on that it, in the Board’s judgement, can be offered with reasonable
administrative costs and financial effects.

A.4                  Allotment of Matching Shares and Performance Shares

Allotment of Matching Shares and Performance Shares within LTIP 2015 will be
made during a limited period of time following presentation of the first
quarterly statement 2018. The period up to this date is referred to as the
qualification period (vesting period). A condition for the participant to
receive allotment of Matching Shares and Performance Shares, is that the
participant remains an employee of the Com Hem Group (and has not resigned)
during the full qualification period up until allotment and that the
participant, during this period, has kept all Savings Shares. Allotment of
Matching Shares also requires that the TSR (defined below) for the period has
been positive in absolute terms. In addition hereto, allotment of Performance
Shares requires that the performance targets for relative TSR and free cash flow
are fulfilled.

The TSR (total shareholder return) shall be calculated as the return in Com Hem
shares with reinvested dividends during the qualification period. For the
Performance Shares, the target shall be set in relation to the TSR performance
in a peer group of relevant companies. In order to have any allotment of
Performance Shares, Com Hem must reach the median value in the peer group.
Maximum allotment assumes performance that is better than 90 percent of the peer
group. Allotment will be linear for performance in-between these values.
Establishment and, if necessary, adjustments of the peer group and calculation
of TSR performance shall be carried out by the Board after consultation with
external experts.

Free cash flow shall be measured on cumulative basis for the consolidated Com
Hem Group during the term of LTIP 2015. The Board shall establish appropriate
target levels in order to make the targets relevant and challenging.

When assessing the fulfillment of the performance targets for allotment of
Performance Shares, the Board shall allocate 60 percent to relative TSR and 40
percent to free cash flow.

Prior to the allotment of Matching Shares and Performance Shares, the Board
shall assess whether the allotment is reasonable in relation to the Company’s
financial results, position and performance, as well as other factors.

A.5                  Implementation and administration etc.

The Board, or a committee established by the Board, shall in accordance with the
AGM decision:

(a)       be responsible for the detailed design and implementation of LTIP

(b)       prepare and execute the necessary full-text documentation to the
participants; and

(c)       otherwise manage and administer LTIP 2015.

The Board may also decide on the implementation of an alternative cash based
incentive program for participants in countries where the acquisition of Savings
Shares or allotment of Matching and/or Performance Shares is not appropriate, as
well as if otherwise considered appropriate. Such alternative incentive program
shall to the extent practically possible be designed to correspond to the terms
of LTIP 2015.

The intention is that the Board shall launch LTIP 2015 before the end of the
second quarter of 2015.

 1. Transfer of treasury shares in LTIP 2015

B.1                  Number of shares
The Board proposes that the AGM resolves that the transfer of up to 343,000 Com
Hem shares under LTIP 2015 may take place in accordance with the conditions
stated herein. The number is calculated on the basis of maximum participation
and fulfilment of performance targets and is further based on current levels of
social security contributions.

B.2                  Other terms for transfer of Com Hem shares

Transfer may be made of Com Hem shares to the participants in LTIP 2015 and, to
the extent of financing social security contributions, in the stock market.

Transfers of shares to participants in LTIP 2015 shall be made without
consideration on the date and on the other conditions on which participants in
LTIP 2015 are entitled to acquire shares.

Sale of shares in the stock market shall be made at market price. It should be
noted that the authorization to sell shares in the stock market will be proposed
to be repeated as a new annual decision by each AGM during the term of LTIP

The number of Com Hem shares that may be transferred within the framework of
LTIP 2015 may be subject to customary recalculations as a result of bonus issue,
split, rights issue and/or similar events.

B.3                  Reasons for Board proposal etc

Since the Board considers that the most cost-effective and flexible method of
transferring Com Hem shares under LTIP 2015 is to transfer treasury shares (the
Company’s own holding of acquired shares), the Board proposes that the transfer
is hedged in accordance with this item B.

The reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights to
acquire the treasury shares is for the Company to hedge the delivery of shares
and the costs for social security contributions under LTIP 2015.

 1. Equity swap agreement with a third party

The Board proposes that the AGM, should the necessary majority not be obtained
for item B above, resolves to hedge the financial exposure of LTIP 2015, by the
Company entering into a share swap agreement with a third party, whereby the
third party in its own name shall acquire and transfer shares in the Company.
The relevant number of shares shall correspond to the number of shares proposed
under item B above.

 1. Other matters

D.1                  Majority requirements etc.

The resolution by the AGM regarding the implementation of LTIP 2015 according to
item A above shall be conditional on the AGM resolving either in accordance with
the Board’s proposal under item B above or in accordance with the Board’s
proposal under item C above.

The resolution according to item A above will require a majority of more than
half of the votes cast at the AGM. A valid resolution under item B above
requires that shareholders representing not less than nine-tenths of the votes
cast as well as the shares represented at the AGM approve the resolution. A
valid resolution under item C above will require a majority of more than half of
the votes cast at the AGM.

D.2                  Estimated costs, expenses and financial effects of LTIP

LTIP 2015 will be accounted for in accordance with “IFRS 2 – Share-based
payments”. IFRS 2 stipulates that the share awards should be expensed as
personnel costs over the qualification period and will be accounted for directly
against equity. Personnel costs in accordance with IFRS 2 do not affect the
Company’s cash flow. Social security costs will be expensed in the income
statement according to UFR 7 during the qualification period.

Assuming a share price at the time of implementation of SEK 75, that 50 percent
of the maximum number of Performance Shares is allotted and an annual share
price increase of 10 percent during the qualification period, the total cost for
LTIP 2015, including social security costs, is estimated to approximately SEK
13.0 million before tax. The corresponding total cost with full achievement of
the performance targets is estimated to approximately SEK 18.6 million before

LTIP 2015 will comprise maximum 260,000 shares in total which corresponds to
approximately 0.1 percent of the total outstanding shares and votes in the
Company. Aggregated with the 83,000 shares that may be transferred in order to
cover the cash flow effects associated with social security charges for LTIP
2015, this corresponds to approximately 0.2 percent of the total outstanding
shares and votes in the Company.

