Report from the Annual General Meeting of Indutrade AB on 29 April 2015

Indutrade’s Annual General Meeting was held on 29 April 2015, at IVA’s
Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm.

The AGM resolved on dividends of SEK 7.75 per share. The record date for the
dividends was set to 4 May 2015. Dividends are expected to be distributed via
Euroclear Sweden on 7 May 2015.

Fredrik Lundberg, Bengt Kjell, Johnny Alvarsson, Eva Färnstrand, Ulf Lundahl,
Krister Mellvé and Lars Pettersson were re-elected as directors. Katarina
Martinson was elected as new board member. Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected as
chairman of the board.

The AGM resolved to adopt guidelines for remuneration and other terms of
employment of the senior executives, mainly stipulating that remuneration will
normally consist of a fixed amount and a variable amount, in line with market
terms and based on competence, responsibility and achievement. The resolved
guideline gives the possibility to pay cash remuneration for senior executives’
acquisition of shares or share related instruments, amounting to 15 per cent of
the fixed salary. Non-monetary benefits and pension benefits for senior
executives should correspond to what can be considered to be reasonable
according to market practice where the respective executive is active.

More information about the AGM is available at the company and on the company’s
website:, under Investor relations/AGM/AGM 2015.

Stockholm on 30 April 2015

Indutrade AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Lundberg, Chairman of the Board, tel + 46 8 463 06 00 or Johnny
Alvarsson, President and CEO, tel +46 70 589 17 95.
About Indutrade
Indutrade markets and sells components, systems and services with a high-tech
content within selected niches. Indutrade’s business is distinguished by Hhgh
-tech products for recurring needs, growth through a structured and tried-and
tested acquisition strategy and a decentralised organisation characterised by an
entrepreneurial spirit.

The Group is organised into six business areas: Engineering & Equipment, Flow
Technology, Fluids & Mechanical Solutions, Industrial Components, Measurement &
Sensor Technology and Special Products. Indutrade’s sales totalled SEK 9,746
million in 2014, generating operating income of SEK 1,134 million before
depreciation of intangible assets. Indutrade is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm.

