Arch Mortgage Insurance Company Presents TRID Training Conducted by Industry Training Expert and SVP of Morf Media Inc.

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., May 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Morf Media Inc., leader in enterprise compliance training for the mobile workforce, today announced Arch Mortgage Insurance Company has invited industry expert and Morf Media, Inc. SVP of e-Learning Ginger Bell, to present an overview of TILA-RESPA (TRID). Register for the session here.

Mortgage originators and real estate agents will gain insights and training to prepare for the new processes, deadlines and archiving rules associated with the upcoming TRID integrated disclosure rule to take effect on August 1, 2015. The training helps industry professionals make sense of the major 1800 page rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which mandates significant process and communication changes. In a step by step process, the training shows how attendees can become experts on the new rule and obtain essential support tools for meeting TRID compliance.

"Arch MI is focused on providing simple and clear mortgage insurance industry solutions using proven systems supported by experienced professionals who make our customers our top priority and provide outstanding service with a personal touch," said Richard Izen, EVP, chief sales and marketing officer at Arch MI. "TRID training provided by an industry expert, such as Ginger Bell, is another way we can show our support as partners in the mortgage lending and real-estate industry. This training offers an opportunity to enhance service excellence across the industry. We believe in delivering the best services and communications that help our clients achieve their goals in an effective way."

Train the Trainer Expertise Helps Your Partners Be More Effective

TRID consolidates four existing disclosures for closed-end credit transactions secured by real property. The forms being replaced by TRID are:

  • Good Faith Estimate (GFE)
  • Initial Truth-in-Lending Disclosure
  • HUD-1 Settlement Statement
  • Final Truth-in-Lending Disclosure

In their place, TRID mandates the use of two disclosures: a three-page loan estimate and a five-page closing disclosure. The free Train-the-Trainer events will provide a step-by-step approach to help trainers and company managers know about the mandated changes while ensuring their loan origination software is up-to-date.

For industry professionals who cannot attend the event, training is available in its entirety online via Morf Learning, award-winning enterprise training platform for mobiles. Morf Learning is optimized to make enterprise compliance training effective for professionals on the go. It includes a library of certified course content that is delivered in an innovative way to delight and engage employees, partners and administrators with its playbooks for compliance success. It offers powerful analytics engines that show an individual's progress, strengths and areas needed for improvement, proof of examination for audits and more.

For more information about piloting Morf Learning, please visit Morf Media invites industry training experts to contact us to learn more about the benefits of delivering enterprise training with Morf Learning.

About Morf Media, Inc.

Morf Media, Inc., developer of Morf Learning,™ mobile platform as a service, simplifies enterprise compliance training for companies and the mobile workforce in highly regulated industries. Founded in 2013 by a seasoned management team with expertise in developing start ups, Morf Learning is in pilot with more than 100 companies and content expert partners in the financial services and life sciences industries. Morf Learning streamlines the processes for authoring and deploying certified compliance content. Morf Playbooks--three minute courses with gamification and smart analytics deliver a more effective and fun way to engage in training. Its digital platform offers centralized reporting for managing governance, regulatory and compliance training on a sustained basis. Morf Learning turns compliance training into playbooks for business in highly regulated industries.

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