The above calculations are based on a decision in accordance with item B, i.e.
transfer of treasury shares. To the extent that a share swap agreement in
accordance with item C is entered into to hedge the obligations under LTIP 2015,
other accounting principles may apply.

In the view of the Board, the positive effects expected to arise from LTIP 2015,
outweigh the costs associated with LTIP 2015.

D.3                  Impact on key ratios

If LTIP 2015 had been implemented in 2014 and if the performance targets had
been fully achieved in accordance with the example in the paragraph above, the
earnings per share for the financial year 2014 had decreased with approximately
SEK 0.02 on a pro forma basis.

D.4                  Preparation of the proposal

This proposal to the AGM on LTIP 2015 has been designed by Com Hem’s
Remuneration Committee and the Board with the help of external advisors. With
the exception of members of staff who prepared the material on instructions from
the remuneration committee, no employee who may be a participant in LTIP 2015
has participated in preparing the terms for LTIP 2015.

D.5                  The Board’s explanatory statement

The Board wishes to increase the ability of the Company to recruit and retain
key employees. Moreover, an individual long-term ownership commitment among the
participants in LTIP 2015 is expected to stimulate greater interest and
motivation in the Company's business operations, results and strategy. The Board
believes that the implementation of LTIP 2015 will benefit the Company and its
shareholders. LTIP 2015 will provide a competitive and motivation-improving
incentive for senior managers and other key employees within the Group.

LTIP 2015 has been designed to reward the participants for increased shareholder
value by allotting shares, based on the fulfilment of conditions in respect of
results and operations. Allotments shall also require a private investment by
each respective participant through the acquisition of shares by them at market
price. By linking the employees' remuneration to an improvement in the Company's
results and value, the long-term value growth of the Company is rewarded. Based
on these circumstances, the Board considers that the implementation of LTIP 2015
will have a positive effect on the Com Hem Group's continued development, and
will thus be beneficial to the shareholders and the Company.

Item 19 – Resolution on the Board's proposal for authorization for the Board to
resolve on acquisition of own shares

The Board proposes that the AGM resolves to authorize the Board, until the end
of the next AGM, on one or more occasions to resolve on acquisitions of shares
in the Company to such extent that the Company's holding at any time not exceeds
a tenth of the total amount of shares in the Company. Acquisition of shares may
take place on Nasdaq Stockholm. Acquisition of shares at Nasdaq Stockholm shall
be made at a price within the price range at any time recorded, and the range
shall refer to the range between the highest buying price and the lowest selling
price. Payment for shares shall be made through available funds. The purpose of
this proposal is to give the Board the possibility, during the period until the
next AGM, to adjust the Company's capital structure and to allow for the
implementation of the long term incentive program as proposed by the Board under
item 18 above.

A valid resolution under this item requires that shareholders representing not
less than two-thirds of the votes cast as well as the shares represented at the
AGM approve the resolution.


The accounts and auditor's report, the complete proposals of the Board and the
nomination committee in respect of the above items, the Board's statement over
the proposal for authorization for the acquisition of own shares and the
statement regarding the proposed dividend, will be available on the Company's
website,, and at the Company at the address, Fleminggatan
18, Stockholm, during a minimum of three weeks prior to the AGM, and will also
be sent to those shareholders who so request and state their address.

Number of shares and votes in the Company

When this notice to attend the AGM was issued, the number of shares in the
Company amounted to 207,529,597 with 207,529,597 votes attached. At the time of
issuing this notice, the Company held no own shares in the Company.

When this notice to the AGM was issued, the Company has in the redemption
program, which was resolved upon at an extraordinary general meeting on 10 March
2015, received applications for redemption of a total of 27,641 shares. When the
shares in the Company have been reduced with these shares, the number of shares
in the Company will amount to 207,501,956 with 207,501,956 votes attached. If
the maximum number of shares in the redemption program is redeemed, the number
of shares in the Company will be reduced to 200,835,094 with 200,835,094 votes

Information at the AGM

The Board and the managing director shall according to the Swedish Companies Act
(2005:551) upon request by a shareholder and where the Board is of the opinion
that it may be accommodated without significant harm to the Company provide
information at the AGM in respect of any circumstances which may affect the
assessment of a matter on the agenda and circumstances which may affect the
assessment of the Company's or a subsidiary's financial position. The duty to
provide information also applies in relation to the Company's relationship to a
group company as well as the consolidated accounts.

Stockholm in April 2015

Com Hem Holding AB (publ)

The Board of Directors

For queries, please contact:

Petra von Rohr, Director IR & Corporate Communications
Tel: +46(0)734 39 06 54

Fredrik Hallstan, Head of PR
Tel: +46(0)761 15 38 30

Com Hem Holding AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for
publication at 20.00 CET on April 20, 2015.
About Com Hem
Com Hem is one of Sweden’s leading suppliers of high-speed broadband, television
and fixed-telephony. Approximately 40% of Sweden’s households are connected to
Com Hem’s network, with access to the market’s broadest range of television
services. Com Hem offers broadband speeds up to 500 Mbps to 1.6 million
households which is more than any other operator. Since 2013 Com Hem has a
competitive B2B-offer of broadband and telephony services. Com Hem was founded
in 1983, has approximately 1,100 employees and its head office is in Stockholm.
Operations are run through three subsidiaries; Com Hem AB, Phonera Företag AB
and iTUX Communication AB. Com Hem’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For
more information, visit:

