Non-banking Assets Sales Agreements have been signed

Šiauliai, Lithuania, 2015-05-04 07:30 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

On 30 April 2015  Žalgirio Sporto Arena UAB, Investicinio Turto Valdymas UAB and Trade Project UAB, subsidiary companies of Šiaulių Bankas AB, signed the agreements on the basis of which the real estate objects located among Olimpiečių, Rinktinės  and Šeimyniškių streets in Vilnius were sold to Promola UAB belonging to the Hanner Group. Žalgirio stadium, other multi-purpose constructions  and  plots of land held for sale located in 8 hectares of territory are non-banking assets that have been assumed together with another part of assets from the failed Ūkio bankas.

A total amount of transactions exceeds 40 million euros (VAT is not included). The aforementioned non-banking asset sales transactions shall improve the structure of the Bank Group assets and positively impact the performance indicators.

Chief Executive Officer         Vytautas Sinius

         Chief Executive Officer Vytautas Sinius shall provide the additional information and is available on tel. +370 5 2362 209.