Peab to Build Railway in Värmland and Västmanland

Peab has been contracted to build a new railway between Daglösen and Ställdalen
in Värmland and Västmanland. The contract also includes new construction and
renovation of operating stations. The customer is Swedish Transport
Administration and the contract amounts to approximately SEK 170 million.
[image]Peab will build on the second phase of the railway between Kil
-Ställdalen. Phase two is the distance between Daglösen and Ställdalen. The
assignment includes the construction of two new passing stations in Herrhult and
Kejsarbäcken and refurbishment of existing crossing station in Hällefors. And
line blocking and remote blocking between Daglösen and Ställdalen.
- We are grateful for the trust to expand the railway. We will use our past
experiences and our expertise developed in the already implemented railway
project, says Berth Larsson, Regional Manager Peab.
Work will begin immediately and will be completed in Autumn 2016.
The project was reported in the first quarter 2015.
For further information, please contact:
Berth Larsson, Regional Manager Peab, +46 733 37 48 94
Niclas Brantingson, CIO Peab, +46 431 89 000

Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with some 13,000 employees and net sales
exceeding SEK 43 billion. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located
offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of

