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Source: Family Law Reform, Inc.

Bill Aimed at Eliminating Permanent Alimony in Florida is One Step Away From the Governor's Desk

HB-943 Passes in House Floor Vote by Huge Margin

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 27, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tens of thousands of Floridians will be affected if House Bill-943 passes into law, ultimately eliminating permanent alimony and changing the face of family law for decades to come. The FL House of Representatives passed HB-943 favorably in a 93-22 vote on Friday (April 24th). Supporters of alimony reform say, there is one more hurdle to jump before the lead bill hits Governor Rick Scott's desk.

"I'm an older woman who happens to pay permanent alimony," says Tari MacMillan, a female alimony payer who says she—and thousands of others like her (many women and men)—have suffered enough. "I'm 64-years-old and have been paying fifteen years on a 13 year marriage. My ex-husband, who does not work, receives 65% of what I earn and I receive 35% of what I earn, after 12 years of litigation!" MacMillan, shared her plight with members of the FL Senate Appropriations Committee last week at a hearing taking place several days before the FL House floor voted on HB-943. MacMillan believes the Senate Appropriations Committee vote in favor of SB-1248 (12-6), along with HB-943 (93-22) passing favorably on the FL House floor—are pivotal points in the process of reforming alimony and hopes a similar outcome will take place if Senate adopts the House Bill for a floor vote shortly.

MacMillan is a member of Family Law Reform (FLR), the largest advocacy group of its kind, representing more than 13,000 members in Florida. FLR Co-Founder, Alan Frisher also gave his testimony at the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing last week, "Our own governor's Let's Get To Work winning campaign slogan is testament to this bill," says Frisher. "Current law doesn't allow people to get back to work and take responsibility for themselves. If you are a receiver of alimony you don't want to work in fear of losing your alimony gravy train. If you pay alimony you don't want to work because you are fearful of being brought back into court because you are making more money."

Bill sponsor, Senator Kelli Stargel telling committee members, "This bill is very clear. It's looking at concrete factors and has been a solid collaboration with the Florida Bar."

Thomas Sasser of the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar, also spoke before the committee saying, "This is something the Florida Law Section supports. This has been a product of compromise and balance."

Founded in 2010, Family Law Reform, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation created to change our state's antiquated alimony laws. Based in Tavares, Florida, FLR represents more than 13000 members across Florida. For more information about Family Law Reform, please visit